Chapter 179 The Runaway Nian Shurou
Sensing this through the vines lurking underground, Nian Shurou, who controlled the movement of the vines, took the initiative to cut off the vines in her hand, turned around and walked away quickly under the cover of the plants.

Her goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue spending time with Xie Li, as long as she is guaranteed not to be discovered by him.

Watching the vines wither at a speed beyond his expectation, Xie Ruo turned into a human form with an extremely ugly expression, like a volcano about to erupt.

"You can't escape." Xie Li murmured, with a sneer on his lips.

In order to prevent Nian Shurou from escaping from him, Xie Li used more than one method of threatening.

In the air, black scales that could not be caught by the naked eye fell on the ground, showing Xie Li a way to Nian Shurou.

As a member of the scorpion family, the black scaled scorpions have a very unique and hidden means of tracking their prey. After finding the prey they want, they will attach their unique scale powder to the prey by marking body.

If the animal escapes from their hands, it can also use the scale powder to continue chasing after it and completely kill the prey.

Of course, this is the method used by the black scaled scorpion to hunt and kill its prey. It is another way of saying it when it is used on Nian Shurou.

In the eyes of the orcs of the Black Scaled Scorpion clan, Nian Shurou at this moment seemed to be rolling in scale powder, his whole body was covered with scale powder, which was impossible for the beasts to ignore.

Looking at the dead vines all over the ground, Xie Li didn't chase after them immediately, but found a new animal skin skirt from the bag and put it on, and then walked towards the direction where Nian Shurou left without haste. go.

The vines led Nian Shurou to turn left and right in the forest for a long time before Nian Shurou slowly slowed down his progress.

With both feet on the stone ground, Nian Shurou took a deep breath, withdrew her ability, and walked in a direction where the vegetation was more lush.

Nian Shurou's shoes were useless a few days ago, and now she has to be extra careful with every step she takes, but in order to keep enough supernatural powers to protect herself, she really can't be as carefree as before. Spend power wisely.

The fair-skinned feet landed on the grass, which was even more white as jade, but the scratches falling from above could be clearly seen.

Instead of a place to sleep at night, Nian Shurou first found a water source where he could wash.Nian Shurou placed the wrinkled and yellowed clothes on the stone by the water, and the cold water overflowed his chest, which made Nian Shurou's tense nerves relax a little.

The palms rubbed her arms over and over again, making her fair arms flushed red, but Nian Shurou seemed to be possessed by a demon, even though her skin had warned her, she didn't stop her movements. disgusting! !

Why?Why her?Why? ! !

Threads of blood melted into the water from the red arm, and were washed away by the stream flowing from above, leaving no trace.

The hands rubbing her neck stopped suddenly, and Nian Shurou crossed her arms and curled herself up into a circle. The cold stream water kept washing over her body, and her long chestnut hair flowed with the stream, covering her face.

The vines stretched out from the stream, forming a circle around Nian Shurou, completely covering up outside prying eyes.

Nian Shurou soaked in the stream for more than half an hour before getting up to get dressed.The washed clothes were half-dried in the sun, and it was not very comfortable to wear, not to mention that Nian Shurou hurt herself, which made it even more torturous.

But at this moment, Nian Shurou, who was still ill, did not regret it. She put on her clothes and continued walking in the direction she had chosen.

(End of this chapter)

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