the purity of love

Chapter 107 Compensation

Chapter 107 Compensation
Zhou Nanji really wanted to run over and make it clear to Wang Jian, but he couldn't say anything or do anything in this situation.It can only be that Bo Lan is over-excited, and more unrestrained, informal.Wasn't she always like this, when she gave him a love letter back then, she publicly said that she liked him.Of course, he felt that he couldn't reveal this past to Wang Jian, if he didn't want to die a miserable death.

Although her emotional intelligence is not high, he also knows that Bo Lan has adopted his suggestion of using him to stimulate someone.However, he was just talking, and his purpose was to try his best to deceive Bo Lan.He didn't dare to provoke anyone, and he also thought that it was absolutely impossible for Bo Lan to accept his opinion. This is good, he shot himself in the foot.

He can't play with her anymore, Mr. Wang's eyes already look like he wants to kill him.Bo Lan, who is playing with fire, must be warned.He, La Bolan, went to a place with fewer people, and said softly but seriously: "What are you doing?"

Seeing his seriousness, Bo Lan burst out laughing. "What's wrong?" This guy was as scared as he was in middle school.

Zhou Nanji still said seriously: "Why are you doing this to me all of a sudden? Did you do it on purpose? You're going to kill me!"

Bo Lan looked innocent, and said with a slightly wronged expression: "What happened to me?"

"You...don't keep being so ambiguous with me, you...use me as a weapon!"

"No, I just think it's so kind to see you, and I'm so touched by you doing so for me!" Said Youwang and moved closer to him.

"I'll bring you here carefully, so that you and Mr. Wang can renew your relationship. If you think it's not possible, forget it."

"How can we forget it casually, we want to put on a good show to stimulate people!" While saying this, he usually got close to him again.

Zhou Nanji retreated defensively, "You...don't harass me!"

"Harassing you?" Bo Lan approached him step by step as she spoke. "Why did I harass you? Didn't you say you wanted to chase me? Didn't you say that you were so excited when you heard my confession that you panicked, and then ran back shyly to pick up the letter! Didn't I just think that I didn't care enough for you back then? Not delicate enough, not considerate enough. I just want to make it up to you, and I just want to continue my relationship with you!"

"You... President Wang!" Zhou Nanji retreated step by step, but when he retreated to the corner, he saw Wang Jian and Wang Pinting.He stopped suddenly, and Bo Lan didn't expect him to stop retreating suddenly, so she fell into his arms.

"Oh, I'm so impatient!" Wang Pinting looked at Bo Lan and the others with contempt.They also happened to come over, and they didn't hear the first half of what they said. They only heard Zhou Nanji say that harassment is not allowed, and then they stopped to listen. The next thing was Bo Lan's clear confession.

When Bo Lan saw Wang Jian, her body, which was about to leave Zhou Nanji's embrace, simply collapsed back.Hot and cold sweat broke out on Zhou Nanji's back. He was in a stalemate, neither pushing Bo Lan away nor not pushing away.What are you really afraid of?

Wang Jian walked past them without saying a word.

Bo Lan straightened up after they left. She knew that Zhou Nanji was frightened and she couldn't tease him any more.It wasn't that she really wanted to provoke Wang Jian today, she just wanted to be framed and teach Zhou Nanji a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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