Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 616 I Curse You To Death!

Chapter 616 I Curse You To Death!

Sean's mental strength was recovered.

He closed his eyes tightly, and continued to maintain the existence of the emerald dream channel with himself and the dream guardian staff as guides.

And the green dragon queen Ysera, the king of guardian dragons who had met once, finally came to the world of Aegwynn and Sargeras.

The five guardian dragon kings are all equivalent to high-level demigods, at the same level as the four elemental lords.Only Deathwing, who later plundered the dragon soul, relied on the power given to him by the dragon soul and the fall, which allowed him to surpass the guardian dragon king and the four elemental lords, and reached a higher level.

A level that can rival Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

The five former guardian dragon kings were all creatures above level 30. The red dragon queen is the strongest, the blue dragon king and bronze dragon king are slightly worse, the black dragon king is worse, and the green dragon queen is even worse.

But even the Green Dragon Queen's creature level exceeds level 30.

But it is different now.

Back then, following Deathwing's suggestion, several guardian dragon kings injected part of their own power into the dragon soul, causing their strength to drop a lot.

Today's Green Dragon Queen has a biological level of only 29.

But when she summons the Emerald Dream to descend, her strength will surpass any dragon king except Deathwing.

What descended, of course, could not be the entire Emerald Dreamland.

Otherwise, the world created by Aegwynn and Sargeras would explode instantly like a snake swallowing an elephant.

What the Green Dragon Queen summoned was part of the power of the Emerald Dream.

Even so, this is equivalent to natural magic energy above level 30, even more than the total energy of Karazhan and Karazhan Karazhan combined.

At this moment, the creature level of the Green Dragon Queen has reached level 30 or above.

This is an extremely high level.

It is said that the Green Dragon Queen relying on the Emerald Dream will be an invincible existence. On the planet Azeroth, no one can defeat her, not even the more powerful Deathwing.

The former Green Dragon Queen has the ability to completely descend the entire Emerald Dream.

But when she infused some of her power into the Dragon Soul, she could only bring down half of the Emerald Dream.

However, today's Emerald Dream has been completely corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare. The Green Dragon Queen is no longer the sole ruler of the Emerald Dream. The power of the Nightmare King Harveys is gradually increasing, and even surpassed Yi in terms of absolute strength. Sera.

The Emerald Dream is so dangerous, but the Green Dragon Queen still agreed to Sean's request and left the Emerald Dream at the risk of danger because Sean also agreed to her request.

Now that the matter is over, he will immediately go to the Emerald Dreamland to help the green dragons and druids wake up the archdruid Malfurion, and at the same time find a way to destroy Harveys, the king of nightmares.

The green natural magic energy directly descended on this world, creating a world belonging to the Emerald Dream, which was on par with the worlds of Aegwynn and Sargeras.

Sean regained his half-elf form, looked at the world with three distinct colors, and let out a sigh of relief.

This ray of soul of Sargeras must die at this time.

All of this was probably what Medivh wanted to see.

The wisdom and layout of that astral mage is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

As the greatest prophet on the planet Azeroth, he may have seen a corner of the future of Azeroth, even more clearly than the bronze dragons, so he made so many arrangements.

Sean is an ordinary person, without such extraordinary wisdom and vision to see the future, so he decided to be an executor rather than a decision maker.

The battle in Karazhan lasted a whole day and night.

Even with the participation of the Green Dragon Queen, the battle had already had a clear advantage, but it still lasted so long, because Sargeras was really hard to kill.

If you want to kill him, you need to pay a great price.

Hundreds of years ago, when Aegwynn "killed" the clone of Sargeras, the price he paid was the demise of the Tirisfal Council and the opening of the Dark Portal, which was a major change in the entire pattern of Azeroth.

But this time, she also had to pay a huge price.

Aegwynn is undoubtedly a very remarkable female mage, and she is one of the people most likely to threaten Sargeras in the future, and because she has fought against Sargeras twice, so in the case of death, Sargeras With this sliver of soul, and the power of the entire Reverse Karazhan, two things were done.

Karazhan was completely destroyed.

Sargeras used the power against Karazhan to destroy himself and Karazhan.

What was destroyed was not the towering and dilapidated mage tower, nor the old and dilapidated magic books in the mage tower, or anything else, but Karazhan's protective barrier, and Karazhan as one of the most important magic network nodes. a special status.

It was he who made this place a magic net node, for all subsequent arrangements.

Now that even his soul is about to die completely, all previous arrangements will come to an end. He will never leave this magic net node to his enemies, so he wants to destroy it.

The broken evil magic energy and the broken arcane magic energy lost the shackles of Karazhan's protective barrier, and drifted to farther places at a faster speed.

Sargeras' purpose is simple.

He wants to use evil magic energy to destroy the nearby land, and also to make Karazhan's arcane magic energy disappear, so that he can no longer create a new man-made magic god to deal with himself.

Then, Sargeras did the second thing.

He cursed Aegwynn with his own soul, causing her body to age rapidly. The previous 800 years of eternal youth will disappear in the next day, and Aegwynn will die in one day. There is no way to save her. Not even the Green Dragon Queen or the Red Dragon Queen can do it.

Aegwynn's soul will perish forever.

After doing these two things, Sargeras' soul completely disappeared.

The broken energy spread here, but the Green Dragon Queen sensed the events of the Emerald Dream.

"Haves, the Nightmare King, is spreading the Emerald Nightmare on a large scale while I'm away. The situation in the Emerald Dreamland is not optimistic. If something happens to the Emerald Dreamland, the entire Azeroth will be destroyed. This matter is far more important than dealing with the broken energy here. , I must leave."

The Green Dragon Queen looked at Aegwynn, shook her head and said: "The curse of Sargeras cannot be lifted, you still have one day. I will give you a blessing to extend this time to seven days. If you still have unfinished business, Hurry up and do it."

A sad atmosphere filled the air, and Sean's eyes were slightly red.

Med'an was already sobbing.

(End of this chapter)

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