
Chapter 460 Sloppy

Chapter 460 Sloppy
The prefect of Huai'an signed the deposit room.

Wang Shu and Gan Bida had already been stripped of their official uniforms and palace attire. Both of them were standing in front of Lu Bing in linen shirts.Ganbida is tall and strong, even with his clothes off, he still looks quite dignified, with a rebellious expression on his face.

But Wang Shu was already old and frail, and his body was thin. When he wore the linen shirt, he looked very weak.His complexion was also extremely gray, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.Probably because he hasn't slept well for some days, his hair and beard are messy, and his eyeballs are bloodshot.

The truth about Suining's breach has come to light. After Sun Dan brought the five criminals Fenghuolong to the court, he found out what happened after a brief trial.The raw materials for the explosives that Fenghuolong used to blow up the river embankment have been found, and they were bought from several pharmacies.Coupled with their confessions, there are all witnesses and material evidence, and Wang Shu and Gan Bida's crimes are confirmed.

Hearing and seeing these evidences, Yang Yiqing was so angry that he almost smashed his palm on the table.Tens of thousands of people on the embankment of Shili River, plus the magistrate of Suining, the county magistrate, and the teacher of Liufang were all buried in the belly of the fish. Wang and Gan acted so boldly, which was unheard of and unseen in the 150 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

In the past few days, Zhang Cong, who represents the Nanjing Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Xia Yan, who is from the Hedao Yamen, have interrogated these two people many times, but both Wang and Gan insist that this matter has nothing to do with them, and they just refuse to put a charge on the pleadings. .

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, but there was no progress in the case.

Yang Yiqing was busy helping the victims, but he didn't come to ask Wang Shu and Gan Bida.Anyway, the person has already been arrested, and the evidence is solid, so there is no rush.It's just that Mr. Yang Ge and Zhang Cong jointly signed a memorial before that, describing the Huainan flood to the court and asking the court to make a ruling.

Fortunately, the flood was not very serious. It only flooded one and a half counties. After working for more than half a month, the flood diversion, food distribution, and resettlement of the people were finally done properly.

At this time, the imperial court's decree finally came down, and Jiajing was naturally extremely furious. Jin Yiwei commanded the yamen Lu Bing to arrest Wang Gan and bring them to Beijing for conviction.

Lu Bing still had that grinning look on his face, and he couldn't tell that he was the feared head of Jinyiwei's secret service at all.He only stared at Wang and Gan with curious eyes and kept looking at them, as if he had no intention of interrogating them.Also sitting in the front seat were Yang Yiqing, Sun Dan and Zhang Cong.

Since this matter has alarmed the Bei Ya, and it has become an imperial case, naturally there is nothing to do with the three chief and deputy imperial envoys.Therefore, the three of them sat there quietly and watched without saying a word.

Behind Lu Bing stood four Jinyiwei dressed in flying fish suits, embroidered spring knives across their waists, and full of murderous looks.

Lu Bing looked at Wang Shu with hairs in his heart. After muttering for a long time, he said: "I'm sorry for Eunuch Huang, I'm sorry for the court, I have caused such a big trouble for Eunuch Huang this time, and I deserve death. Eunuch Huang is still loyal."

"Loyalty..." Lu Bing suddenly smiled, but asked something else: "Wang Zhongan, what year are you a Jinshi, and who is your teacher?"

Wang Shu: "The criminal officer Wang Shu is a native of Tongliang, Sichuan. He was born as a Jinshi in the seventh year of Zhengde, and later changed to a Shujishi. His teacher is Xu Pu, a scholar of the Huagaidian University."

"Oh. You used to be a student of Xu Shoufu in the Hongzhi Dynasty, and you are also a veteran. Why are you a river governor now?" Lu Bing was still curious.

Wang Shu: "Although Wang Shu changed the Shu Ji Shi, he also entered the Imperial Academy. But because he offended the people in the palace, it happened that there was a shortage of officials in the Ministry of Officials, so please use the Shu Ji Shi to make up for it. Worked in the Ministry of Officials One term, and later transferred to Jiangxi Liangdao, and then changed to Governor of Nanhe." His eye circles suddenly turned red: "The officialdom has been ups and downs all his life, but he has achieved nothing. I think that when I entered the Imperial Academy, I was proud and ambitious, but now it is a dream in Nanke. I don't have any thoughts, I just hope that before I become an official, I can at least make up a second-rank official. If there is no Eunuch Huang, I will have no hope in my life."

He knew that Lu Bing was the old man of Emperor Long Qian, and had a special relationship with Huang Jin. If he wanted to survive, he had to move Huang Jin out.Therefore, he said this passage straightforwardly.

"Fortunately, with Eunuch Huang's support, I finally see some hope. My Wang Shu's life is already owned by Eunuch Huang. If Eunuch Huang is in trouble, I, Wang Shu, will naturally share his worries."

As soon as he said this, Ganbida who was standing next to him yelled sharply: "Wang Shu, what nonsense are you talking about, this matter is just what you and I did, and it has something to do with Mr. Huang? Don't worry about anything. It's about our godfather. I've never seen a coward like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Our family was really blind and misjudged you."

