Chapter 245 Becoming a Tribe Member
Compared with some male beasts who are loyal to the tribe, females have a lower sense of belonging to the tribe. Except for a few tribes and higher-level forces, they have been pampered by the tribe since they were young. Tribal ghosts concept.

Although the business of buying and selling females is rare, it is not uncommon. The salt exchange team led by Regal once brought back females, and the most once reached three.

However, females with weak tribes know that they may have this ending in the future, so they will not have much sense of belonging to the tribe they are staying in.

The tribe of wolf beast females is not what I mentioned above, but the strength of the wolf beast tribe after the attack of the savage beasts is far from as strong as before, even if they go back with great effort to show their loyalty to the tribe , the matter of selling females in exchange for resources will fall on them sooner or later.

At that time, what kind of tribe he will be in is unknown.The orcs of the original tribe always have a superior attitude towards the females bought and sold. Unless they can find a male beast with a high status in the new tribe, it will be quite difficult to fully integrate into the new tribe.

The second is that in order to protect them, their original partners died, were injured, and the surviving partners did not add up to five. How sad and unfortunate this is.

Among them, Bei Lei suffered the most severe casualties.There is only one animal mark that has not disappeared on her body, and this only one is still showing a slightly dim color, which shows that her partner is in a state of life trauma at the moment.

This was the reason why the three females were unconscious for so long.Although the main damage recipient of the disappearance of the beast mark is the male beast, the female who is the leader will always be affected.

In normal times, it would be fine for the female to unilaterally release it, and it would not have any impact on herself, but now it is forcibly released, and the two will definitely be backlashed. The difference is that one has a greater impact and the other has a lesser impact. .

In less than a day, many partners have been lost one after another. Even if the impact is small, the accumulation of layers does not mean that you can bear it and pass it.

It's not that the wolf beast females are cold-blooded and ruthless, but compared to the wolf beast tribe with no future and their partner who doesn't know where they are at the moment, this new tribe that doesn't treat them harshly in terms of basic necessities of life, no matter what, they are the same as they are today There is no harm in offering a little sincerity to the object of attachment.

And just as Qingci said, if they, who have been labeled as the Xiliu Tribe on the surface, are really moved, they must be the ones who regret it, not the betrayed Xiliu Tribe.

The most important thing is that this tribe is guarded by five-striped snake beasts and Qingci who don't know how strong they are. Their joining this tribe has more advantages than disadvantages.

Unlike the male beasts with powerful combat power, they who were pampered by the tribe did not have much ability to survive in the wild. Even if the wolf beasts in the team left with them, so what, if they encountered danger, they might not be able to resist it. how long.

Since there is no way to leave, the only option left is to belong to the Stream Tribe.

Maybe they still have the desire to escape here, but before this desire can be realized, they will try their best to integrate into the stream tribe and become a part of the current tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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