A good time for farming through the ages

Chapter 431 [431] Helping Tian Yuanyuan take care of the child

Chapter 431 [431] Helping Tian Yuanyuan take care of the child (3000+)

However, Gao Min overestimated her popularity. When she arrived at the personnel department, she was refused to show Zhuo Lin's resume.

"Why? I just want to see, what qualifications does she have to review my translated documents, and she is not a big shot who needs to be kept secret, why can't I see her resume?"

"Because you are not from our personnel department. They gave us their resumes because we have responsibilities in this area. You are not an officer. Why did you show it to you? Besides, is she qualified to correct your copywriting? Didn't your section chief make the decision? What's the matter, it's not your turn to question it?"

It's no secret that Gao Min likes Bai Yi, so after her fiancée comes over, she still finds fault so openly and in a high-profile way, it's inevitable that people will look down upon her.

In the past, I just thought that Bai Gong's fiancée was mysterious, and it was not easy for him to wait for so many years and keep his body and mind healthy and clean.

Finally, I read his resume. To be honest, that resume was enough to shock their entire department. Almost everyone had passed it around and read it. It was really impressive.

Yes, Gao Min graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Beijing University, and she is indeed very good, but her resume is not enough to look at in front of others.

Gao Min was not happy with what the personnel department officer said, but she also knew that they would not show it. In principle, there was nothing wrong with it. Who told her not to be a member of the personnel department? She has the right to guarantee the privacy of relevant personnel for the information of her own department.

The more they were like this, the more curious Gao Min became, and finally bribed a small officer in the personnel department.

"Gao Min, I can't give it to you, but I remember her file. I can tell you what you want to ask."

"It's meaningless for you to say that. You pass so many files every day, can you remember them?"

Gao Min felt that the gift she had spent was not worth it, but the little clerk immediately said.

"Who said I can't remember? After we read her file, we remembered it all, because it's so amazing. Don't you just want to know her file? Needless to say the date of birth, right? Now I will tell you about her experience over the years and you will know.

"Comrade Zhuo Lin was born in 1955. She was admitted to the Department of Medicine of Huaqing University as the number one scholar in the country in 70. She graduated with a bachelor's degree five years later. Because she also studied English at the same time, she delayed her graduation by one year, which is equivalent to six years. Received a double bachelor's degree."

"Wait, you said that she delayed her graduation by one year because she took a double bachelor's degree?"

Gao Min's voice suddenly raised, startling the little clerk: "Yes, yes, that's what's written in the file!"

"In 77, I was recommended to Huaqing University for a master's degree. After one year, I was admitted to Harvard University in M ​​country. I studied consecutively for five years. No, I came back in [-]. The time card was just right. This is just A rough figure, not counting the scientific research achievements she made during her combined master's and doctoral studies, she has won awards for every project, not to mention a generous scholarship, she is also quite famous at Harvard."

Gao Min was so shocked that she couldn't speak anymore. Thinking of how shameful she was when her colleagues mocked her for delaying her graduation, the result——

Hehe, slap in the face!

She never expected that this woman was so capable that she could get two degrees in six years during college. How did she do it?
Thinking of her own time in college, she was exhausted physically and mentally by taking one course, but he still had to take two courses!
Didn't it mean that the students of the medical department are exhausted every day?
How could she have any other time to study English?

Now, she finally understood why the section chief looked at her like that, she was a complete joke!

Although Beijing University and Huaqing University are evenly matched, only she knows that there is a certain difference between the evenly matched teams here.

What's more, after taking the undergraduate medical exam, she also took the English department exam. A person's brain capacity is so big, and everyone learns one. How can she learn two?
Is this woman a monster?

Like a defeated rooster, Gao Min walked out of the personnel department lonely, and saw Bai Yi driving the car to pick up the woman.

Seeing her smiling like a flower and hugging him, hugging his shoulders and playing with him, he even helped her open the car door, these seemingly unintentional but poignant actions reminded her, intentionally or unintentionally, that love Love or not are revealed in these simple actions.

Thinking of the time when he ignored her and talked to her, he seldom had the patience to finish listening, his brows were always frowning, but looking at Bai Yi at this time, he seemed to be in a relaxed state, Looking at her, there was obvious pampering and starlight.

Gao Min has to admit that that woman is good-looking and beautiful, especially when she smiles, she seems to be full of him, star-studded, shining with the luster of being in love.

Compared with academic qualifications, she can't compare; compared with face, she can't compare; compared with figure, she can't compare.

Although this woman is not as tall as her, she is slender, fat where she should be fat, and thin where she should be thin, anyway, she looks very well-proportioned.

