Chapter 105 Victory
Hu Bayi hid in the water and breathed the air with a reed. Looking out through the water, it seemed that there were no wasps, so he dared to show his head tentatively.

Standing up, he found that the swarm of bees were either drowned by the water with him just now, or fainted by the residual smoke, and most importantly, a large number of them followed Feng Siming and disappeared.

Although it is midsummer at this time, the hotter the weather, the colder the streams in the mountains are. Hu Bayi just hid in the water for a while, and he was already shivering from the freezing of the stream water. It can be seen that this time has not passed yet. Comrade Hu Bayi, who has been polished, is still not strong enough to be unyielding.

Stepping on the stream and dragging his clothes that had become heavy due to water absorption, Hu Bayi staggered and struggled to climb onto the bank. He immediately took off his thick coat and rolled over on the rocks, gasping for breath, with his head down. The hot sun made my whole body warm, and it was really indescribably comfortable.

Seeing the fat man who was watching a play in the distance, he hurriedly got up from the grass and ran over. He closed his eyes and realized that the sunlight was blocked. Hu Bayi opened his eyes in bewilderment, and saw Wang Kaixuan.

Hu Bayi grinned, reached out to wipe the water stains on his eyes, and finally said: "Little Fatty, our never-backward team is invincible, fortunately we did not fail our organizational mission. "

Seeing that Hu Bayi was still in the mood to talk about something, Wang Kaixuan immediately said anxiously: "Fortunately, I'm sorry, Captain Feng is being pursued by the enemy at this time, let's not go to support , I am afraid that this revolutionary comrade-in-arms who shared weal and woe will die at the hands of the reactionaries."

It was only then that Hu Bayi's bewildered head came to his senses, and he immediately sat up, thinking of the large swarm of hornets, his face also changed.

The two of them were about to get up to look for Feng Siming, when they saw a savage dressed all over bloated, who looked like he was following a savage, with a big bag on his shoulders, walking out of the forest.

"Don't compromise, don't give up, you must have the spirit of fighting and enterprising, comrades, I declare that we have won this battle."

The two looked up, good guy, who else could it be if it wasn't Feng Siming? As soon as Wang Kaixuan saw Feng Siming, he ran over and Feng Siming handed the bag to Xiaopang. He came to the stream and took off the thick coat he was wearing.

Wearing such thick clothes in this damn weather, he almost died of heat, holding the ice-cold stream water to wash his face, Feng Siming felt that his breath was a sweet smell.

Seeing Feng Siming's safe and sound return, Hu Bayi was relieved, stripped off his drenched clothes, and jumped into the stream again, swimming happily like a small fish Then I went ashore, put on my underpants, and hung my clothes, shoes and socks one by one on the pebbles by the stream.

Wang Kaixuan sat alone on the big rock, his face was full of smiling enjoyment, and his right hand was full of honey juice, and he was eating it.

"Little Fatty, don't finish eating alone, save some for Swallow."

Wang Kaixuan gave Hu Bayi a blank look, how could he finish eating so much honey, he kept eating on his own without making a sound.

However, Feng Siming, who couldn't see the chestnut yellow face for a long time, was puzzled, and immediately formed an OK gesture with his hands, put O in his mouth and blew, and whistled loudly and long.

After a while, only a few barking dogs could be heard from a distance, and the half-person-high grass was swaying, and Li Zihuang ran back from it.

I don't know what else was in his mouth. Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up immediately when he saw it, and he ran over to take a look. It turned out to be a fat gray hare. I don't know what happened to this hapless rabbit. .

It would be planted in the mouth of Lizihuang, a training hound. When Wang Kaixuan saw a hare, he didn't eat the honey. He was overjoyed and picked up Lizihuang and ruthlessly touched the little guy's dog's head. Good dog.

When Hu Bayi saw it, he broke off a large piece of hive covered with honey as a reward and threw it over. When the fat man saw it, he told him to put it down, and Li Zihuang hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground and ate the sweet honey crazily.

Looking at the chestnut yellow under his feet, Wang Kaixuan, the little fat man, hurriedly raised his head and said expectantly: "After we go back, we will also ask the villagers for a few puppies to raise, and we will have rabbit meat to eat every day from now on."

