Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 606 Those Intruders and Defenders of Karazhan

Chapter 606 Those Intruders and Defenders of Karazhan
The creaking sound of the old and dilapidated wooden door sounds so creepy.

It was so quiet outside of Karazhan, deathly still.

But across the door, Karazhan was extremely lively. One after another, silent images floated in and out of the window, and various illusions danced between the terrace and the wall.

When the three of Sean walked into the gate, they saw figures one after another, as if they were alive.

These are not ghosts, but silhouettes of poetic days gone by.

This Karazhan is like a living thing, with its own memory.And those remaining memories were released by evil magic energy and realized.

Residents of Duskwood and Redridge Mountains, who believe Karazhan is horribly cursed for Medivh's death, never understand that what makes Karazhan so special is Karazhan itself.

Karazhan is not completely closed.

In recent years, many adventurers and people with ulterior motives entered Karazhan, but almost none of them came out alive.

Karazhan does not reject outside visitors, but if you do not enter through the gate, but climb in through holes in the windows and walls, then it will definitely not be polite to you.

Those illusions are enough for you to drink a pot!
One phantom after another appeared in front of Xiao En and the others.

Sean was a little curious about this, but Medivh turned a blind eye.

Aegwynn has never been a person who likes to recall. In her mind, the word "reminiscence" does not exist, and her eyes always only look forward.

She doesn't want to recall, and she doesn't like to see other people's memories, even the memories of this mage tower.

So she snorted coldly, the arcane magic energy swept across like a hurricane, and those phantoms disappeared one by one.

But it didn't work.

Just disappeared temporarily.

They may reappear at any time.

Aegwynn may be able to erase the memory of many powerful beings, but she cannot erase the memory of Karazhan.

Entering the door, taking the stairs, and going upstairs, they soon encountered the first stronger guy.

Attumen the hunter.

He used to be a bandit who broke into Karazhan, and was later transformed by Medivh's magic into what he is today.

Unlike those manifested visions, Attumen is an undead.

Undead do exist.

Medivh's evil magical energy endowed him with great power and resurrected a skeletal steed for him.

A war horse named Midnight.

Medivh did possess unearthly magical powers. Because of the guy he transformed on a whim, he possessed very powerful power and was difficult to deal with.

Of course, that is for ordinary people.

Guys like Attumen are nothing in Aegwynn's eyes.

She didn't even bother to make a move.

It was Sean who shot.

A ball of flames burned Attumen's body, and he wailed in pain. Those screams had an effect similar to that of the "banshee's scream". Fear arises inside.

The war horse named "Midnight" was also burned by Sean.

If it was him a year ago, he would definitely find a way to take the Midnight War Horse for his own use, because this war horse, before he came to this world, has been obsessed with him, but he has never had it.

But it is different now.

He despised the war horse.

He has higher aspirations.

The second opponent is Moros, the steward of Karazhan.

Former housekeeper.

Long before Medivh died, he had already died, and it was said that he died in Medivh's hands, and no one knew the exact circumstances.

Before he was alive, Moros was an ordinary person who didn't know any combat skills or spells, but he was an excellent housekeeper and always managed Karazhan in an orderly manner.

He loves cleaning and keeps Karazhan clean and spotless at all times.

Now he is dead, transformed into an undead stalker under the influence of evil magic.

Although reason and memory disappeared together, he still remembered his duty.

Today's Karazhan is full of dust everywhere. The intruding adventurers and raging undead make it a mess.

Moros wanted to clean up as usual, but couldn't do it.

This is no longer the former Karazhan, but a dark and evil place.

Aegwynn still ignored him, just glanced at him.

Although this female sorcerer with eyes above the top has been to Karazhan and met Moros, how could she notice a low-status butler?What's more, at that time, she wanted to teach Medivh a lesson, let alone pay attention.

It was Sean who made the move.

He let Moros rest in eternal peace, and let out a sigh.

No matter what, no matter how great things Medivh does in the future, even if he defeats evil and saves countless planets, it cannot cover up the mistakes he made and the people he killed.

Many people, Moros is just one of them.

Karazhan is a mysterious place where various energies are mixed. There are not only evil magic energy, arcane magic energy, but also the power of holy light.

Weird, but true.

In one area, there is a ten-meter-tall giant, which looks very much like an ancient Titan creation, but in fact, it is not the case.

She is called "The Maiden of Chastity" and is a creation of Medivh.

There is no doubt that Medivh, who is dominated by the soul of Sargeras, has mastered some of the knowledge of the Titans, and in a certain experiment, created the Virgin of Chastity.

She is a creature that wields the Holy Light, and she also has a huge healing one-handed hammer in her hand.

The huge and hard body endows her with extremely strong attack and defense power, but also makes her agility very low.

And she is full of holy light, like a legendary holy priest, with a very powerful healing ability.

The Virgin of Chastity is an anomaly.

Karazhan is full of evil and death, but here is the only holy light in the entire mage tower.

Sean sometimes thought that Medivh must have dominated his body when he created the Virgin of Chastity, and the birth of the Virgin of Chastity was a manifestation of the light in his heart.

Xiao En defeated the Virgin of Chastity and collected her in the Space Fortress.

This is not because of sympathy, but because Xiao En found traces of Titan rune technology on the body of the chaste maiden.

Sean hoped that Chrissick could study the Holy Maiden of Chastity carefully, and draw inferences from her, which must be helpful to his research on Titan runes.

Go further up and you will arrive at the Opera House.

In the past years, the opera house in Karazhan was always full of seats. Those mages and nobles from all over the world were proud to come to Karazhan to enjoy the opera. Here is the best opera performer in the entire Eastern Kingdom, Medivon himself, Just a very good playwright.

Today's opera house is nothing but an illusion.

The Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood appear day after day, Romeo and Juliet take poison and die again and again, and the story of The Wizard of Oz repeats itself again and again.

But there is no audience anymore.

Sean and the others didn't stay here.

The remaining illusions are not their goal.

Their goals are still up there.

Go up the stairs to the library.

(End of this chapter)

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