Chapter 249

"Brother, you are stronger than me, and you can use it to a greater effect."

Xiao Lian'er's eyes were slightly red, he knew that his brother was worried about him, so he gave her such a powerful weapon.

"Silly girl, I can rest assured only when you are safe. Take it, I have the Nether Knife."

Xiao Mu touched his sister's face with a smile, and said gently: "The low-grade magic weapon is enough for me to kill the Zerg. If it is really necessary, I will ask you to give it to me later, okay?"


Xiao Lian'er nodded obediently, she knew that she was her brother's weakness, and only when she was safe could her brother rest assured.

She took the broken sword and tied it around her waist.

"Let's go back first, and then I will teach you how to control the sword. At that time, you can fly with the sword and enjoy the world."

Xiao Mu said with a smile.

"Flying with Yujian? Can I do it now? I feel that this kind of magical power is only possessed by immortals. It's so far away."

Xiao Lian'er was surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Didn't I tell you just now that ordinary immortals are actually cultivators, but they are stronger."

Xiao Mu said unhappily: "Don't take some immortal methods too high, just like your fireball technique, you can't use it in the same way now, so the sword control technique is also very common."

"Oh, then let's go back quickly, I can't wait." Xiao Lian'er smiled like a flower.

"Let's go, the formation of insect swarms is indeed a potential danger for the base. Although the big cities are the objects of their attention, we hide in this wilderness and generally will not be found, but we still have to be careful at all times. "

Xiao Mu rubbed his younger sister's head, causing eyes to roll, because his younger sister's hair was messed up by him.

"Rhubarb, let's go!"

Looking back at the cave, he left with his sister and Da Huang, and entered the wilderness.

In the middle of the night, the surrounding bare mountains have been completely covered by plants. Compared with the age of the earth, the surrounding scenery is like a wilderness.

The tall trees have an average height of tens of meters, and many have even exceeded a hundred meters. Even the original weeds are more than ten meters high at this moment, and the lowest is one or two meters high.

Humans entered it, just like other bugs, inconspicuous.

With so many tall plants, there is a basis for survival, and a larger ecosystem is rapidly forming.

In the future, the ecological level of the earth will improve rapidly, and it is possible to surpass the age of dinosaurs, thus giving birth to larger creatures, such as zergs descended from other worlds, and more powerful alien beasts descended in the future.

Brush brush.

Two people and one dog shuttled between the mountains and forests at an extremely fast speed. Xiao Mu and the two turned into phantoms, jumping between the grass leaves, and they could move forward quickly without touching the ground.

This is the strength of the second level, not to mention walking on grass, even flying.

Of course, compared to humans, most beasts and insects are too heavy to be so flexible.

For example, although rhubarb is fast, but its size is too large, it still has to move forward on the ground or with the help of stronger branches, instead of relying on weak grass leaves to borrow enough strength.

Suddenly, Xiao Mu's feet stopped, and he stopped abruptly from his fast walking, jumped onto a pine tree more than [-] meters away, and looked ahead solemnly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Xiao Lian'er stopped suspiciously, a little bit on the blade of grass, like a butterfly, lightly landed next to Xiao Mu, standing on a branch and moving with the wind.

"You feel the situation ahead." Xiao Mu didn't answer directly, but asked his sister to investigate by herself.

My younger sister's mental strength is actually a bit stronger than his, but she didn't notice the danger ahead. This shows that my younger sister is not experienced enough and not vigilant.

Xiao Lian'er diffused her mental thoughts, quickly sensed the situation ahead, and then found the Zerg. This is normal, but what is abnormal is that the number of Zerg is a bit scary!
"This...a lot of different types of zerg gathered together, the number is probably more than a thousand, my God, this is it!"

Xiao Lian'er's face paled, full of shock.

"Yes, it's the bug swarm, the bug swarm we were reminded by Ultrain just now."

Xiao Mu's tone was very solemn, he didn't expect that he would encounter a swarm of insects so soon, judging from the location, it was very close to the base, which might threaten them.

"There are so many, there are hundreds of zerg life forms within my sensing range."

Xiao Lian'er looked forward fearfully, although in her eyes, the mountains ahead were very calm.

But in fact, among the grass and under the huge trees, a large number of Zerg insects gathered, innumerable, estimated to be tens of thousands, all over the mountains and plains!

"Go and investigate first. If the movement of this swarm of insects is from our side, it seems that we have to be careful."

"Rhubarb, just wait where you are, we will go back as soon as we go."

Telling Rhubarb not to follow, worry appeared in Xiao Mu's eyes.

Generally speaking, after a bug swarm is formed, it will move in one direction. Although this direction is not necessarily a straight line, it will roughly be in the same direction within a short distance.

His base was tens of miles away. If this swarm of bugs happened to pass by there, they might find his base, which would be very dangerous.

After all, in normal times, Zergs would occasionally break into the hidden range of the base, and the number of this bug swarm would be much larger. If too many Zergs found their base, it would very likely trigger an attack from the Zerg swarm.

Thinking of thousands of Zerg besieging their small base, Xiao Mu's scalp tingles.

This is absolutely unstoppable, because there are too few of them. At present, all of them add up to only a hundred or so. Even if they are all warriors, many of them are advanced warriors.

But in the face of Zerg that was ten times larger than him, the city wall couldn't stop him at all, even he could only run away.

With a somewhat heavy heart, Xiao Mu tapped lightly on the leaves, jumped from one tree tip to another tree tip more than ten meters away, and approached the insect swarm as if walking on a level ground.

Xiao Lian'er followed closely behind him, now moving forward, and found more Zerg worms in its sensing power.

The two advanced hundreds of meters and came to a downhill field. In front of them, a lot of grass and trees had been eaten. Among the sparse grass and trees, there were zerg screaming irritably.

Xiao Mu's pupils contracted, and he glanced at it, there were insects infested on several nearby mountains, and there were insects all over the mountains and plains.

"Oh my god, this is too many, it feels like there are no less than [-]."

Xiao Lian'er covered her mouth and looked at the scene in front of her in horror.

"That's not the case, there should be only about a thousand, and most of them are gathered around several miles of zerg."

Xiao Mu shook his head, [-] is indeed a bit exaggerated, after all these zergs are relatively big, and they all gather in one place, it just looks like there are more of them.

(End of this chapter)

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