When Hu Bayi heard this, he immediately laughed and cursed: "You have a good idea. No matter how many rabbits there are in the mountains, they can't hold back such a big cunt like you."

"Comrade Xiaopang's enlightenment is not bad, but the premise is that we must support ourselves first, so that we can benefit others after not dragging others down. However, the rabbit Li Zihuang came just in time. Do you feel hungry?"

After Feng Siming finished speaking, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan's stomachs growled uncontrollably. The three couldn't help laughing, and Wang Xiaopang went out to look for branches.

Hu Bayi hurriedly wore a pair of big underpants and followed Feng Siming to wash and peel the rabbits by the stream. Suddenly, under the direct sunlight, Feng Siming found a shiny white thing in the river.

Hu Bayi also saw it, went down to fish it, raised his hand to have a look, and said curiously: "It's strange that no one lives around here, how could there be a broken bowl?"

Feng Siming raised his eyes and saw this thing, and seemed to think of something in his mind, he hurriedly said to Hu Bayi: "You may have to touch it down here."

Hu Bayi was also curious, and immediately took off his clothes, and immediately dived into the stream to explore again. He fished under the debris, and actually found half a broken porcelain bowl.

Hu Bayi hurriedly got up and went ashore, put on his underpants, Feng Siming took the things he handed over, and after a closer look, he saw the style of the bowl and the blue pattern,
It is very similar to some bottles, bowls and jars that I encountered in the Pingshan ancient tomb. There must be a Song tomb or a Yuan tomb in this mountain.

After watching Ghost Blowing the Lantern for so long, Feng Siming couldn't remember whether it was Song or Yuan, but Hu Bayi put on his underpants, hurried over to take a look, and found that this bowl looked like it was collected by his grandfather in the past The blue and white porcelain of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, fragments of this kind of antiques could be seen in the deep mountains and old forests. Hu Bayi couldn't help but think of his dead grandfather, and felt a little familiar. Feng Siming saw Hu Bayi looking at the porcelain bowl in his hand with a dazed look. , He immediately smiled knowingly, then raised his hand and threw the half broken bowl far into the woods behind him.

At this time, Wang Kaixuan also came back with bundles of dried pine branches. The three of them lit a bonfire, spread a thick layer of honey on the peeled hare, and grilled it on the fire.

After a while, the aroma of roasted rabbit meat made of honey wafted into the air. Hu Ba cut off the head of the rabbit and threw it to Li Zihuang. The rest of the rabbit meat was divided into three parts. There is not much meat, but it is a pleasure to eat.

After all, there is still a big difference from the ones made at home, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m too hungry, or because it always tastes better when I eat outside.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan swore that they had never eaten such a delicious food when they grew up. They almost swallowed their fingers together. Although there was no seasoning with oil and salt,

But the hare meat rubbed with wild honey and roasted with pine branches has a special natural flavor. I have lived in the city for a lifetime, and I can't imagine such delicious things in the world.

Even before he came here, Feng Siming, who had eaten delicacies from mountains and seas in the presidential suite, also felt that the rabbit meat in his hand was perfect!

The life of an educated youth is full of hardships and joys. In this era, they were driven to remote mountainous areas by the society, and at the same time they lost some things.

I also got some things that I couldn't get in the city. It seems that there are some things in life that I'm afraid can't be used or lost. Feng Siming's life is long gone. Don't you have to thank the grandfather of the system for giving me such a life?
This is how life should be, even though he doesn't know the ups and downs ahead, but he smiled and tried to see the world, Feng Siming suddenly felt that the road ahead was so bleak.

After eating enough, seeing that it was getting late, he put thick branches on top of the big bag, Chestnut Huang led the way, Feng Siming followed, and behind him were Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan. Lift the honeycomb.

The three of them sang revolutionary songs, and walked back to the village in a heroic manner:

"The sky is big and the earth is big~ It's not as big as all of us~ Daddy and mother~ It's not as good as gcd's kindness."

It was like the sound of the whip beating the golden pedal, and the triumphant songs were sung together. The only thing that was not coordinated was that amidst the loud and clear revolutionary songs, the bouncing people in front were mixed with the barking of chestnut-yellow excited dogs.

At this moment, the style suddenly changed. I always felt that it was not a return of victory, but rather like a dog leg leading a big soldier into the village with two devil soldiers behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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