Chapter 494
Shen Tiantian felt aggrieved when she heard this, well, she didn't embarrass them anymore, she put the brocade box into the hands of the elder, and said reluctantly: "Here, here you go, eat it !"

In fact, Shen Tiantian couldn't help laughing in her heart.The Eighth Elder didn't think too much, and immediately took the pill.

Su Wanzhi refines this kind of elixir for them every year. After taking it, their mana will increase in a short period of time. Now it is an eventful time, so the eight elders ate it immediately without thinking too much about it.

Shen Tiantian watched them eat, and her heart blossomed with joy.However, he still suppressed a smile on the surface.

"If there's nothing else, that's it for today. At noon tomorrow, we will gather at the top of Shengxue Peak." Xiao Jinyu glanced at Shen Tiantian lightly, and after saying this, he left the hall first.

The Eighth Elder still wanted to say something, but when he saw Prince Mo Yu's icy face, he didn't dare to say anything in his heart.After all, tomorrow's matter is more important than getting rid of Shen Tiantian.The Eighth Elder had no choice but to leave panting.

"Mo Yu, prince." Shen Tiantian rubbed against Xiao Moyu, blinking, with a treacherous smile on her face.But in the next second, Shen Tiantian couldn't laugh anymore, because in the blink of an eye, Xiao Moyu had already wrapped her arms around her waist, took her away and flew out of the hall.

People are always afraid when they suddenly fly into the air without preparation, especially when Shen Tiantian is still in a state of trembling.

"Tiantian, are you scared?" Xiao Moyu curled his lips and looked at Shen Tiantian.Because of conditioned reflex, he tightly grabbed the little hand of his collar, and couldn't help laughing. "When did your mental quality become so poor?"

"Who... who is scared? I have lightness kung fu and talent, isn't it just a sudden weight loss, who... who is afraid that who is a puppy." Shen Tiantian tightly grabbed Xiao Moyu's collar, not aware of herself at all. Feeling nervous, Xiao Moyu's silver hair was flying, and she was beyond beautiful.

However, Shen Tiantian didn't care to watch, she still couldn't figure it out, why did Xiao Moyu suddenly take her flying?

"Yes." Xiao Moyu replied with a faint smile, without refuting her.

"Where are you taking me?" Shen Tiantian was still a little cautious, for fear of offending Xiao Moyu.

"Don't go to a good show after doing something good?" Xiao Moyu raised his eyebrows.

" know?" Shen Tiantian smiled in Xiao Moyu's arms. "You allowed me to punish them, don't blame me."

"What did you put in their elixir?"

"It's just some ordinary croton powder. Hey, if you don't have important things tomorrow, I'll make those eight old men unable to get out of bed for three days!" Shen Tiantian said dissatisfied.

Xiao Moyu twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, Xiao Moyu had brought Shen Tiantian to catch up with the eight elders who had gone back. He set up an enchantment around them, so the eight elders couldn't find them at all.

"Elder, it seems that Prince Moyu will not drive away that foreign woman." The third elder said worriedly.

"Hmph, as long as Prince Mo Yu doesn't really marry her, we will drive her out one day, and we can't raise a tiger."

"Yes, I heard people who have been to the human world say that women are the most troublesome. How can our blood of the holy blood be contaminated by those people!"


When Shen Tiantian heard such words, her eyes widened with anger, these stinky old men.Still want to drive her away?snort!

(End of this chapter)

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