Empire's Summoning Generals System

Chapter 664 Attacking Baishui Pass

Chapter 664 Attacking Baishui Pass
And the Han army outside Baishui Pass is also holding a very important meeting that may even determine the success or failure of this attack on Shu.

Wang Ping could be said to be illiterate before, but after nearly a year of studying in the martial arts hall, he finally got rid of the title of illiterate. After Liu De learned about this, he praised him for three days, and he looked at him with admiration.

But now in the big tent, Wang Ping placed the newly hand-painted map in the tent, and said to Wei Qing and the others: "Commander, after passing the soldiers pretending to be mountain people, they found seven paths to bypass Baishui Pass.

Four of the trails are all above the cliffs, and only the plank road is elevated in the sky. However, after inspection, these plank roads were all damaged by the Yizhou army. "

Pointing to the map, Wang Ping continued: "The remaining two trails are even more rugged and difficult to walk, covered by dense forests, the mountain road is only enough for one person to go forward, and also found that the scouts of the Yizhou Army were investigating the trails, and there was a slight movement. The army will have nowhere to hide."

"Then there is another path?"

Wei Qing didn't have any expression on his face, and urged Wang Ping to continue.

Wang Ping cupped his hands and continued: "This last path is quite a long way."

Wang Ping drew a not-so-smooth arc on the map with his fingers, "This path is not wide, but it is enough for two horses to run side by side, and one person can pass through the narrow part. Passing this path can directly reach Yizhou Prefecture. There is only one small pass and several county towns in Jinguan City, and the subordinates thought that this small road must be strictly controlled and guarded by the Yizhou Army, but it doesn’t seem to be like that.”

"According to my subordinates' inquiries, this small road passes through at least a dozen Dafan tribes, and even the smallest tribe has more than a hundred warriors, which add up to thousands of nearly ten thousand people, and the distance is extremely long, requiring a big detour.

We only have 5 horses, if we go less, Dafan has enmity with us Han people, so we will definitely not let us pass easily, if we go too much, the enemy troops who are closed may be aware of it.”

"I see!"

Wei Qing nodded, turned to Zhao Yun and asked: "General Zhao once led Bai Ma Yicong to fight against the Dafans. How is the fighting power of the Dafans?"

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and only said four words, which made Wei Qing understand the strength of Dafan alone.

"Not as good as Hulu."

Wei Qing guarded the border of Yanzhou and had frequent confrontations with the Hu people. Although the Hu captives had gone through several turmoil, including being expelled by Liu De's army, civil strife and a series of other facts, their strength was no longer what it used to be.

However, in order to make a living, the Hu people still led their troops south to harass and plunder from time to time. This was inevitable, but there were no large-scale invasions.

So Wei Qing knew how powerful the Hu people were, and after hearing what Zhao Yun said, he also knew the strength of the Dafan people, Wei Qing knew it well.

Wei Qing was solemn, and all the generals also knew that Wei Qing was going to issue a military order, so they all straightened their backs, looked serious, and waited for the military order to be issued.

Wei Qing looked around, all the generals looked in his eyes, nodded slightly and said: "A certain relative will command 1 cavalry and [-] infantry, a total of [-] horses will walk on the path, bypass Baishuiguan, and go straight to Jinguan City. General Zhao will lead the remaining four Thousands of soldiers fired artillery and attacked the city as a cover."

"Marshal, you are the commander-in-chief of the first army. It is too dangerous to go with such light troops."

Gongsun He persuaded.

"It doesn't matter, Your Majesty has entrusted the important task of conquering Shu to someone. He must do his best to repay His Majesty's kindness. This split is full of dangers. As the commander of an army, he must set an example. How can he hide behind? Greed for life and fear of death?"

Wei Qing, however, had his own considerations and seriously refused.

Then he gave a few instructions in a low voice, and finally ordered the generals to go to prepare.

It was night, Wei Qing led [-] soldiers and horses to leave the camp under the cover of the night, and Zhao Yun, as the deputy commander, took over the responsibility of the general.

Wei Qing took Hua Rong, Wang Ping, Luo Cheng, and Zhou Bo away, leaving Gongsun He, Ma Yubo, Liu Zhen, and Wang Xiaojie to assist Zhao Yun.

"General, the Han army is building siege equipment, and it seems that they are preparing to attack the city."

The lieutenant general said to Bu Hall.

"Hmph, this Wei Qing is just a man with a vain reputation. To become the commander-in-chief of the first army, I am afraid it is his sister who blows the pillow wind! Hahaha!"

After listening to the lieutenant general's narration, Buting couldn't help laughing, "I have 10 soldiers at Baishui Pass, although the Han army only has [-] troops, even if there are [-] troops, I can refuse!"

Afterwards, Buting's eyes turned red, and he charged the case, "Not only does that man want to return without success, but he also wants to avenge my younger brother!"

The city of Pule County is condescending, with Nanshan as its backing and the Huai River tributaries as its moat in front. It is a very dangerous place. As long as there is enough food and grass, it is basically difficult to break through. This is one of the reasons why the Long family can survive to this day.

Guo Jia said to Zhang Liao and Wu Song at the top of the city: "Lu Congshou must have thought that we would stick to the city, but I want to do the opposite, go out of the city first and beat Lu Congshou by surprise, General Zhang, are you willing to take over?" Take this job?"

Zhang Liao cupped his hands and bowed: "The last general will live up to the eunuch's entrustment."

Guo Jia smiled and said: "You don't need to kill many enemy troops, just sharpen their spirit and slow down their journey, that's a great achievement."

"The last general takes orders!"

After Zhang Liao finished speaking, he went down to the top of the city to rectify the troops.

Han, in April of the second year of Kaiyuan, Liu De learned that Lu Congshou led an army of [-] to attack Pule County, and immediately ordered Guan Yu, the commander of the rear army stationed in Luzhou, to support Pule County.

Then Liu De dispatched several generals from other governor's mansions to make plans for the southern expedition.

Here I want to talk about the affairs of Governor Guan Yu's three states, that is, the military affairs of Luzhou, Yangzhou, and Huaizhou are all in charge of Guan Yu (the former governors of Danzhou, Luzhou, and Dongzhou, because of the advance of the front, so some change), and it is a fake festival yue, with great power and great autonomy, and it is in the prime of life. Although it has been granted the title of Duke, it is still very enterprising.

Therefore, before the Han Dynasty conquered Shu, there were almost no large-scale battles on the surface, but Guan Yu was still sending troops to Yangzhou to pacify the south on a small scale, and crossed Yangzhou to march further south to Fuzhou. The military of the military governor's mansion has never stopped.

And Dongzhou's Rear Army Governor's Mansion stationed [-] soldiers and horses, and these [-] soldiers and horses were to guard against Lu Congshou's attack, but the only shortcoming was that [-] of the [-] soldiers and horses were recruited recruits, and they had not seen blood yet.

Guan Yu originally wanted to achieve the purpose of training troops by flattening the land, but he did not expect Lu Congshou to be so decisive.

Guan Yu immediately sent [-] troops, with Liu Renshan as the main general, and Lu Junyi, Jia Fu, Ji Zun, and Guan Ping as deputy generals to support Pule County.

In May, Wei Qing marched non-stop for three days with [-] cavalry, ran away and killed nearly a thousand horses, raided a large tribe, beheaded a thousand, and captured thousands of people. Wei Qing left a dozen people to guard the prisoners and wait for the infantry behind.

Without a break, they gathered all the plundered horses together and attacked again. Within half a month, they won seven out of seven battles and defeated seven tribes in a row.

It was only then that the generals, including Luo Cheng, deeply admired Wei Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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