Chapter 270
Lin Meichen stepped forward and said, "Brother Song, how are things going?"

"It's almost done, the contract has been signed, and there are only some scattered procedures left."


Although she knew all of this clearly, Lin Meichen couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise.

Just for one wish of his daughter, this man really bought the entire playground, and in less than a day, he got more than one billion yuan in funds. I am afraid that no one will believe this kind of thing.

The two little guys couldn't quite understand what their parents were saying, so they asked eagerly, "Papa, when can we bring Xiao Hei and the others to play?"

"Don't worry, you can do it now."

Song Haotian rubbed his daughter's head, turned to Ma Wu and said, "Captain Ma, take us in."

Now the playground is his own, so of course he can enter if he wants to, as for clearing the playground, he doesn't want to do it.

What my daughter likes is excitement. There are no guests in the playground, so what's the point of playing?

Ma Wu was confused. Hearing what he said just now, it seemed that the little boss bought this playground just to let his daughter play here.

But then he shook his head again. This is absolutely impossible. No normal person would do such a thing. This is a billion-dollar industry, not a small thing worth 10 yuan and 8 yuan.

In any case, the boss has already told him that he must obey, and immediately lead the way to the playground.

Today is sunny and sunny, and it is the weekend, so there are more guests coming to the playground, and many people are queuing in front of the gate.

At the entrance, a young man and woman in their twenties were arguing endlessly with the security guard in front of the door.

The woman was wearing jeans with big holes and small holes, holding a white poodle in her arms, and shouted to the security guard in dissatisfaction: "My son is very good, he doesn't bite at all, and he doesn't know how to defecate anywhere. Why don't you let us in?"

It turned out that these two people wanted to take the dog to play together, but they were stopped by the security guard.

"Sorry, there are rules in our playground, pets are not allowed to enter regardless of whether they are obedient or not."

The young man in a floral shirt said dissatisfiedly: "Your regulations are inhumane and disrespect animals. I want to complain to you..."

"You can do whatever you want, we are just enforcing the rules of the playground!"

Seeing that the security guard's attitude was so firm, the two of them prepared to leave without any other choice, but at this moment, their eyes widened suddenly.

I saw an entrance next to it, and a young man walked in with two children. It didn't matter.

The important thing is that a little girl is holding a little white dog in her arms, followed by a big black dog, a big white pig, and a big rooster.

"Stop, stop for me!"

Seeing this scene, the two young men immediately became furious, and rushed over with the poodle in their arms.

Hearing someone yelling, Ma Wu turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

The little girl looked angry: "I said, how do you security guards do things? I just discussed for a long time, and I said nothing to let us bring pets in. Why can they bring so many? Even pigs and chickens? "

The young man also yelled, "Yeah, didn't you say that there are rules for playgrounds? Why can they do it and we can't? Is this a distinction?"

Before Ma Wu could speak, the little girl yelled again: "I want to see your leaders, your managers, and your bosses. I want to complain about you, and I want to make you all laid off!"

The two young men were unreasonable and unforgiving, and questioned like a cannonball.

Ma Wu smiled coldly: "Do you want to complain? This is our boss, you can complain."


The two people, who were still aggressive at first, lost their temper in an instant. They never thought that they turned out to be the owner of the playground.

Ma Wu said with a playful smile, "Why are you silent? If you have money, you can buy the entire playground, not to mention bringing a dog. Even if you bring an elephant, no one cares."


The two young people had nothing to say for a moment. They were the bosses, and even the playground belonged to them. Of course, they could bring whatever they wanted, and they couldn't control it at all.

In desperation, they could only hug the dog and leave in resentment.

"Let's go, let's play!"

The emotions of the two little guys were not affected at all, and they ran forward excitedly after entering the door.

"Whoa whoa……"

Although Dahei looks like a big black man, he is actually a child at heart, and he is extremely excited after coming to the playground.

The same is true for Dabai and Huahua. Since they hatched, they have basically never left Fairy Mountain. This is the first time they have come to the playground to play.

Several spirit beasts felt that the little master was a bit slow, so Xiao Hei directly carried Yuan Yuan on his back, and Da Bai carried Yuan Yuan on his back.

Then there was a scene in the playground that caught everyone's attention. Two beautiful and outrageous little girls, one riding on the back of a dog and the other on the back of a pig, laughed and rushed forward.

"My God, it's the first time I've seen a pig ride..."

"What is that, a big rooster? Some people even keep chickens as pets..."

"Didn't you say that pets are not allowed in the playground? How did they get in..."

Song Haotian naturally didn't bother to explain to these people, and directly brought the two little guys to the play area.

"Tuanyuanyuan, what do you want to play?"

"Take Xiao Hei Hei to sit high."

Tuantuan stretched out his tender little finger and pointed to the Ferris wheel next to him.

"There are also big...big black and black, big white and little...little white..."

Yuanyuan also spoke vigorously, afraid that her father would forget her few good friends.

"Okay, let's go now."

Under the leadership of Ma Wu, several people came to the side of the Ferris wheel together.

"Captain Ma, what's going on?"

Seeing this circus-like team, the staff asked in surprise.

"Don't ask so much, this is the new owner of our playground."

"oh oh!"

The staff members nodded repeatedly, since they were their own bosses, they had nothing to say.

"Boss, are you going to play on the Ferris wheel? There are so many people that they can't fit in one and they have to be divided into two."


Song Haotian nodded, he took Lin Meichen, the two little guys and Xiaobai into one box, and Dahei took Xiaohei and them into another box.

Seeing this scene, the staff secretly slandered in their hearts that rich people are really self-willed, even bringing their pets to sit on the Ferris wheel.

This is still unknown, if he knew that Song Haotian bought the entire amusement park just for this, his jaw would drop in shock.

The hatch was closed, and the Ferris wheel started slowly.

"Sit high!"

Although it is not the first time for the two little guys to ride the Ferris wheel, they are still very excited. The most important thing is that they can bring their good friends.

"Xiao Baibai, don't be afraid, I'll hold you in my arms."

Tuantuan was stroking Xiaobai's head while talking, while Xiaoqilin had a look of disdain. He is a majestic ninth-level beast, and he will travel nine days in the future. What is such a broken thing?
In the other box, it was the first time for several spirit beasts to sit on this thing, and they all felt very curious and excited, lying on the window and looking around.

If Song Haotian hadn't controlled it with his divine sense, I'm afraid these guys would have smashed the glass of the box and poked their heads out to look.

(End of this chapter)

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