"Sharing worries?" The smile on Lu Bing's face disappeared, and he snorted heavily. He stood up slowly, circled Wang Shu twice with his hands behind his back, and then stood in front of him, cutting the knife as sharp as a knife. The same gaze stared at his face.

"Slap!" A slap hit Wang Shu's face, causing Wang Shu's nose to bleed profusely.

"Sharing worries?" Lu Bing suddenly yelled: "Your Majesty is the court. Even if you want to be loyal, you can only be loyal to Your Majesty. Eunuch Huang is a just and loyal person. Are you talking about Huang Jinyin? Accumulating cronies. What exactly do you mean, and whose instigation did you get to muddy this muddy water? Fame, fame, for your own future, you actually dug a river embankment privately, submerging a county and a half, how bold you are!"

Wang Shu didn't wipe the blood off his face, he just said: "The sun is shining, my heart is not understood by others, but Eunuch Huang understands it!"

This guy is a dead pig. He is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. If he continues to ask, he doesn't know how many people he will bite.

Sun Dan looked funny from the side. As far as he was concerned, he naturally hoped that Wang Shu would continue to make trouble. If this happened, Huang Jin would be in big trouble.

As for Zhang Cong, he looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and he actually raised his breath here.

Yang Yiqing has a distinguished status and is also the elder of the pavilion.He was a hot-tempered man.Ordinarily, seeing this scene, it should have erupted long ago.But when he heard that Huang Jin was involved, Mr. Yang Ge didn't say anything, looking thoughtful.

Sun Dan understood that Huang Jin was involved in this matter, so the emperor was not allowed to be involved.Although Lao Yang's personality is upright, he is not reckless. I guess he is going to take a second look and make a decision before making a move.

Therefore, this time the interrogation was mainly based on Lu Bing.

Lu Bing also knew that he couldn't let him talk nonsense, so he turned his head to look at Gan Bida: "Gan Bida, I remember you used to be Qian Ning's man, why are you still working as a eunuch here in Hecao?"

Ganbida: "Ganbida has nothing to do with the appointment in the palace." After finishing speaking, he closed his lips tightly and refused to say another word.

Lu Bing thought to himself, this guy is a character, he is very tough, Huang Jin is right.

He suddenly looked at Ganbida with expectant eyes, and said in a gentle tone: "The palace appointed you as the sitting eunuch, and you were supposed to assume the responsibility of supervising local government affairs. But now, the flood has flooded a county and a half. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced. It is true that the law of the country does not punish people in the palace. As for what crime you should bear, it should be decided by the palace, and I have nothing to do with you. After such a big matter that both people and gods are angry with, what face do you have to go to see His Majesty, to see Huang Jin?"

Gan Bida knelt down slowly, with tears in his eyes: "Gan Bida was originally born in poverty. He entered the palace when he was six years old. After I fell down, I shouldn't have lived alone, but Eunuch Huang liked me and let me have a good meal. I know that someone wants to pour dirty water on godfather. You don't need to ask any more Well, Gan Bida embezzled Suining’s river workers’ money, and in order to cover up the evidence, he blew up the embankment frantically. This matter was done by me alone, and has nothing to do with others. Gan Bida was a man with no extravagance. .”

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed three times, his body suddenly bounced up like a spring, and he rushed towards a Jin Yiwei, pulled out the waist knife on his waist, and slashed across his neck.

The powerful arterial blood sharp arrow marked out, shooting more than three meters away.

"Ah!" Sun Dan, Yang Yiqing, and Zhang Cong all cried out.

That Wang Shu also let out a hoarse scream, trembling all over.Looking at his crotch, it is already wet.

Wang Shu was so frightened by the hot blood in front of his eyes that he peed his pants.

Lu Bing was also spattered with blood, and he sighed: "Good man, this man is a bachelor."

Sun Dan felt a little bored, you, Lu Bing, were obviously here to push back.You and Huang Jin are friends, and I, Sun Dan, are also friends. It's too much to help Huang Jin so obviously.

Yang Yiqing slapped the coffee table angrily: "Lu Bing, do you have a case like this? I want to impeach you in front of His Majesty!"

Lu Bing waved his hand, "Take the criminal Wang Shu down and put him under strict supervision, and send him to the capital for conviction immediately."

"Yes" the two Jin Yiwei rushed forward and dragged the limp Wang Shu out like a dead dog.

After the bodies of Wang Shu and Gan Bida were dragged away and the ground was cleaned, Lu Bing bowed his hands to Yang Yiqing: "Mr. Yang, the facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and the case can be settled. This case belongs to Wang Shu and Gambida blew up the embankment in order to cover up money from the greedy river workers."

Yang Yiqing laughed loudly: "Lu Bing, you're not very old, and you haven't worked in Beiya for two years. Don't worry, you haven't learned how to turn big things into small things, but you've practiced it well!"

Sun Dan naturally refused to let Lu Bing close the case, and it took so much effort to get Huang Jin involved in the case.If I really let Xiao Luzi make such a mess and mess it up, wouldn't my work be in vain?

No, we have to find a way to make this matter bigger.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and only for a moment, a thought came to his mind like lightning: "Mr. Yang, I think this case can be closed."

Yang Yiqing was a little stunned: "It's too hasty to close the case like this."

(End of this chapter)

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