Chapter 668 stalemate
Siege must be cumbersome. Cutting down trees and making equipment, even if Lu Jun speeded up, it still took several days.

Lu Congshou also waited for Longhuan for a few days, but there was no news from Longhuan.

"Ming Gong, Long Huan is either dead, or has not yet gained Guo Jia's trust. Now it seems that there is only one way to attack."

A counselor suggested to Lu Congshou.

Lu Congshou frowned slightly. Obviously, he also had some headaches for the extremely strong Pule City. There was no good way, but a strong attack. Now the rear is not stable. As long as Pule can be captured, on the one hand, it will let the Han army know Knowing your own strength can also stabilize the rear on the other hand.

And that Guo Jia
If he is captured, he cannot be killed. It is said that Guo Jia is very favored in front of Liu De. If he is killed, it will intensify the conflict between the two sides and is not in his own interest.

When the Han army fails to take Jiangzhou, and he proclaims himself a minister in the last letter, he may have a high chance of becoming an independent prince in Jiangzhou.

No one can stop Liu De from winning the world. Although Lu Congshou has an enterprising heart, he has suffered terribly from the series of events that followed, and now he has lost his prestige.

Therefore, today's Lu Congshou is not thinking about winning the world, but trying to find ways to become king in Jiangzhou.

Someone has to ask?
In the current situation, Jiangzhou is not like Yizhou, which is blocked by natural dangers, nor is it like Nanzhou with lush forests and dense beasts. What can Lu Congshou do to defend Jiangzhou?
As long as Liu De doesn't die suddenly, it won't take a few years to capture Jiangzhou.

But after a person really tastes the taste of power, he will never give up easily. Even if he knows that the consequences of not giving up will be very tragic, then he will try his best to keep his power.

If he surrendered, the best result would be an empty title. In that case, it would be better to let Lu Congshou die.

"Siege the city early tomorrow morning! We don't have much time to squander."

After Lu Congshou finished speaking, he added: "Don't worry about the dragon ring for now."


Several generals rushed out to respond.

Lu Congshou's camp has five small battalions. Lu Congshou led 1 Chinese troops to occupy the middle battalion. The front battalion was led by his confidant General Sun Fu with [-] soldiers and horses to confront Pule City. His brother Lu Congjian led [-] troops to guard the rear. camp.

There are [-] soldiers and horses in the left battalion, and the general's name is Xu Zhen.

There are [-] soldiers and horses in the right battalion, and the general's name is Li Yang.

They are all close friends of Lu Congshou.

Li Yang received the military order, and then returned to the main formation, continuing to urge the soldiers to continue cutting down and transporting trees, and rushing to make siege equipment.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao, who had only 3000 soldiers and horses in his headquarters, including only [-] cavalry, suddenly attacked. Li Yang never expected that Zhang Liao would dare to attack at this time. He was suddenly killed by Zhang Liao on the spot.

When Lv Congshou's central army and the generals of the rear army led troops to support them, all they saw was a full camp of flames and corpses everywhere.

The fleeing soldiers could not even be counted for a while, and they had to wait for these soldiers to come back and regroup.

"Before breaking the city, you must kill Zhang Liao!"

Lu Congshou was furious, but for a moment he had nothing to do with Zhang Liao, so he roared in vain, showing that he was exhausted.

"Duke Ming, Tao Zheng is begging to see you!"

Lu Congshou was dizzy, but he was resting on his forehead, but now he was stunned when he heard the report: "Who is Tao Zheng?"

The counselor at the side said: "It's Long Huan's confidant."

"Dragon Ring's confidant? Let him in!"

When Lu Congshou heard that he was Long Huan's confidant, he didn't want to see him at first, but after thinking about it again, he asked the guards to call him in again.

Now that Lu Congshou has nothing to do, maybe this person has a way to make a breakthrough in the situation?
"Caomin Tao is paying homage to Duke Ming!"

Tao Zhengnai is Long Huan's personal staff, and he doesn't hold a post in Jiangzhou, so he calls himself a grassroots.

Lu Congshou put his hands on his forehead and didn't raise his head, but suddenly asked: "Is there any news from Longhuan?"

Tao Zheng clasped his hands and said: "No, my General Long is either imprisoned or dead, the Caomin came here today for other reasons."

"What's the matter?"

"Dare to ask Minggong, is it necessary to win a victory?"

Lu Congshou still didn't raise his head, and was a little annoyed: "Of course."

"Dare to ask Minggong, even if Pule City is captured, can it be abandoned?"

"That's right!"

Lu Congshou became more and more impatient.

Tao Zheng said seriously, "Then why do we have to attack Pule County?"

Lu Congshou suddenly opened his eyes, "What do you mean?"

Tao Zheng clasped his hands and said, "We still have nearly [-] troops. Although we have lost a little bit and their morale is a little low, we are still able to fight. Since we can't attack the city, why don't we imitate the ancient times and ambush the Han army who supported Pule ? As long as things are done and the Han army suffers setbacks, they will definitely not be able to recover in three to five years!"

Suddenly, Lu Congshou trembled all over his body, and he said after a while: "Good!"

"Tao Zheng, I didn't expect you to have such a unique vision. Long Huan is only a man, and he is really not worthy of your master's ability. Would you like to be an official under my command?" Lu Congshou asked Tao Zheng solicitously.

"Now that General Long is a general under Duke Ming's command, Cao Min is of course also a minister of His Royal Highness."

What Tao Zheng said made Lu Congshou open his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He smiled embarrassingly and said, "Now the situation is critical, please help me, sir."

Tao Zhengdao: "General Long doesn't know whether he is alive or dead now, if things can be done, I hope Duke Ming will rescue him."

"Of course, of course."

Lu Congshou nodded in agreement.

Whether it is true or not only Lu Congshou himself knows.

Discussing with Tao Zheng gave Lu Congshou a firm mind, but then a burst of shouting and killing outside woke up Lu Congshou who was still thinking.

"What happened?"

Lu Congshou asked quickly.

"Report to Duke Ming, it was Zhang Liao who led his troops out again, and this time the attack is still from our right battalion."

A sentry quickly replied.

"Let General Han lead the troops and horses of the headquarters to support immediately."

Lu Congshou shouted loudly.


When the losses were counted in the evening, the right army lost hundreds of people. Not many of them were killed by the Han army.

But now the right army has the feeling that there are all kinds of grass and trees, and a sound may cause the camp to be bombed. Lu Congshou personally went to the camp to appease the soldiers, and the soldiers got better.

"This won't work. I'm afraid the right army will be abolished before we attack the city!"

In desperation, Lu Congshou had to order the right army and the rear army to switch defenses. Of course, during the defense change, Lu Congshou sent the front army to keep a close eye on Zhang Liao's troops. As long as Zhang Liao dared to come out, he would shoot at him with random arrows.

Zhang Liao's camp was very quiet.

Obviously Zhang Liao was not fooled.

It took nearly a day for the right army and the rear army to switch defenses. When the defense change was over, the front army who had been stalemate for a day also relaxed.

At this time, the gate of Zhang Liao's camp opened wide.
(End of this chapter)

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