Chapter 452 The Mermaid Arrives
"What do you think the lord will do with that mermaid?"

"Who knows, but I think it should be severely punished. Whoever let that mermaid almost hurt Lord Ge Yin and insulted Lord Lord all the way, if it were me, I would not let him go easily!"

"Don't dare to do anything, but want to snatch the lord away. If I was there at that time, I would definitely go up and beat him up! Let him know how powerful our land females are!"

"It's a pity that the lord is still too kind. Faced with this kind of guy, he just locked him up and didn't allow us to touch him."

"That's right, the lord Lord is just too kind to let Lord Ge Yin kill him directly."

"However, I guess the lord should have other plans for doing this. When you go back, remember to tell Asen and the others not to make trouble with the lord. The lord's temper has not been as good as before."

"Don't worry, I've already told them about it."

The females, each carrying a bucket of water, walked and chatted without lowering their voices. The mermaids hiding in the shadows by the river naturally heard their conversations clearly.

The mermaids who got the specific news immediately swam back to the sea non-stop, but what they didn't know was that after they left, the two females carrying the bucket gradually slowed down and finally stopped in the shadow behind the tree.

A figure stepped out from the darker shadow, and the faint blue moonlight fell on her red skirt, casting a shadow about two meters long in front of her.

Qingci looked at the sparkling river through the bushes enough to hide her figure, lowered her head and smiled appreciatively at the two nervous females, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, go back and have a good rest Bar."

Under the hazy moonlight with their own beauty filters, the two females who faced the beauty crit instantly blushed. They responded in a low voice excitedly, regardless of whether the water in the bucket in their hands would Spilled out, holding hands and hurried away.

After leaving Qingci's line of sight, the two females gradually stopped, panting: "Why? The lord is obviously the same female as us, seeing her smile at me, my heart is still pounding .”

"But the lord is really good-looking, isn't he! If the lord hadn't said that only Lord Ge Yin should be alone, I would have confessed my love to the lord long ago." The other female said shyly and longingly.

"What?! Such an important matter, you actually kept it so tight! It's a pity that I still regard you as my best friend."

"It's all in the past, so don't worry about it. Let's go back quickly, and we can see the lord in the best posture tomorrow~"

"Just this once."

The two females walked away talking and laughing, and General Qingci, who was still in place, confirmed his future plan with Yan and the others before walking home slowly.

The house that has been almost built and only needs to be smoothed in the rough places stands quietly under the moonlight, waiting for its owners to move in.

Qingci pushed open the door, and the candles in the room flickered with her movement of pushing the door, and then returned to its original state.

Ge Yin was lying on the bed with his back to her, his slightly messy red hair was spread outside the animal skin quilt, and there was a small piece of green leaf on the end, and he didn't know where he took it.

When Qing Ci passed by Ge Yin, she bent down and took off the small green leaf, then walked on and returned to her bed.

Since the incident with Jia Selan, although Ge Yin still took good care of her in life, he was not as clingy to her as before. As long as he did not leave the tribe, he generally would not follow her.

Qing Ci knew that Ge Yin was angry with what she had done before, and her attitude of not taking herself seriously at all made him even more angry.

But Qingci is not going to apologize, because she doesn't think there is anything wrong with what she did, even if this body is her future self, it is her who is controlling it now, and she has the right to decide what she does.

And although it is possible for him to gradually return to his original self, there is no precedent for this kind of thing. Who can guarantee that the final result will be as Ge Yin guessed?
Qingci has the right to decide what he wants to do, what he wants to do, instead of being a domesticated caged animal.

The candle was extinguished. In the darkness, Ge Yin opened his eyes, but there was no trace of sleepiness in his eyes.

As time passed and the stars moved, the night passed very quietly.

The first cock crow sounded, and then different cock crows sounded one after another. The quiet tribe was like a creature waking up from sleep, making different sounds one after another.

The orcs who went to fetch water by the river ran back in a panic, saying that a large group of mermaids had come in the river, and asked the lord to take their people to the river by name.

Qing Ci, who had already guessed what would happen today, came late, and Ge Yin followed behind her with a blank face, and Jia Selan, who was extremely haggard and weak after being imprisoned, was curled around her tail.

Knowing that there are menacing mermaids coming, the orcs who wanted to find the lord gathered together to watch not far from the shore.

The two sides looked at each other, the orcs on the land disliked the mermaids, a group of male beasts, who were more delicate than the females, while the mermaids disliked the females on the land, who were as ugly as before, and not at all fair and beautiful like their females.

No one wanted to talk to the other party, but whispered to the orcs on their side, but the scrutiny and disgust in their eyes could not be concealed.

As there were more and more orcs on the shore, but it was a long time before they saw the lord they were talking about, the mermaids gradually became agitated, and the anger that had been suppressed was about to explode.

Finally, the mermaid couldn't stand it anymore and waited like this.

"Why hasn't your lord come here yet?! Are you kidding us? Believe it or not, you won't be able to exchange any salt in the future, and you will be kicked out?!"

The person in charge of the mermaid didn't make a sound to stop it, which was obviously their idea.

"Go ahead, you just don't know if your clansman who wants to take our lord away can bear our revenge." With Qingci's advance notice, the orcs were not in vain, and directly responded with the same attitude went back.

Although the stream tribe has been injured, there are still many types of orcs in the tribe, such as bird orcs, which are enough to see the actions of the mermaids clearly when patrolling.

And the mermaids probably didn't expect that there would be birds orcs in the stream tribe, so they didn't hide their search, and the eagle beasts saw it clearly.

Qingci, who learned about this from Yan, soon had a plan, especially lax inspections, and inadvertently leaked conversations, all in order to let the mermaids know that their lost clansmen are with them.

The arrival of the mermaids today proves that Qingci's plan has succeeded.

 Thank you "*玉洁月*雪苦心*" for voting for a monthly ticket, stick it~
(End of this chapter)

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