Last but not least, they grew up together, and even though they had been separated for five years, it wasn't that they didn't meet each other, which indirectly proved that their relationship could stand the test, hehe, but what about her?It's okay to meet only a handful of times, and I always avoid her.

Lost, crushed.

Gao Min couldn't make herself forget Bai Yi in an instant, and she wouldn't avoid it foolishly. Instead, she worked with Zhuo Lin calmly and even vigorously.

It's not that she didn't feel the hostility toward Gao Min, but she just didn't want to worry too much about it, after all, she couldn't stay here for long.

And when they got married, they didn't wear wedding dresses, just held a simple ceremony and got together with his comrades, without so much trouble.

Therefore, this kind of marriage does not even need to prepare anything, and even the wedding room can be omitted directly. During this period, he took her to the cafeteria for dinner, and he met many of his colleagues indirectly, some called her sister-in-law, and There are all kinds of people who call her younger siblings and teacher's wife.

However, it was also because of this that she felt that Bai Yi's influence in the army was already strong in interpersonal communication.

The advantage of Bai Yi's job is that he is either in the laboratory or in the office, or he can go to other military units for exchange and study. There is no need to engage in dangerous work, and he does not need to live in two places. However, his work is not easy. Working overtime is common.

Fortunately, the nature of Zhuo Lin's work makes it impossible for a husband and wife to get tired of being together every day. Maybe it's either you working overtime or me working overtime.

With the nature of this kind of work, it is not the children or the elderly in the family who are suffering.

Although Bai Yi no longer has parents, Wang Juan and Zhuo Dajun are in good health, but they will grow old one day, do you count on these busy people?
I'm afraid it's a bit choking.

Look, Zhuo Lin stayed with the army for a week, and Bai Yi took people to the military factory to do experiments.

Because before she left, she told her that it would be a week or half a month, and Zhuo Lin didn't want to be alone in the military region. Fortunately, the military region was not in the suburbs, so she would go to Tian Yuanyuan to make jokes and help take care of the children when she was off work. It's a joy.

The two sisters have not seen each other for many years, but their relationship is still the same. They share a house in their work unit and do not live with their parents-in-law. The husband is also a busy person and does not see anyone every day. As long as the husband is not at home and she works night shift, the child has to be sent to the in-laws’ house , these years have survived like this.

Seeing that Zhuo Lin is still single, God knows how envious she is, but it's just envious. She has no intention of persuading people not to get married and have children.

This is what a woman is, not work, but children, family, all three aspects are indispensable.

"Let me tell you, thanks to my high education and high salary, I can't take care of the children, and my in-laws also help. If I can't help, I will ask the neighbor's aunt to help me. The money is in place. It's better than you quit your job and take care of the children at home. In our unit, several people resigned because of family planning and the problem of raising children. This is stupid. What do you say you have studied so hard for so many years, just to give birth to children for the man? Just to cook for them and take care of their children? Instead of doing this, why do you go to university? What kind of doctor are you?"

Tian Yuanyuan has also been exhausted by work and family all these years, look at how bitter these words are, she blurted out the words without thinking.

"How often does your guy come back?"

When it comes to her husband, Tian Yuanyuan has a resentful look on her face: "I have to listen to other people's arrangements for family visits. Let's say it doesn't count. He has no rights. You know that it is not easy for the country to train pilots. How can we have holidays every day?" It's just a pity that these two children have finally become acquainted, and they have to be separated again. Every time they come back, they are strangers again. In addition to paying me wages on time and more benefits, you can hardly see him all year round. "

"His in-laws are not the only son. It is impossible to always help our family take care of the children. He also has an elder brother and sister-in-law. They also have children at home. Both of them are teachers and busy, but everyone is of high quality and considerate of each other. , even my sister-in-law would come to see us from time to time, this is where I comfort myself the most, my in-laws are good, otherwise, I would have been unable to hold on."

In Tian Yuanyuan's words, the couple can earn wages and the conditions are good, but what they lack is spiritual comfort.

If all that is left in her life is daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, children and the elderly, and you are always absent when she needs it most, maybe just a small thing can make her collapse, especially when the child is sick, you When one drags two, the mother at that time has the weakest will, almost breaking at the touch of a touch!
The Zhuolin military area is not too far from the hospital where Tian Yuanyuan lives and the family home. After she picks up the children from the kindergarten, she will help cook until seven or eight o'clock. When Tian Yuanyuan comes back, she will take a walk home.

For the sake of her being so difficult, she would help as much as she could. Anyway, she was going to get married in a few days. After getting married, it meant that she would start a busy career as a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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