Uncle, I will marry you

Chapter 194 It's All the Blame of the Draft Girls

Chapter 194 It's All the Blame of the Draft Girls (1)
The corners of his mouth moved, these people really couldn't find a reason?

Puyang Yuren was not afraid of these people's rebellion and deceit, not afraid of these people's death, but most afraid of this kind of lukewarm water boiling frogs. If you don't torment her, these people will really not give up.

Looking at the people kneeling on Dali, Puyang Yuren rubbed the center of his brows wearily: "Let me think about it for a few days." Forget it, there is always a compromise party, and she can come up with a plan to delay the attack.

The strange expressions on the faces of those ministers were the surprise in the surprise, the surprise in the horror, anyway, it's not good-looking, the emperor half agreed?

The young officials were also chattering, some of them had been in office since the emperor ascended the throne, and the emperor had never had such a good time to talk during the seven years since he ascended the throne.At that time, marrying Lord Fenghua polished the pillars for those ministers who were ready to die to show their aspirations. The poisoned wine was also prepared by the palace staff. In the end, the old prime minister and the others were put in the sky prison. Why did they let go now?God, is it true that Lord Fenghua and Concubine Yu are controlling the emperor so tightly that the emperor has a rebellious heart?

Su Qingyi, who was standing at the forefront of the crowd, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and glanced at the man with his warm eyes, smiling a little narrowly, his gaze fell firmly on the palace servant Xiao Lizi behind the woman, smiling without a word. language.

Naturally noticing Su Qingyi's smile, Puyang Yuren was depressed.When she came back to her senses later, she swore secretly that she would definitely make a stumbling block in his long way of chasing his wife.

How did Puyang Yuren know that his letting go of his mouth brought him some small troubles.

After the early court, Puyang Yuren was eager to return home, how could he have bumped into Puyang Fengyang who happened to be tossing those innocent flowers and plants in the imperial garden, maybe it was the nature of a woman that appeared after giving birth to Ye'er.Puyang Yuren approached with some gossip, quietly inquiring about her and Su Qingyi's follow-up development, who knew that it caused Puyang Fengyang to burst into mourning and mourning.Unable to bear it, he shook his head and rushed towards Changle Weiyang.

Guessing the time, it should be lunch, and I don't know if Xiao Lizi, who went back first, has explained to the emperor that she misses the fragrant, soft and delicate lotus flower cake very much today.

It's July, when the lotus is in full bloom, the lotus picked at this time should be the most fragrant, um, I'm looking forward to it.

Stepping lightly, walking through the gate of Changle Palace, all the way, those palace people showed her unspeakable eyes, which made her feel frizzy, and the expectation for the lotus cake was also pushed aside .

There was some faint uneasiness in his heart, could it be that something happened to Ye'er?Out of mother's nature, Puyang Yuren hurried to the inner hall behind the plum grove.During this period, similar to the look in the eyes of the outer hall, she received a lot one after another.

"Ye'er...Ye'er..." Puyang Yuren stepped into the door and shouted into the room.

The little man was sitting in front of the desk, his lips were tightly pressed against the light gaze of the man in red leaning against the window, and he tried his best not to make a sound.Shaking his head and sighing in his heart, it is difficult for him to be His Royal Highness, but it is even more difficult to be the son of Lord Feng Hua.

Seeing the child sitting upright at the desk, writing and typing with such a serious expression, the hanging heart fell to the ground, and he stepped forward to hug the child: "Ye'er, you scared me to death." His head was spinning rapidly, since It's not Ye'er's problem, whose problem is it?He raised his eyes to look at the man, his down heart was suspended again, and he smiled foolishly: "It's time for lunch, I'm hungry, let's pass on the meal." He opened and closed his mouth, but his gaze was firmly fixed on the man's face. With a cold gaze, I couldn't help shivering.

He patted the woman's back as if comforting, and put his soft palm on the woman's vest, and said in a small adult way: "Father, Ye'er can understand your difficulties, just like when I made a mistake. However, the look in Daddy's eyes It seems to be much colder than those times." The big bright eyes looked sympathetically at the dazed woman who still couldn't figure out what mistake she had made.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she patted Puyang Ye's head in relief: "My son is so good." But she wondered in her heart, she must not have made mistakes like Ye'er.

"Ye'er..." Puyang Fenghua bent his mouth and looked at the child in the woman's arms and smiled softly, but his eyes were as cold as ice.

Quickly broke away from the woman's embrace, packed up the pen and ink, and looked back at the woman three times a step at a time: "Father, Yu Huang made crystal cakes for Ye'er, and I will leave first." He jumped out of the house as if fleeing.

Wen Yu, who was guarding the door, led the five-year-old Puyang Ye towards the Wutong Palace, and confessed as he walked: "Your Highness, you have worked hard." It is really not easy to come out alive and kicking in such a cold temperature.

The little man looked at Wen Yu and shrugged his shoulders: "Isn't the father working harder?" When Eunuch Li came back from a young age, he babbled on and on. It's lowered, it's obviously hot summer, he feels a bit colder than autumn and winter, it's cold from the inside out.

He covered his mouth and smiled, "What Your Highness said is true. I'm afraid it will be cold for a few more days in the future. If Your Highness has nothing to do these few days, you can stay in Wutong Palace to avoid the limelight, so as not to get burned." Don't look at Mr. Fenghua who is usually calm. Yes, but if you change your temper, it can be cold to death.

Nodding in agreement: "Aunt Wenyu, what about the father?" Frowning, one side is a loving mother and the other is a strict father. Hey, who is he helping?
"Well, this servant thinks, the emperor is not an easy-going lamp, so naturally he has a way to escape." Small fights between husband and wife are not so powerful.

The tangled villain went all the way to Wutong Palace, causing Yuhuang to ask curiously, "Why is Ye'er frowning?" She nodded at the child's frowning brows.

Looking at Yu Huang in embarrassment: "Yu Huang, Daddy is so cold today. Daddy didn't give her a good face after Emperor Father came back from court today."

After hearing what the child said, Yu Huang raised her eyebrows in astonishment: "Ye'er, you read it right, right?" Puyang Fenghua treated Elder Sister coldly?Could it be that he is old and deaf?Even if the whole world treats sister coldly, Puyang Fenghua won't.

Pouted: "I just came here from the cold, unfortunately you can touch it." He stretched out his somewhat cold palm, which was brought from his mother's womb, because Puyang Yuren had been taking medicine for many years, his body was afraid of the cold, which caused him to feel cold. Puyang Ye's body was also inherited from hers.

(End of this chapter)

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