Chapter 286

The three sisters, who had finished their work early in the morning, were resting, and they heard Cherry say: "Walnut, what is Dong Dabao doing, why haven't I seen anyone for several days, could it be that he is going to ask for a wife? "

After speaking, he laughed.Hearing Cherry's words, Walnut also became puzzled, glanced at the busy work, and said to the two sisters: "You can do the rest of the work! I'll go to Dong Dabao's house to see if it's from the winery. I'm busy with business, so I don't have time to come.

After hearing what Walnut said, Chuntao and Yangtao looked at her with a smile and said, "Go! Go quickly! I know you are worried about him!"

Hearing what the two sisters said, Walnut left the shop without any excuse, and let Dong Dabao go directly to his house.

Speaking of Dong Dabao, ever since he left Walnut’s home that day, he has been thinking in his heart that although his business has been successful, his family connections are limited after all. Jia Ding and Walnut's family went to the rescue. Fortunately, the family was not such an unreasonable bully and did not have much influence. Otherwise, even if he tried his best, he would not be able to protect Walnut.

Thinking of this, Dong Dabao, who returned home, suddenly had the idea of ​​becoming an official. He knew that his knowledge was not high, and if he wanted to be an official, he had to go through the back door. The contacts he made, spent some money to buy an official position in the government. Although it is not big, it has a lot of power. He is responsible for managing the security of this town, and he became a security captain.This busy work lasted for several days, and he didn't have time to help at Walnut's house.

One day, when Dong Dabao was thinking about how to act as the chief of public security at home, Walnut pushed open the door of their house and saw the busy brewer in the yard, but Dong Dabao was not there. She walked in, After asking, I found out that Dong Dabao was staying in the house!
Listening to what the workers said, Walnut walked into the house. Just as he reached the door, he heard voices coming from inside the house, and a middle-aged man's voice came from inside, saying: "Master, Now that you are an official, you can't help that girl to buy vegetables like before, and let people see the joke."

Listening to the conversation inside, Walnut wondered what was going on, why didn't he know what kind of official Dong Dabao was.

While she was thinking about it, she heard Dong Dabao say in the room: "I am some kind of official, I just spent money to buy such a sesame official, so that I can use it later, I really don't care about anything else. "

Walnut, who was standing at the door listening, heard the conversation between the two, knocked on the door, and said, "Dong Dabao, are you home? I'm Walnut.",

Dong Dabao, who was talking in the room, heard Walnut's voice, and immediately said: "Come in! I'm in the room!"

Walnut pushed the door and walked in, and saw Dong Dabao sitting on a chair drinking tea, when he saw Walnut approaching, he showed a smile on his face, stood up hastily, and said to her: "Walnut, Why are you here, I've been busy for the past two days, so I didn't go to your place, and I just said that I have time to go there for a stroll!"

Hearing Dong Dabao's words, Walnut glanced at him and said, "Are you busy with business recently? Why don't you go to my shop? I thought something happened to you!"

Hearing what Walnut said, Dong Dabao smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "I've been busy these few days, but it's not about buying and selling, but I bought an official in the government with money. I'm busy these few days." on this matter."

Walnut heard what Dong Dabao said, looked at him and smiled and said, "Why do you suddenly think of becoming an official? Why have you never heard of it before?"

Listening to Walnut's question, Dong Dabao looked at her with twinkling eyes and said: "I never thought about being an official before, if I did, I would study hard. Some of them are easy to handle, so I spent money to buy one, I have already bought it, and I started taking office yesterday."

Walnut heard what Dong Dabao said, hehe smiled and said: "Don't say it, your idea is really right, I am a woman, otherwise I will become an official, no matter what age there are people in the court You did the right thing, Dong Dabao. I can ask you for help if there is anything to do in the future. Regardless of the size of the official, at least the tiger skin is fooling people!"

Hearing what Walnut said, Dong Dabao smiled, took a stool and put it in front of Walnut, and said to him, "Sit down and have a cup of tea."

The housekeeper at the side saw this quietly leaving and closed the door.Walnut and Dong Daguan chatted while drinking tea, and unknowingly at noon, Walnut got up and left Dong Dabao's house.

I also went to my shop, and as soon as I walked in, Cherry and Chuntao greeted him, looked at him with a smile on my face and asked, "You went to wait for elder brother, what is he doing recently, why didn't he come to help in any shop?" ?”

Now the two sisters are questioning, Walnut, hehe smiled, glanced at him, smiled and told the two sisters what happened.

When the two sisters heard about Dong Dabao becoming an official, they couldn't help showing surprised smiles on their faces, and said with a chuckle: "This Dong Dashi can really make a fuss, since he can spend money to buy an official."

Talking and laughing, a day has passed, and I got up from the kang early in the morning, asking what's the matter, and it's time for me and my two sisters to go back to the countryside.

After breakfast in the morning, the three sisters simply cleaned up, left the house and walked directly to the countryside.

The three sisters went back to the countryside and grandma was at home. Before entering the yard, grandma and the others cut off the water early. The three of them came back and won.

Walnut saw her grandma and went up to her with a smile, gave her a big hug, then smiled and walked to the yard with her arms around her.

This time Dapeng and his daughter-in-law also came out of the room to welcome them. Just now, they saw that Walnut and the others all had smiles on their faces when they came back.

In the past, people walked into the house, sat on the edge of the kang and chatted affectionately. At this moment, there was a shout from the yard. Someone shouted: "Is Grandma Walnut at home?"

Hearing this shout, Grandma Hetao stood up from the kang, and you rushed out to greet her. When she saw that it was Matchmaker Xu who came to this house, Grandma Walnut smiled and said to him: "His aunt Why do you have so much time today, come to visit my house, "

(End of this chapter)

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