Empire's Summoning Generals System

Chapter 448 The Surrounding Circle Gradually Forms

Chapter 448 The Encirclement Gradually Forms (Two in One)

"Master Baili..."

The county lieutenant hurriedly told Baili county magistrate everything he had just learned.

After hearing this, Baili Xi's expression became serious, and he asked: "The Duke of Han has led the army for several years and has almost no defeats. Why did he lead more than a thousand troops so rashly to attack, and then was blocked by an army of [-] Hu people on Fangyu Mountain?" !"

The hill where Liu De is now stationed is called Fangyu Mountain by the locals.

"Perhaps, Duke Han is a bit careless!"

The county lieutenant murmured and gave his own explanation.


Bailixi waved his hand and vetoed, "Even if Duke Han underestimates the enemy and advances aggressively, but Xu Shu is a resourceful man, and Qin Qiong is also a good general in all battles, how can he not dissuade him? My son, what do you think?"

Baili Xi asked the last sentence to Meng Mingshi who was standing aside.

Meng Mingshi thought for a while, and then he said hesitantly: "Father, do you think the lord is using himself as a bait? Want to blossom in the center and surround the barbarians instead?"

Bailixi twirled his beard lightly, and nodded in satisfaction: "It's not in vain to teach my father for many years. My father also thinks that Han Gong has such an idea, but this plan is too dangerous. Xu Shu is a safe person, and it seems that he will not raise such a risk. count!"

"Oh! Master Baili, don't think about who proposed the plan. What should we do now! Do you want to send troops to support Duke Han?"

The county lieutenant slapped his thigh anxiously.

Bailixi said calmly: "Fang County only has more than a thousand people in the county, and with the soldiers of all ethnic groups, there are no more than 2000 people. These 2000 people have no chance of winning against [-] Hu cavalry. How can we support them?"

"Then let's just watch here?"

The county lieutenant was a little dazed.

"No, let's wait here for the reinforcements to arrive. Since the lord is luring the barbarians, there must be reinforcements. When that happens, we will attack with the reinforcements!"

"Then don't we have nothing to do?"

In the final analysis, the county captain of Fang County wanted to use this to make great contributions so that he could get promoted and make a fortune.


Bailixi scolded: "How can you help the Duke of Han with only two thousand old and weak? Maybe you will let the barbarians bear their grudges and attract troops to attack. Where will you leave the [-] people in Fang County?"

The county lieutenant was sweating profusely, bowed and said: "Guilty, guilty!"

Baili Xi flung his sleeves away, Meng Mingshi hurriedly helped the county captain up, and comforted him: "Father has a violent temper, I hope the county captain will not blame you!"

The county lieutenant shook his head and said: "Master Baili is an elder in the county, how can I blame you, besides, what the lord said is that I am too utilitarian, brother, I am a little tired, this city will be handed over to you!"

Meng Mingshi cupped his hands and said, "Please rest assured, my lord!"


Liu De has been guarding the hillside for four days, and the strength of the barbarians has become stronger every time, and he was even rushed up several times by the barbarians. Fortunately, Yang Qilang and other generals were brave and quickly drove the barbarians down. Only then did he hold the top of the mountain.

And Liu De's chess skills have also improved a lot, at least he doesn't need Zuna to think hard about how to lose so that the loss is not so obvious.

"My lord, according to the time, the generals should have reached the outskirts of the barbarians!"

Xu Shu said to Liu De who was looking up at the starry sky.

"Mr. Xu, the sky is a bit gloomy today. I'm afraid it's going to rain again."

Liu De didn't care about the surrounding battles, but talked to Xu Shu about the weather conditions.

Xu Shu said: "It's rainy in spring, and it's normal to have rain, and it lasts for a whole day, but if it rains, it will be easier for us to defend."

"Exactly, and if it rains, it will also cover the assembly of soldiers, so that it is difficult for the barbarians to find out, and they will be caught off guard!"

Liu De made a chopping gesture with his palm down. Obviously, with Chun Yu's cover, the winning rate of this anti-siege has increased a bit.

"I just hope that the generals will not miss the opportunity to let the barbarians discover the change!"

In fact, Liu De still has deep worries in his heart, but he has not shown it in front of everyone.

"The generals are all famous generals in the world, and obviously they will not miss the opportunity to fight."

Xu Shu comforted Liu De.

At this time, the Hu people still surrounded Fang Yushan tightly, and because of the disappearance of the tribe under his command, a tribe leader led 2000 people from his headquarters directly to Fang County.

The tribal leader originally sent his Hu people to Fang County to investigate, but now his men are missing.Don't think about it, Fang County must have done it.

On the one hand, the tribal leader wanted to avenge his subordinates, but on the other hand, it was too boring to stay at the foot of the mountain. The leader really wanted to indulge, and the nearest Fang County was the best place.

