Chapter 187 Fox Cloud
Although this tribe looks crude, it is still a commercial tribe, and there are still vacant houses for people to live in temporarily.

In order to reduce the possibility of the little female being seen by others, Xie Li deliberately chose a relatively remote house, cleaned it up briefly, and took Nian Shurou to move in.

Nian Shurou is not like Qingci, and she accepts this kind of environment well without a cleanliness.As soon as he entered the room, Nian Shurou quickly took off the thick animal skin cape and threw it aside.

Xie Li picked up the cloak thrown to the ground by Nian Shurou, and followed up in two steps instead of one, saying, "Little female, I'll go hunting later, do you want to come with me?"

Nian Shurou shook his head, "I'll wait for you here."

In the past few days, in order to take care of Xie Li's injuries, Nian Shurou has taken care of eating and driving away wild animals. Although Nian Shurou will also do these tasks in the last days, it is very laborious no matter what.

Now that Xie Li's injury is almost healed, as long as he doesn't encounter any large beasts, he can escape completely. Naturally, Nian Shurou didn't wait for the necessary time to follow Xie Li to protect him.

"Then you have a good rest." Nian Shurou has seen all the cruelty of what he has done in the past few days, and he can understand that Nian Shurou can't explain it, but he can't suppress the loss in his heart.

After Xie Li left, Nian Shurou walked around the room, but couldn't find a bed to sleep on. The only straw bunk where he could lie down and rest was still smelly, so he stayed on it for a second All suffer.

Helpless, Nian Shurou had to rest on a big rock in the house with her eyes closed for a while, planning to wait for Xie Li to come back, and then go outside to find some hay and make a bed.

But it's a pity that Nian Shurou's idea was not realized, because just when she was about to go to sleep, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Nian Shurou frowned slightly, enduring the discomfort of being woken up when he was half asleep and half awake, picked up the cloak stacked on the stone to wrap himself up, and then walked towards the door.

As Nian Shurou approached, the knocking on the door stopped.It seems that there is an orc with good hearing outside the door.

Nian Shurou didn't open the door immediately, but asked through a door, "Who?"

For Nian Shurou's behavior, people outside the door did not find it strange. After all, in this kind of place, being on guard all the time is something that can save one's life at certain times.

"I'm Hu Yun. We don't have any malicious intentions. I just heard that you came to this tribe with a rootless beast, so I want to ask you if you volunteered to follow the rootless beast. If not, we can bring you You go." The voice of the visitor was cool and pleasant, and there was a soothing rhyme when he spoke.

The house was quiet, and just when Hu Yun thought the female in the house didn't want to leave with them, and was about to turn around and leave, the wooden door was suddenly opened a crack.

The gap in the door is not big, and Hu Yun can only see a small part of the room through this gap.

A figure suddenly appeared through the unobstructed door. A female with long chestnut hair looked at them from behind the door. Her amber eyes dimmed the moment she saw the situation outside the door.

Although it was impossible to see exactly what the female behind the door looked like, Hu Yun could tell that this must be a female that only existed in a large tribe or more based on the white skin that was not covered.

It's just that the big tribes around here haven't heard any news about a female being taken away by a rootless beast, so what's going on with this female?Moreover, why did she look disappointed after seeing them?

Thoughts turned and turned in his head, but there was no change on his face, he still had that gentle and refined look, "If you are worried that the Rootless Beast will catch up, then don't worry, our strength is not enough. No less than him."

"Why do you do such a thankless thing? What will you get after taking me away?" Nian Shurou asked after slowly relaxing the hand holding the doorknob.

Although she knew that the probability of this was very small, after hearing this familiar voice, Nian Shurou said that it was a lie that she was not excited, but when she calmed down after being excited, she knew it was just a misunderstanding, but she still couldn't help it Open the door to confirm.

(End of this chapter)

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