Chapter 37
It has to be said that the head teacher's work efficiency is quite high.

In less than half an hour, six people stood up completely, and among them was Chu Zhongtian who had been named by himself.

"Greetings, senior brother." Although everyone is in the foundation building stage, they still respect Zhu Jue enough.

Just before the grand ceremony that day, his miraculous method of controlling the beasts of the Wanshou sect was enough to make them look up to him, even though his cultivation base is not as high as any of them right now.

What was unexpected was that among the five foundation-building monks, there were actually two who knew each other, and one of them was Peng Ye, the first disciple of Dangmo Peak who had challenged him before.

When he came to challenge, the crescent shovel in his hand was broken by "Kongshan Banhao". In his impression, he seemed to be crying and ran away.

As for the other one being Sun Tzu Hong, after an investigation, it was found that he had been released without charge. After seeing Zhu Jue, his face was slightly embarrassed.

He was still brooding about the last grand ceremony, and always thought it was his fault, and he didn't manage his people well, which almost made the whole Xuan Yizong feel ashamed.

I have never seen the remaining three, and they should be as weak as possible, as I requested.

Chu Zhongtian stood alone not far away, holding "Que Xie" in his hand, and kept scanning Zhu Jue without saying a word.

Zhu Jue nodded secretly, the others didn't care, Chu Zhongtian had to come on this trip.

Although they are facing the weak Bailian Demon Cult, it is a Demon Cult organization that has been passed down for more than a thousand years. Without two brushes, they cannot survive until now by hiding in Tibet.

The brainwashing ability of the Bailian Demon Sect is quite terrifying. The place designated by the system is very likely to be the hiding place of a certain branch, so we must guard against it.

If the people sent in the past are taken in again, it will be a loss for his wife and soldiers. Although Zhu Jue doesn't want to complete the task, he also doesn't want to lose the talents of the sect.

That's why I found Chu Zhongtian.

This guy will be a peerless sword fairy in the later generations, with sword energy spanning [-] miles, one person and one sword can single out any one of the ten demons.

The most important thing is that his mind is extremely firm, and he will not be fooled by any external objects at all, which can be regarded as an extremely strong talent.

Ordinary people face the ten demons, and those who are not strong-willed will be frightened to collapse by indescribable fear, which is why they are so powerful.

Chu Zhongtian's talent is the best weapon to fight against the Heavenly Demon.

And this kind of talent is also very good in the face of the Bailian Demon Sect. They were poor in attacking methods, and they devoted themselves to brainwashing. Chu Zhongtian was completely ruthless in facing them, and he led the team. Going there is safe and secure.

However, there is also a downside. It cannot be ruled out that this guy will find their own heels on his own.

I just hope that these members of the Bailian Demon Sect can hide a little deeper, so that they won't be easily found by this killing god, otherwise a sub-forum might not be enough to kill him.

Zhu Jue coughed lightly, planning to assign a task.

"Going to Demon Lotus Mountain this time, everyone must know who the enemy is."

"That's right, it's the Bailian Demon Sect."

"However, the mission of this trip is not to let you wait to eliminate the Demon Cult, but just to let you have a look at their heels."

"I hope you don't make claims without authorization." Zhu Jue deliberately glanced at Chu Zhongtian.

He also looked back, and there was a sharp breath in his eyes, "If I find them, they will die."

Zhu Jue felt that one head and two were big, and it seemed that it would not work to reason with this man, so he could only pin his hopes on the other five heroes.

"Everyone, please keep my words in mind when you go this time."

He took out a huge map from his pocket and placed it in front of everyone, which was drawn by himself.

Pointing to a simple crooked pattern on the top, he said, "Here is the Magic Lotus Mountain."

Everyone looked at the map, and a few black lines suddenly appeared above their heads. His drawing was too simple, and it was hard to tell that it was a mountain.

Zhu Jue pointed to the end of the curved line again, and continued: "Just wait here and wait for orders."

"Follow this line and go back and forth to inspect Bailidi repeatedly. Don't take too many actions, lest you startle the snake."

Everyone nodded, this task sounds very simple, only Chu Zhongtian was very dissatisfied.

Zhu Jue reminded again: "You must not scare the snake, just walk back and forth here. If there are other actions, I will give you the corresponding signal before starting."

"What signal?" Sun Tzuhong asked beside him.

"You will know when the time comes." Zhu Jue put it off, with a very mysterious expression on his face.

What I think in my heart is that there is no signal, you just need to hang around here until the end of the task time, saying that there are other actions is purely to lie to that sword idiot over there.

It would be too bad if you really told him there was nothing to do, and he would definitely try to find something to do.

Everyone took the task and set off immediately.

Zhu Jue watched them leave and nodded in satisfaction.

Well, I probably won't be able to complete the task this time, just wandering around the edge. It would be hell if I could touch it.


After seven days.

At the foot of Molian Mountain, a short boy in hemp clothes with a wooden chopstick stuck in his head hurried past, looking extremely anxious, with traces of blood on his body.

In his left hand, he held a mortal long sword. Its appearance was not bad, and it should be worth ten taels of silver among mortals.

His right hand was covering his chest, as if he was protecting something important, and he was looking around.

When they passed by the foot of a certain mountain, they suddenly found Xuan Yi's group of six wandering around.

Looking at their attire, it was obvious that they all belonged to the orthodox sect, and the sharp edge of Chu Zhongtian who was the leader was obviously a rare and peerless master.

A ray of hope suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The pace under his feet has obviously accelerated, and he said loudly while running: "Excuse me, are you all disciples of the righteous way?"

The first person to look back was Sun Zihong, who was most sensitive to the word righteous way.

Finding that the person who came was a child who looked underage, and his height was no more than his chest, he said kindly: "We are disciples of Xuanyi Sect, young man, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing that he was a disciple of Xuanyi Sect, the young man's face suddenly darkened.

"What, it's just a third-rate sect."

Sun Tzuhong's expression froze in an instant, and he silently touched the spear behind him, "What did you say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just wanted to ask if you could do me a favor?" The kid was also blunt, and he opened his mouth to ask for help.

"We have something important to do, so I'm afraid we can't help you." Sun Zihong's tone was obviously not as polite as before, and he was about to move forward and continue patrolling.

At this time, Chu Zhongtian, who had been watching coldly, suddenly looked over.

After patrolling for seven full days, he was so suffocated that he was about to go crazy. As soon as he heard something happened, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter, do you need to kill someone?"

The young man was instantly excited, thinking that these NPCs could be used directly, he nodded immediately and said: "Yes, yes, but there is more than one person."

A strange light suddenly flashed in Chu Zhongtian's eyes, "Lead the way ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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