After the leader of the tribe reported to King Otto, King Otto didn't take it seriously. It's just a small county town. If you capture this county town, you can get more slave property. You only need [-] soldiers and horses, which is not harmful to the overall situation, so The leader's request was granted.

When the leader came to Fang County, he saw the low city wall and laughed out loud. He obviously thought that the city was very easy to capture, and then ordered the Hu people to start cutting wood and build long ladders to attack the city.

The Hu people would not be able to build siege equipment, but with the continuous plundering, many craftsmen were plundered by the Hu people, which allowed the Hu people to learn the technology of making long ladders. Of course, more complicated ladders and siege vehicles let it go.

"Patriarch, there are no trees around here, they have all been cut down, leaving only tree stumps."

A barbarian hurried over and said to the leader.

The leader said angrily: "Then look farther away, I don't believe there isn't a single forest nearby! Get out, let me go!"

Amidst the leader's scolding, the barbarian hurriedly left with his head down.

Bailixi and other city officials also stood at the top of the city, looking at the Hu people who were at a loss, the county captain laughed and said: "Master Baili is smart enough to cut down the woods outside the city early, so that the Hu people can't build an attack. city ​​equipment."

Other officials also praised Bailixi one after another.

There was no happy expression on Bailixi's face, but he said to everyone: "Just cleared the woods outside, as long as the Hu people are patient, they will soon be able to build siege equipment. We must unite as one. If people destroy the city, your parents, wives and children will suffer wanton humiliation from the barbarians, are you willing?"

"I don't want to!"

All the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted in unison. Obviously, the soldiers knew what a tragic situation it would be if the barbarians broke through the city.

Baili Xi said to the county lieutenant and his son Meng Mingshi (Bailishi): "You two are holding on to the city here. The Hu people are only 2000 men and horses, and they are dismounting and fighting. Don't be afraid. Go all out. Don't be afraid." Live up to the entrustment of the elders in the city."

The county lieutenant and Meng Mingshi clasped their hands together and said, "I (baby) take orders!"

Bailixi nodded, and went down to the city to mobilize the people in the city, organize logistics, and recruit young men.

The importance of the rear is sometimes more important than the front.

When it got dark, the long ladder could not be completed. Although the leader of the barbarians whipped a few soldiers angrily, he had no choice but to order his soldiers to set up camp and prepare to attack the city tomorrow.

At dawn the next day, the barbarians started to attack the other county under the scolding of the leader, and King Otto at the foot of Fangyu Mountain could vaguely hear the shout of killing, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he ignored it.

The Hu people set up simple long ladders and rushed to the top of the city shouting. The sparse arrows on the top of the city failed to stop the momentum of the Hu people, which made the Hu people even more rampant.

But then the Rolling Stones and the Woods came together and directly smashed the Hu people into the city.

The leader of the Hu people was riding on a tall horse, waving his weapon and pressing the whole army up, not paying attention to the situation behind him at all.

He may not have thought that there would be so many soldiers and horses suddenly pouring out behind him.


A dazzling blue light flashed across, and the head of the leader of the barbarians fell, and his strong body was sitting upright on the horse, which was shocking.

Guan Yu put away the Azure Dragon Saber, and a smear of blood slowly slid down along with the sharp blade.

Under the leadership of Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Zhou Cang, and Liao Hua, the [-] troops led by Guan Yu divided into four groups and surrounded the two thousand Hu people.

"Is that the reinforcements?"

The county captain on the top of the city muttered to himself.

Meng Mingshi slapped the top of the city with his palm and shouted, "Follow me down the city, and help the reinforcements destroy the barbarians!"

The gate of the city was opened wide, and Meng Mingshi directly led a thousand soldiers to fight out from the city. Under the siege of both sides, within a short time, none of the two thousand Hu people escaped.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Fei came over with several horses, and said to Guan Yu: "Commander, these barbarians have a lot of horses, and there are nearly 2000 horses for a mere [-] people. Now our army has horses, and we can form a cavalry army! "

The Hu people dismounted to attack the city, and all the horses were enclosed in one place, so Zhang Feici was able to capture such a large number of horses so briskly.

As in previous battles, after a battle, the losses of war horses are actually quite heavy. For example, in Bai Qi's battle in Mayi, only a few thousand war horses were captured, but the Hu people brought nearly [-] war horses!
"A mere [-] war horses make you so happy, but there are close to [-] war horses at the foot of the mountain!"

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and said happily looking at those strong horses.

"It doesn't necessarily all belong to us, let's talk about how much we have first!"

Zhang Fei is very contented.

"Captain, the county magistrate and county lieutenant in the city want to ask to see the governor!"

Guan Yu nodded and said: "The officials guarding the city are quite brave, let them come here!"

"Baili Xi, magistrate of Fang County, pays his respects to the governor."

"Wang Peng, Lieutenant of Fang County, pays his respects to Governor Guan!"

