Chapter 577
Sean, who has become an Archdruid, can fuse the souls of the four nightmare green dragons at the same time, transforming into a legendary green dragon.

And it's not limited.

The creature level of the green dragon form will not be limited to level 21, but will become higher and higher with the enhancement of the nightmare four green dragon souls and the improvement of Sean's own druid level.

Even now, the legendary green dragon he transformed into has a creature level of level 24.

Very powerful.

When Sean told Aegwynn the news that he had become an Archdruid, it immediately caught Aegwynn's attention.

The most powerful mortal female mage in history gave orders directly to Sean:
She asked Sean to go to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj immediately and follow her to learn arcane magic knowledge.

When the time is right, take him to Karazhan, and use the energy of Karazhan to let him advance quickly and become a legend.

Karazhan is one of the most amazing buildings in the world. Even though Medivh absorbed most of the power after his resurrection, what he absorbed basically belonged to what collapsed into Karazhan when he died. Guardian energy.

As for the energy accumulated in Karazhan itself, some of it remains.

Even if only a small part remains, it is enough to push Xiao En to a very high level, possessing more powerful mana than most legendary mages.

Sean refused with a wry smile.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.

He still has a lot to do in Outland.

The Serpent Temple has not yet been captured, and the Dark Temple has not yet been captured.

The crystals in Blade's Edge Mountain still need to be collected to build the Holy Tower of the Endless Void.

The ancient Apexis ruins still need to be excavated, and the energy of the Netherstorm still needs to be collected.

There are too many things.

Sean is helpless.

Shawn returned to Cenarion Sanctuary after rejecting Aegwynn.

The birth of a new Archdruid, even in the entire Cenarion Council, is considered a big event.

The career path of the Archdruid is very difficult, and this is a profession that is very dependent on talent.With the accumulation of tens of thousands of years, the number of archdruids in the Cenarion Council has not exceeded the 20 mark. Every archdruid has their own things to do and are very busy.

This has led to the entire Cenarion Sanctuary, and now there is not a big druid sitting in charge.

As a member of the Cenarion Council, Sean has now advanced to become an Archdruid. He has naturally become the leader of the Cenarion Sanctuary, responsible for all command work against the Viper Temple and Ms. Vashj.

He became a veritable commander.

The Serpent's Temple is in Coilfang Reservoir in Zangarmarsh.

It is the largest lake in Outland and the area with the richest water source. It holds more than 80% of the water in Outland and is the most important resource for Outland ecology. Therefore, Vashj's behavior of occupying and gathering water sources has caused Cenarion Council and Shattrath to Dissatisfaction with the current joint action.

Sean wasn't too nervous.

Compared to Kael'thas, Ms. Vashj is much easier to deal with.

This naga sea witch with a creature level of around 24 or 25 is more powerful than Jaina in terms of arcane magic, especially water elemental specialization, but she is only one of Queen Azshara's side after all. As a maid, her status is far less noble than that of Kael'thas, so she doesn't have enough powerful legendary equipment to protect her body.

The Viper Temple is just a simple building built in the Coil Fang Reservoir, far from being comparable to the Naaru spaceship "Storm Fortress".

More importantly, Kael'thas and his blood elves took over Tempest Keep, and extended their hands into the three sub-ships, while Vashj and her Naga troops have not been able to occupy the entire Coil Tooth Reservoir.

As the supreme commander of the coalition forces, Sean quickly formulated a war strategy.

War is not a battle of several people, it involves all aspects, which makes Sean feel a little tired.

This made him understand that as a commander, he only has the ability to command his followers, and commanding troops should be left to professional soldiers.

There are four areas in Coilfang Reservoir, among which the Serpent Temple is the base camp of Vashj and Naga, while the Steam Vault, Underbog and Slave Pens are the other three areas.

The Steam Vault is a crucial area. The naga use the steam pump there to draw the water source of the entire Zangar Marsh. Their intentions are very sinister. The naga there must be cleared, but it must be put at the end, because the entrenched There are many nagas there.

The Underbog is the colony of the native creatures of the Coilfang Reservoir. Because there are many ancient legendary creatures entrenched, and there is nothing too important in it, so the naga did not try to occupy it, but only sent a small number of naga into it , guarding the Hydra Ghazan.

In the slave pen, a large number of native intelligent life forms were imprisoned, which was ruled by the Naga.Lobsters, flying eels, and swamp giants are the main creatures here, and naga are the patrollers and regulators.

Sean decides to attack the slave pens first.

He wants to rescue the imprisoned protozoa, and then unite them and use their power to attack the Steam Vault, destroy the steam pump there, and return the extracted water to the Zangar Swamp, so that the ecology of the Zangar Swamp can be improved. Guaranteed, return to balance.

Finally, he will lead the druids of the Cenarion Council, together with the Sha'tar Skyguard, into the Coilfang Reservoir to challenge Lady Vashj and her leaders.

Deep underground of Panya Reservoir, there are intertwined roots, twists and turns, various caves and passages, which make people who don't know what's inside feel dizzy. A person who has never been here before can easily get lost in it.

Even Sean couldn't remember all the caves and passages. Fortunately, the Cenarion Council had sent druids into it to scout for information and brought some useful information.

For this attack, Sean followed an elite strategy, bringing only about 100 elite troops, Paul's [-] high-level and mid-level druids, and [-] members of the Shatar Sky Guard.

He didn't want to alarm Ms. Vashj.

He hoped that every contact war would end quickly, with the help of the complex geographical environment, to gradually eliminate the vital forces of the naga.

Sean has a great idea.

Especially in the slave pen, when he and his troops killed the traitor Mennu, the liberated native creatures, under the appeasement of the druids, formed an alliance with them to help them go deep into the slave pen, and Quickly defeated the big lobster Rukhmar and the swamp giant Quagrila, completing the complete liberation of the slave pen.

Then, after a brief rest, they entered the Steam Vault.

(End of this chapter)

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