Chapter 128

There are fungi everywhere in the primitive mountain forest, and Qingci and the others have become more and more proficient at finding fungi, and they can even tell if there are fungi hidden under the rotten leaves with a single glance at the back.

The bamboo basket was quickly filled, and Qingci couldn't use the jade pendant under the eyes of everyone, so he could only run back and forth between the forest and his home.

All kinds of fungi spread out on the ground, and baskets fell down, and the piles were half the height of a person.Qingci sorted them according to the species, then moved them to the river to wash them, and dried them in the sun when the sun was stronger.

Seeing that Qing Ci and Ge Yin had been busy for so long but only picked some unpalatable things, a few orcs couldn't help being curious, and ran up to ask: "Qing Ci, the things you picked are not tasty, And you will die if you eat it, why do you pick so many?"

Since the previous incident ended, the orcs who really accepted Qingci and the other two would often look for opportunities to narrow their relationship with Qingci and the other.

The sense of existence has changed from being ignored by beasts to being noticed by beasts wherever he goes and what he does. Qingci, who has no feeling for this change, has adapted well, but Ge Yin, who is used to being alone, has complained to Qingci several times He was clearly doing what he would normally do, but there were orcs coming to greet him from time to time, which made him feel a little baffled.

Qingci didn't reply: "These are really bad to eat raw, you can try to cook them, the poisonous ones are other fungi, these are edible."

Ever since they discovered that Qingci would have a lot of things they hadn't seen before, and after trying them and getting benefits, more and more orcs began to follow Qingci, but they didn't go whoring for nothing. After getting the corresponding benefits, they would run away Go into the mountains to catch one or two prey and give Qingci as a reward.

The win-win Qing Ci is naturally not stingy. When the orcs ask her for advice, she will carefully tell them some corresponding knowledge to prevent them from overturning due to lack of common sense.

More and more orcs came back from hunting and letting the wind go. Naturally, many of them noticed Qing Ci squatting by the river, and more and more orcs surrounded them. Hearing that the companion who came one step earlier said that this thing was edible, they immediately Many orcs are eager to try.

They were lucky enough to taste the food cooked by Qingci once during the rainy season. Those who tasted it still miss it even now.

And at that time, the other party seemed to have ordered this thing, but at that time, because it smelled too good, and he ate it too eagerly, so he didn't have a chance to distinguish it carefully.

Now they have the opportunity to figure it out, and they may also have the opportunity to taste the food that makes them dream about, and even learn to take this opportunity to offer their favor to the female they like. With so many benefits, how can they not be excited.

In order to solve the surplus food, Qingci boiled a big pot of mushroom broth, and then distributed it to the orcs in the tribe. Qingci didn't know that his actions captured the stomachs of many orcs in an instant, and then made them feel good in the hearts of all the orcs. Sensitivity keeps increasing.

For the orcs who sincerely came to ask for advice, Qing Ci patiently told them how these fungi can be cooked, but in order to prevent some idiots from picking some poisonous fungi to die, Qing Ci directly spoke harsh words , "...Of course, if some of you want to be special, I won't stop you, but I won't collect your corpses for you."

Regarding Qing Ci's merciless warning, all the orcs looked at each other for a moment, then nodded in unison.

It's true that they want to eat delicious food, but they can't do such a stupid thing as losing their lives for a little delicious food.

After knowing which fungi are edible and how to cook them, the orcs surrounding Qingci and the others dispersed one after another, planning to go to the mountains before it was dark.

As a female with a stronger appetite, after hearing that Qingci was preparing a new meal, she immediately started to move, and hurriedly ordered her partner to go to the mountain to pick it and cook it for her.

With Qingci's warning in front, the orcs picked the mushrooms very carefully, for fear that some unfamiliar mushrooms would get in, and those who were more cautious planned to let Qingci show him after they picked it up, so as not to He became what Qing Ci called a fool.

The dried mushrooms are evenly spread on the bamboo sieves, and each bamboo sieve is placed on the shelf. The long-lost sunlight falls on the mushrooms, evaporating the water in their bodies.

Fortunately, these things were put away at the beginning, otherwise she would have to spend some effort to recreate them.

But because there were too many mushrooms picked up, Qingci did not escape the fate of working overtime, so he still had to work overtime and weave a few bamboo sieves out.

Three wooden frames, each with five bamboo sieves, was able to handle all the mushrooms.

Looking at the comforting scene in front of him, Qing Ci wiped the sweat from his face, feeling extremely relaxed.

With this batch of stocks, there is no need to worry that there will be no mushrooms to eat in the next heavy rainy season.

It's a pity that Qing Ci's relaxed mood hadn't been maintained for a day, and was broken by the next "surprise". It turned out that some orcs were poisoned by eating mushrooms.

Looking at the anxious orc in front of him, Qingci's mood changed again and again, and finally he stopped asking 'Which idiot is it'.

Qingci couldn't help but support his forehead when he thought that he had repeatedly told him not to pick and eat randomly when he was talking, and those orcs all looked serious, and then connected it with what happened now.

An idiot is indeed an idiot, no matter how much he reminds him, he can't stop his desire to die.

Although this incident was not caused by her, Qing Ci still went to see what was going on.

"Laiyang, look, there are so many villains dancing." A gray-haired orc lying on the bed pulled his companion with one hand, and pointed at the void with the other, smiling happily, or mentally retarded.

"..." Seeing this scene, Qing Ci didn't know what to say for a while, resisting the urge to exhale the fragrance, Qing Ci said: "Show me what he ate."

"Okay, okay!" The orc, who could only do it anxiously next to him, immediately responded loudly after receiving a clear order.

Although he is the veterinarian of this tribe and has been treating orcs for decades, Bo Ke, who can only do nothing about the mushroom poisoning, looks anxiously at Qing Ci, hoping that she can cure the child.

The orc brought over the oyster mushroom stew that the gray-haired orc had eaten half. Qingci picked up a spoon and stirred it, but found no poisonous fungus.

They are all non-toxic, and it is impossible to be poisoned if eaten.

For a moment, Qingci couldn't figure out why, under the watchful eyes of all the orcs, he scooped up a spoonful of oyster mushrooms and ate it. Can watch Qing Ci chew the oyster mushroom in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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