"Fang County Brigade Cao Yubailishi pays homage to the governor!"

Bailixi, Wang Peng and Meng Mingshi paid homage to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu is the fifth-rank Anyuan general, and his rank is higher than the seventh-rank county magistrate Bailixi. Although he has no jurisdiction, the lower officials should pay homage to the upper officials when they see them.

Guan Yu bowed slightly, out of respect for Baili Xi's age.

"My lord, please get up!"

Although Guan Yu is arrogant and scholar-bureaucrat, but more contempt for those immoral and incompetent people in the fish and meat village.

As for quite capable scholars, Guan Yu would not look at them coldly.

Guan Yu said to Baili Xi: "Please ask the county magistrate to send someone to clean up the corpses outside the city. If it is going to rain today, there will be a lot of maggots, which will easily cause plague. I will also lead the soldiers to retreat and set up camp."

"May I ask the governor, are you waiting for reinforcements to surround the barbarians at the foot of the mountain?" Baili Xi asked.

"My lord has insight, that's right."

Guan Yu said, narrowing his eyes slightly, obviously it was a bit strange for the county magistrate to guess his movements.

It seems that this old man is not an ordinary county magistrate.

Bai Lixi said to Guan Yu: "Commander, there are still 500 soldiers in Fang County, and 3000 young and strong, who can help the general! I have been in Fang County for many years, and I have already been familiar with the weather changes. It will rain tonight. If it lasts at least one day and one night, the general can take advantage of this to attack the barbarians, and the barbarians will definitely not defend themselves!"

"Okay! What my lord said, Guan must remember that when I contact the other generals, I want to attack the barbarians as soon as possible to relieve the danger of the lord!" Guan Yu bowed his hands solemnly to Bailixi.

It is definitely not enough to rely on Guan Yu's army alone. Liu De wants to completely wipe out the 5 horses. Based on Guan Yu's words alone, it is easy for the Hu people to lead the army to flee. This is not in line with Liu De's original intention.

"Please governor as soon as possible, this barbarian army has been wiped out. The barbarians will definitely not know it in a short time, but they will definitely become suspicious after a long time. That will attract more barbarians to come over, and it will be exposed instead!" Baili Xi Added here.

Guan Yu nodded and said to Baili Xi: "Your Majesty, you can order the young and strong in the city to scream day and night, and make a big attack on the city. General Hu will definitely not doubt it, and it will delay for two days."

"What the governor said is true!"

"Since this is the case, these [-] soldiers and [-] young men will stay in the city for the time being, and when the time comes, they will follow our army to attack the barbarians!"

After Guan Yu finally finished speaking, he led the generals back for thirty miles to set up camp, and quickly sent people to contact the rest of the generals. According to the agreement, basically everyone should have arrived by this time.

As the evening approached, it really started to rain lightly in the sky, which frustrated the momentum of the barbarians. Bo Yeduo saw that the ground was slippery, so he ordered to stop the attack and ordered the soldiers to rest.

The continuous rain made the barbarians uncomfortable, and no one was in the mood to go out to play. Most of the cats were in the tent, drinking strong wine, hugging the woman from Dazhou who had snatched them, and carnivaling wildly. Liu De could hear the shouts of the barbarians.

Liu De cursed, but he had no choice but to wait patiently on the mountain.

"Zuna, come here, playing chess with me!"

Guan Yu held the largest official position besides Bai Qi, and was also appointed by Liu De as the interim commander of the whole army.

At this time, Bai Qi led the [-] cavalry army (including [-] white horse righteous congregations) to the north of Fangyu Mountain, and had already contacted Yu Jin who led the Guangping army, but Guan Yu and other generals basically It's on the south side of Fangyu Mountain, so I don't know about it.

This is the biggest flaw Liu Dejun is facing. If the communication is not smooth, if the encirclement fails, it will easily lead to failure, allowing the Hu people to escape, or defeating Liu Dejun one by one.

But the arrow has to be launched on the string, and the risk of being discovered will increase as time goes on.

Guan Yu didn't have time to contact Yu Jin either, he only hoped that Yu Jin had already arrived at the agreed place and could block the way for the Hu people to go north.

Guan Yu ordered Qin Qiong, Pei Shuye, Qi Jing, and Sun Zhongjin to lead the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to guard the south of Fangyu Mountain. Guan Yu also left the county soldiers and Qing Zhuang led by Meng Mingshi to them. Li Dian, Zhao Yun, and Huo Jun took advantage of the night and heavy rain to go To the east of Fangyu Mountain.

If the Hu people fled, the probability of going west and north is high, and the probability of going east and south is relatively small. Who said that the grassland is in the northwest!
But we also have to prevent the Hu people from running around in a panic, the most important thing is to completely surround the Hu people.

Guan Yu personally led [-] troops from his headquarters to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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