Chapter 287 was born
Lesen has seen such a situation on Lan Yan countless times. From the surprise at the beginning to the indifference now, all he has left in his heart is silent mourning for the beast deceived by Lan Yan's pretended appearance.

Hypocrisy, liar.

This is the new label La Sen gave to Lan Yan.

Always pretend to be well-behaved in front of others, and everything he does is purposeful, but he can always stop before touching the bottom line of others.

Because nothing she does can harm her fundamental interests, the orcs are quite tolerant of her every move.After all, a beautiful female acting like a baby in front of you is really quite a temptation for a male beast.

Walking slowly back to the residence, Lan Yan felt that it would not be so hard to walk around among the zombies, but if she didn't go out for a walk, she would feel bored and uncomfortable.

——When will this kind of day be the end?

Sitting on a special small chair, Lan Yan, who took a bath slowly, put on a set of loose clothes, opened the curtain and walked out.

Sitting on the ground with his back to the curtain, Le Sen got up and followed behind Lan Yan.After Lan Yan lay down on the bed, he changed back into the animal shape and lay down on the grass beside him.

Originally, Le Sen was not allowed to enter the room, but considering that the delivery period was approaching, if he was alone, he might not be able to get immediate help if something happened, Lan Yan thought about it, and finally let him live in.

And Le Sen also understood what Lan Yan meant. After moving in, he kept his duty and never did anything overstepping Lan Yan, which made Lan Yan feel at ease a lot.

It is inconvenient for her to move her hands when she is pregnant. If Le Sen wants to force it, she will be suppressed by the other party without defense. It is hard to say what will happen then. Fortunately, Le Sen is not a lustful person guy.

Amidst the chirping of insects, the night grew thicker, and the noisy city of beasts gradually became quieter.

In the darkness, the sound of Xixi Suso kept ringing.

Le Sen, who was awakened by the noise, looked up and saw Lan Yan constantly changing the movements of his limbs, the hands on both sides of his body were tightly clutching the animal skin under his body, and the blood vessels were slightly protruding.

—Have you had a nightmare?

Lesen got up and walked towards Lan Yan, lowered his head and pushed her arm, trying to wake Lan Yan from the nightmare.

Lan Yan's breathing became rapid, and finally opened his eyes suddenly in a rapid inhalation.

There were bursts of pain in the lower abdomen, Lan Yan raised his hand to cover his stomach, his brows were tightly frowned, and a thin layer of sweat broke out from his forehead.

"Have you had a nightmare? Do you want some water?" After Lan Yan had recovered his breath, Lesen asked.

The heat flowed out of her body with the swelling pain, Lan Yan's face turned pale, she bit her lower lip, and grabbed Le Sen's front paw, "Quick! Call someone! I should give birth!"

The swelling pain became more and more severe, and evolved into labor pains. The fine sweat on Lan Yan's forehead grew more and more, and he let go of Le Sen's front paws, and the hand that was holding the animal skin under his body became more and more forceful.

Le Sen was taken aback, but he quickly realized that he turned around and ran out of the house, towards the veterinarian's residence.

The amniotic fluid gradually soaked the animal skin under the buttocks, and the pain became more and more intense. Lan Yan's fingers holding the animal skin were already turning white, and the ferocious veins bulged, making her frail and terrifying.

The news that Lan Yan was about to give birth was like a bomb, turning the quiet night into a noisy and chaotic one. A large number of orcs, led by Le Sen, rushed towards the residence.

The dark room instantly became brightly lit. Three elderly females with experience in midwifery rushed into the room first, while the other orcs surrounded the room, watching anxiously.

The smell of blood came from the house, accompanied by the cheering sound of the elderly female.


Painful cries came from the room, scaring Le Sen's already hanging heart to almost stop beating. He looked into the room in horror, but he couldn't see anything because of the door.

Heart-piercing shouts came out of the room one after another, like a barbed stick, hitting Le Sen's heart hard, making him anxious and confused.

The orcs, who have never seen such a painful and terrifying female giving birth, watched several females pour out pots of blood, and their hearts gradually cooled down.

——With so much blood, can you still survive?
The shouting became weaker and weaker, and finally there was no sound at all.Lesen didn't know how long he had been standing outside the house, he only knew that his fingers were terribly cold, and his heart felt suffocating.

Larsen could clearly feel that the connection between his beast mark on Lan Yan's body and him was gradually weakening, which symbolized the passing of Lan Yan's life.

The sky is pale, and a new day has begun.

The scene in front of him began to become darker and darker, and Le Sen's feet went limp, and he fell straight forward.

"Lesen!" The orc who was hit hurriedly reached out to support Lesen.

La Sen shook his head feebly, trying to wake himself up. Although the effect was not great, it was good to suppress the dizziness.

The silence in the house is like an omen, telling the tragedy.

Just when Le Sen lost all hope, two loud cries of babies sounded, injecting new colors into his world. It was also at this time that Le Sen discovered that although the connection between the beast mark and him was weak, it was still real. existing.

Not caring about anything else, Lesen rushed into the room, and the strong smell of blood hit his nostrils first, giving him a sense of sight that he accidentally entered the slaughterhouse by mistake.

Such a strong smell of blood also shows how much torture and pain Lan Yan has suffered.

Before Lesen could enter the room, two elderly females came out first, holding a baby with wrinkled skin and red body in their arms.

"Congratulations! It's two little females!" The two elderly females looked excited, as if they had won a billionaire lottery.

After glancing at the two babies in the arms of the elderly female, Le Sen hurried into the room.

In the house, the animal skin where Lan Yan was lying on had been stained red, and the remaining old female was wiping her body with a small piece of animal skin, and the water basin on the side had turned bright red. .

Lan Yan, who made Lesen so worried, was lying with her eyes closed at the moment, gasping, her dark blue curly hair was soaked in sweat, sticking messily to her body.

"How is she?" After saying this, Le Sen realized how much his voice was shaking.

The old female who got a new piece of animal skin wiped the sweat off Lan Yan's forehead, and said with lingering fear: "I've made it through, and if I take good care of it later, it shouldn't take long for me to recover."

(End of this chapter)

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