A good time for farming through the ages

Chapter 396 [396] Dahong's family affairs 2000+

Chapter 396 [396] Dahong's family affairs 2000+
At first glance, you may feel that Dahong is a bit whimsical, but this is not Zhuo Lin's previous life. In the 70s, there was no household registration, no house, and even the letter of introduction had a deadline. If you ran from the countryside to the city, you must have no There is a way to survive, but this is an overhead era, not to mention that there are not so many restrictions, and the existence of private sales is allowed. In other words, as long as they work hard, they can survive.

It’s just that their family is not suitable for catering, because it can be seen from some of Dahong’s living habits that people may not be very clean. What about the world?

Even if it's someone's nanny, if it's not clean, no one wants it!
Diligence will definitely be diligent, but in terms of personal hygiene, someone needs to be told and reminded by someone's ears, so that these problems can be gradually corrected.

It's not that there are private business shops that recruit people, especially those who wash dishes and vegetables, as long as they are of a small scale, they will recruit.

But Zhuo Lin never thought of bringing this family to her shop. First of all, their shop has enough people. Secondly, the situation in Dahong's house is a bit troublesome. She doesn't want to bring trouble to her mother. Superb, she has always been kept at a respectful distance.

And, where did her mother come and live?Are you renting a house?
Brother and sister don't go to school?
These are issues that Dahong needs to consider, it doesn't mean that she can come here just by saying bring them here.

As far as she knows, Dahong has two younger brothers and a younger sister. The two younger brothers are twins. They are 15 years old this year and the younger sister is 12 years old.

When she asked how they would study if they came to the capital, Dahong's eyes darkened: "They haven't read it yet."

Zhuo Lin was surprised: "Don't read it? You're not very old, why don't you read it?"

"My two younger brothers don't like to study, and they stopped after primary school. My sister wanted to study, but grandma didn't allow it. After only three years of primary school, she was not allowed to study."

Zhuo Lin: "...." Another typical patriarchal family!
"It's not easy for you to go to college." Zhuo Lin's exclamation made Dahong feel even more uncomfortable: "I was able to go to high school and go to college because I had a good teacher who sponsored me for two years in high school. In junior high school, I relied on my mother selling blood for tuition fees. If it wasn’t for selling blood, my mother wouldn’t have had a miscarriage, so I hate my father. Obviously our family doesn’t have to live in such a difficult situation. I owe my teacher, even now None of them are paid back,"

Although this life is empty, there is one thing that is the same as the previous life, that is, to enter the factory, you must obtain the city's hukou, you only live in the city, and you have a rural hukou, if there are people in the factory, maybe you can get a temporary one If there is no one, you may not even be able to get a temporary job.

Neither Zhou Qiqi nor Tian Yuanyuan interrupted the situation in Dahong's house, obviously there was nothing they could do.

The prerequisite for Zhou Qiqi to help Dahong is that she is within her own ability, and using her family relationship is something she never considers.

This point is the same as her, because Zhuo Lin also thinks so.

Dahong spoke out her thoughts today, more or less there are elements of asking them for help, but without education and their own conditions are not very good, how can they be college students who just want to help?

Moreover, the root of their family's situation lies in their father. Dahong wants to bring his mother and younger siblings to the capital. It is possible, but it is not the best time. In her opinion, at least Dahong can afford to rent a house and have These can only be considered after work.

She can't bring her siblings and mother to the capital at all costs when she can't support herself. This is a family of four, what should I do for dinner?What about work?
Also, who can guarantee that the old lady won't come after these people leave that house?Her father won't come back?

Don't help here and there, all you help is trouble.

Then who is willing to help?

When Zhuo Lin heard this, she actually didn't want to talk anymore, but she couldn't bear to see Da Hong like that.

So I analyzed the powerful relationship for her from my own point of view. The most mentioned thing is that now is not the time to pick them up.

At least wait until she graduates, finds a job, can afford to rent a house, and take care of the food and drink of the family, and then take over, so that their living conditions are guaranteed, so that they can concentrate on finding a job.

Zhuo Lin's intentions were good, and she even got the support of Zhou Qiqi and Tian Yuanyuan, but Dahong seemed to be on the edge of her horn.

"I still have three years, three years, as long as I think of the crimes my mother and the others have suffered at home, I feel distressed, I..."

Dahong turned around and looked at Zhuo Lin, with a hint of pleading in her eyes: "Linlin, isn't Grandpa Hou's house vacant? Look, can you rent it to us first? Don't worry, I will pay back the rent owed. Yes, I will really pay you back, I can pay the IOU first."

The main house of Grandpa Hou's house is indeed vacant, but occasionally Zhou Tao and Xu Yang will come to borrow it, especially during winter and summer vacations. Compared with the Ge family, she is more willing to lend the house to Xu Yang and Xu Yang, who are already quite agile Zhou Tao, the main thing is that they are students, so they don't talk about it cleanly, and they don't have so many things.

To be honest, Zhuo Lin somewhat disliked those parents who couldn't stand up on their own. Anyone can handle such a soft persimmon. No matter how anxious the people next to them are, they may not be able to exert their strength.

Fortunately, she didn't travel to Baoziniang Baozi's father's family. Although Dahong is outstanding among them, it doesn't mean that her family is as grateful as she is. At least Dahong has been missing for so long and there is no news from her family. Disappointed.

If it was her, she would have already insisted on asking for money to find her daughter.

Counseling to this point, doing business is also being bullied.

Which businessman do you see not smart?
Anyway, Zhuo Lin resisted the Ge family moving in, so she shook her head apologetically.

"You know Zhou Tao and Xu Yang. They both live in that room. You can live in one during the summer vacation, but if you want to take over your family, that...may be inconvenient. Dahong, we are Roommate, I don’t hide anything, I just want to say something, I think, instead of thinking about taking your family over, it’s better to find a way to reform your stupid and filial father. After all, four people come to the capital for more than just living Questions, as well as eating, drinking, and daily expenses, are you sure, with our heavy studies, you can still support four people?"

"In their hometown, they can get rations as long as they farm the land, but in the capital, there is no land for them to grow. As for the job, you have been looking for a part-time job for two years, but you found a suitable one? You are still a college student, what about them? "

(End of this chapter)

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