A good time for farming through the ages

Chapter 295 [295] The content of the letter

Chapter 295 [295] The content of the letter

Si Meiqi passed the exam in her hometown and entered the second year of high school. Because she felt rushed to go directly to the third year of high school, she simply started from the second year of high school, and her grades were actually very good in school, so after passing the exam, she was directly admitted to the school. Procedures, the management of student status in this era is not as strict as in later generations, and there are many people who go to school without a diploma.

Those who didn't make it halfway through, and then went back abounded, which happened to give Si Meiqi a chance to go through the admission procedures smoothly.

Although the school has a dormitory, she didn't live in the school, but rented a room outside, so that she could avoid too much communication with her classmates.

"I have social phobia. In fact, the main environment is not good. Thirty people share a room. Can you imagine the smell? So I would rather rent a house. Fortunately, I found a room in the family courtyard behind the school. It’s not as big as yours, it’s only a few square meters, with a bed and a table, it’s almost full, but at least I live by myself, there are windows and doors, I painted it a little bit, it’s tidy, and I eat at school, It’s quite convenient to just come back and sleep.”


Reading Si Meiqi's complaints, Zhuo Lin poked the letter paper helplessly.

"You, you, you actually have more loopholes than me. Thanks to the fact that I'm the only one in contact with you, if you let Tao Yi find out, I don't know what will happen!"

This letter paper full of modern languages, I am afraid that only she can understand it.

However, the dormitory environment in the county town can also be imagined. She survived like that, but at that time she was lucky. Her parents chose the best boarding school for her, which was also a key point in the county. There was only one room for eight people. I don’t even have an electric fan, heating is a dream, and it’s impossible to start a stove. In winter, I have to suffer from the cold. At that time, my biggest wish is to hurry up for exams and vacations.

Si Meiqi's handwriting is illegible because of her occupational disease. It can be seen that she is trying to restrain herself, otherwise it would be difficult for her to understand.

Cai Qiuxia's handwriting is sloppy because she can't write well, but she is describing the situation of the new school to her seriously. The teachers and classmates are very friendly, and I haven't seen a few boys, but there are many boys among the teachers. It's also very good, the cloth is in the hands of others, it's like playing with it, and it can change all kinds of patterns they want to make, which is very magical.

A good tailor does not necessarily have to be a woman, but a man can be a tailor, which shows that he is really capable.

Cai Mingxia's longing and expectation for the new school can be seen from her words, and her character gradually returns to her original nature. As long as she stays away from the place of right and wrong, everything will develop for the better. She is sincerely happy for her.

Tao Yi's letters are just like his own, reporting to her what she has seen and heard along the way, telling her that she should write to him frequently, and when she is free, she will visit her uncle's family instead of him. Always send him things, he has everything here, take good care of yourself.

In fact, there are not many things that Zhuo Lin can send Tao Yi. Their letters and packages have to go through strict inspection. She has sent him pickles, stewed peanuts, and underwear made by herself. Underwear, underwear, and trousers were all sent out, and I couldn’t wear regular clothes, so I didn’t send any more clothes. They didn’t have a very cold winter there, so I sent sauces a few times later, dried fruits pickled by herself, Dried sweet potatoes, fried chestnuts, peanuts, melon seeds and other snacks.

The food in the military academy is very good, and there is no need to send food. These snacks are more popular than anything else, so she suspects that this product is not not allowed to be sent by her, but a subtle expression that he wants to eat it...

(End of this chapter)

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