Reborn God Emperor Daddy

Chapter 534 Four Lingnan Families

Chapter 534 Four Lingnan Families
When the Wu sisters were shocked, the soul-absorbing talisman had already expired, and finally turned into a cloud of ashes and dissipated in the air.

The crow came back to his senses. Although he didn't know what happened to him just now, he also realized that something was wrong. Leaning on crutches, he left here in a state of embarrassment.

After a long silence, Wu Hongling sighed and said, "Xiao Yue, we seem to have offended an expert today."

Wu Hongyue curled her lips. After the shock, she didn't take it too seriously.

"Sister, that guy just has some skills, at most he is a martial artist, what kind of expert is he, he can't compare with you, a master of talisman."

Wu Hongling shook her head: "You are wrong, I always feel that he is not that simple."

Wu Hongyue said: "If you want me to say that you are thinking too much, how capable can he be with a boy in his twenties?"

"Hope it's like you said."

At this moment, Wu Hongling felt a little heavy in her heart. Song Haotian said before that she had a bloody disaster, but in her opinion, it was just sensationalism, in order to attract her own attention.

But it seems to be different now, there is no need for sensationalism at all, could it be that he is really facing a catastrophe recently?

Afterwards, she shook her head again, and dismissed the idea, saying that she was also the heir of the Wu family, so how could she be in danger in Lingnan, let alone a bloodbath.

"Okay, let's go. Wait a minute and it will be time for the six doors to call the four great families for a meeting. This is the first time we represent the family to attend the meeting. Don't be late."

After speaking, the two sisters got into the car and drove towards the six gates of Cangshan City.

In the meeting room of the Six Doors in Cangshan City, Chen Bing sat in the middle. As the chief of the Six Doors headquarters, he was the highest one present, and even the commander-in-chief Zhao Zheng could only accompany him.

Since the case that happened this time is extremely special, she is solely responsible for everything.

There were more than a dozen people sitting next to each other, all of whom were representatives from the four major families in Lingnan.

There are many sects in Lingnan, and the one standing at the top is the Burning Clan, whose status is much higher than other families, followed by the four major families in Lingnan.

But this time, regarding the invitation from the Six Doors, Burning Heaven Clan directly refused, saying that they had important things to do, so they didn't send anyone to participate.

The four major families attached great importance to it. Although the head of the family did not come in person, all the people they sent were candidates for the heir of the family.

The Wu family is a family of talismans, and Wu Hongling was sent by it.

The Zhuge family is good at Qimen Dunjia, and they sent Zhuge Yuanying, the heir of the family.

The Bai family is the descendant of the lineage of exorcising corpses, and the young patriarch Bai Wudi was sent.

The Tuoba family is good at controlling beasts, and they sent Tuobawei, a member of the core three generations.

"Six Doors summoned you here today because we have important matters to discuss, and Chen Dusi will tell you the details."

Zhao Zheng made an opening speech, and then officially handed it over to Chen Bing to host.

"Everyone, there have been several major cases in Lingnan recently, and everyone must have heard of them..."

Since she was looking for these families to do business, she had nothing to hide. She told the story from beginning to end, including the situation of the golden armored corpse at the end.

Everyone present changed their colors after hearing this. As the core members of the four great families, they naturally knew what the golden armored corpse was, and how powerful it was.

Wu Hongling said in astonishment: "The evolution of zombies is very slow. These years, the Lingnan area has been peaceful and stable, and you can't even see a zombie. How come a golden armored corpse suddenly jumped out?"

Bai Wudi who was sitting next to her said: "Hongling, what you said is unreasonable. Although this golden armored corpse is now causing trouble in Lingnan, it doesn't necessarily come from our side, or it may have come from other places. of."

Zhuge Yuanying frowned and said: "Accordingly, although the golden armored corpse is fierce, it should have an owner. It's really unreasonable why such a corpse suddenly jumped out."

Chen Bing said: "Now is not the time to speculate on the source, our top priority is to subdue this thing.

This is also the meaning of calling everyone here today. I hope that the several big families can work together and unite as one to help the six gates subdue this golden armored corpse. "

Tuobawei said: "As far as I know, the combat power of the golden armored corpse is even higher than that of the master-level powerhouse. It may not be so easy to catch it."

Chen Bing said: "It is precisely because of this that our six doors ask the four big families for help. As long as we work together, we will surely succeed."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Wudi was the first to stand up.

"Chen Dusi is right. The golden-armored corpse is a disaster for the entire Lingnan. That is our common enemy. Our Bai family will do our part and will go all out to support the six sects."

Zhuge Yuanying and Wu Hongling looked at each other, and finally stood up to express their views.

"Our family is also willing to fully cooperate with Six Doors."

In the end, there was only one Tuobawei left. He hesitated a little, and finally agreed.

The reason why the four major families reached an agreement so easily is that firstly, the Jinjiashi is indeed the enemy of all the families, and secondly, as a big family, if they want to gain a foothold in the entire Lingnan, it is necessary to have a good relationship with the six doors, so this face must be given.

"Well, since this is the case, let's form an alliance. From now on, I hope that all the families will go all out to cooperate with us in finding the whereabouts of the golden armored corpse.

One thing to keep in mind, don't act rashly after you find it, I have experienced the strength of that thing, it is beyond imagination, we must work together to subdue it. "

At the end of the meeting, the representatives of the major families all evacuated the six doors.

Chen Bing returned to the office alone, looked out the window again, and murmured: "I hope that the joint efforts of the four major families can take down the golden armored corpse. I don't want to owe you any more favors."

Bai Wudi returned to Bai's house, hurried into a small villa building, and then walked into a room.

The decoration in the room is extremely luxurious, but unlike other villas, it is completely dark, giving people an extremely gloomy feeling.

In the darkness, sitting cross-legged on the carpet in the room was an old man with a thin body and wrinkles on his face, like dry bark, making it impossible to tell his age.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

It turned out that this old man was the head of the Bai family, Bai Poju, and the head of the family of Yunnan's corpse-hunting lineage.

"how is the situation?"

Bai Poju slowly opened his eyes, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, his voice was extremely dry.

"As you guessed, the six gates called us to join the four major families to hunt down the golden armored corpse.

The slight difference is that this time it is not Zhao Zheng who is in charge of the overall situation, but the Du Si from the headquarters of Six Gates, a woman named Chen Bing, who is a few years younger than me, that is, in her early 20s. "

Bai broke the situation and said: "A little girl can't make a big deal, the key is whether everyone agrees to it?"

Bai Wudi replied: "I have agreed. Now everyone has formed an alliance and assigned tasks to find the whereabouts of the golden armored corpse."

"Then is there anyone who suspects our Bai family?"

Bai Wudi said: "At least not yet."

Bai broke the situation and said: "Some kids are still short-sighted, and after the news spreads, the old foxes of those big families will definitely think of our Bai family.

But this is nothing, they are just thinking about it, and there is still no evidence after all. "

(End of this chapter)

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