Chapter 670
He didn't have any doubts about the identity of the old man in front of him, because he could clearly feel the power of the blood, which only existed between father and son.

But who is the other party?What exactly is going on?

Just when Song Haotian was feeling very puzzled, Song Dongping on the bed suddenly rolled his eyes and fell down on his back.

This is not surprising, he has been bedridden for many days and is dying of illness, and now he is close to the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dying.

In addition, when he saw his long-lost son, he fainted due to over-excited emotions, and this fainting may not wake up at any time.

Song Haotian quickly came to his senses, no matter what the situation was, no matter whether he recognized the person in front of him or not, he was his biological father after all, and he couldn't just watch him die in front of him.

With a single movement of his feet, he came to the front of the bed, his hand was like lightning, one after another the silver needles flew out one after another, at an extremely fast speed, they sank into dozens of big acupuncture points on Song Dongping's body.

Then he took out another one, and stuffed it into Song Dongping's mouth with a specially made tendon-strengthening pill made from the little unicorn's saliva.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Song Dongping's body, it's just that he is too old, and he has been under pressure all these years, so he is aging too fast.

If this situation is changed to other doctors, there is no solution, because this is the aging of the organs, and the modern medical level is simply unable to recover.

But Song Haotian was different, he was the God Emperor of Haotian who crossed the cultivation world, and his incomparably pure Canglong Qi opened up Song Dongping's blocked meridians in an instant.

And the tendon-strengthening pill mixed with the little unicorn's saliva is a magic medicine that can strengthen the tendons and bones, and bring the dead back to life.

Under his quick treatment, Song Dongping's originally pale face returned to rosy, and his breathing gradually became steady.

The previous sickness was swept away, like a sleeping old man.

Song Haotian let out a long breath of relief, and took back all the silver needles, which did not wake him up, and he still needed a while to digest everything in front of him.

Turning his head to look at Su Yingxue next to him, he knew that this woman must know the inside story.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on here?"

Su Yingxue was secretly happy in her heart, since Song Haotian took action to heal Song Dongping, it meant that in her heart, she still cared about the old man in front of her very much.

"Is such that……"

She told the whole story from the beginning to the end, including how she did the DNA test secretly, together with the past events Song Hongkun told her yesterday, and told them all.

Finally, he took out the DNA test result and handed it over: "Mr. Song, this is the DNA test result of Tuan Yuan Yuan and Song Lao. I found two professional test agencies, and there will be no mistakes."

Song Haotian pushed aside the identification results with one hand, his blood sense was much more accurate than this so-called paternity test, he had no doubts about Song Dongping's identity.

The question now is not to confirm the identity, but how to face this father who has never met, whether to accept him or not?

At this time, the door opened, and Song Hongkun walked in from the outside. He first checked Song Dongping on the bed, and seeing that his father's condition had improved greatly, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced.

Then he turned around: "Haotian, father has already said that the door of the Song family is open for you at any time, you are welcome back!"

"I... I'll think about it again..."

Song Haotian has always been calm. At this moment, he is extremely flustered. He needs to think calmly, and then he turns and walks out the door.

Song Hongkun said from behind: "Tomorrow is my father's 80th birthday. I hope you can come back to celebrate my father's birthday."

Song Haotian's footsteps paused, but in the end he didn't stop, and continued to walk outside the door.

Su Yingxue looked back at Song Hongkun: "I'll go and persuade him!"

After speaking, she followed Song Haotian to the outside, opened the car door and the two of them got in together, and then slowly drove out of the Song Family Manor.

Su Yingxue didn't speak while driving the car. She knew she had to give this man some time to digest this matter, after all, it was too sudden.

The two of them said nothing all the way, and went straight back to the villa where they lived.

After entering the door, several women immediately sensed that Song Haotian's mood was wrong, Liu Zimei asked: "Little brother, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

He didn't speak, just sat quietly on the sofa, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it slowly.

These women were even more surprised. In the past, Song Haotian would never change his face before the mountain collapsed. He had never lost control of his emotions like this.

Long Qianjiao looked at Su Yingxue: "Miss Su, what's going on?"

"It's like this, Mr. Song found his biological father..."

Su Yingxue knew about the relationship between these women and Song Haotian, and felt that there was no need to hide it, so she directly told the whole story.

All of a sudden, the room was silent, and the incident happened so suddenly, no one thought that the dignified old man of the Song family was actually Song Haotian's biological father.

"Papa, have you found your papa?"

"Papa, why...why don't you...are you unhappy?"

"When Tuantuan and Yuanyuan found Papa, they were very happy..."

The two little guys couldn't quite figure out what happened, they only knew that their father had found him and surrounded Song Haotian, talking non-stop.


Song Haotian looked at the two daughters, not knowing what to say for a moment.

But his daughter made him see one thing clearly, that is, he should be happy to have found his father.

He raised his head and glanced at the several women present: "What do you think? Would you recognize this father if it were you?"

"I would accept it." Su Yingxue said first, "First of all, it was his fault that Grandpa Song didn't take you into the Song family because of his own reputation.

But he didn't give up on you completely, it's just that the aunt was too stubborn and disappeared directly, so she didn't fulfill her duty to support you for so many years.

In fact, he has always had you in his heart, and now when he is dying, he still wants to find you, make up for his mistakes, and take you into the Song family.

I think this is already very commendable, if I would choose to forgive him.

The son wants to support but does not wait for his relatives. After all, the old man is already 80 years old, and a moment of hesitation may become a lifelong regret. "

"The son wants to support, but the kiss does not wait!"

With these words in his mind, Song Haotian's heart changed slightly. If he hadn't arrived in time today, he might never see this person again in this life.

Long Qianjiao bit her red lips and said, "Haotian, I think so, the old man didn't give up on you back then, it was just something unexpected happened, just like when we left Tuantuan and Yuanyuan suddenly.

Although the fact happened, it was not what we wanted, and I think this can still be forgiven. "

Song Haotian's heart was greatly touched by Long Qianjiao's words, and he did have a trace of resentment towards that old man in his heart.

But when I think back to my time, although I couldn't help myself, I left the two little guys at home for more than four years and suffered a lot.

Also as a father, he understood Song Dongping's mentality at this moment.

"I know how to do it."

During the speech, Song Haotian's entanglement disappeared, and his expression returned to the previous indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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