Chapter 346 345.
"How could this happen! How could this be happening!!" The little beggar couldn't believe what he heard, with tears in his eyes, choked up, "Grandpa, didn't you say that you wanted to accompany Ah Yu! Grandpa lied to Ah Yu... "

The old man raised his hand, touched his head, and smiled kindly: "Ah Yu, good boy, people will be born, grow old, get sick and die, and grandpa is the same, grandpa is not a god."

Then he looked at Ye Jiu: "Girl, I have a merciless request."

"I want to ask the girl to accept Ayu as your child, please. I picked up this child Ayu five years ago. He was only one year old and was thrown by his family by the river. I saw him pitiful." , take him home."

"Now that I leave like this, this child will have no relatives and no one to rely on. No matter how strong he is, he is still a child, let alone a man."

In this world, the status of a man is already low, let alone a man who is a beggar, the fate can be imagined.

As he spoke, he covered his mouth again and coughed violently. The little beggar hurried forward and patted him on the back.

Ye Jiu smiled: "Don't say that, after all, you are also my saviors, no matter what, I will help Ah Yu."

Hearing Ye Jiu's words, the old man's eyes flashed with hope: "Then you agree?"

Ye Jiu thought about it, then nodded.

Zuo Zuo is nothing more than raising a child, there is nothing they cannot agree to, and Ah Yu is also quite obedient.

The old man suddenly smiled, and he took the little beggar's hand: "Ah Yu, hurry up, call your mother."

Ah Yu looked at the stunning woman in front of him with a complicated expression.

Will the beautiful sister be his mother in the future?

Ah Yu opened her mouth, clenched her clothes tightly, and called out timidly, "Mother."

Ye Jiu looked at the shy child in front of her and blinked.

She...became a mother? ?

It was the first time someone called her mother, and Ye Jiu was a little uncomfortable. She touched her ears and gave a soft "hmm".


In the afternoon, towards evening, the old man died.

Ye Jiu bought a coffin for the old man and found another cemetery.

The loess gradually buried the coffin, and a deep pit turned into an earth slope. In front of the earth slope was a wooden board with the words "Jiang Ran's Tomb" written on it.

The old man's name is Jiang Ran.

Ye Jiu stood in front of the tombstone, and Ayu squatted in front of the tombstone, holding paper money in his hand.

He behaved very calmly, and didn't seem to be sad because of the old man's departure. Ye Jiu knew that he had accepted the old man's death. After all, life, old age, sickness and death are human nature and cannot be changed.

Ah Yu stood up, lowered his head, and looked at the tombstone quietly. Suddenly he asked: "Mother, is there really reincarnation in the world?"


Ye Jiu looked sideways: "I don't know, maybe there is."

If not, that Tianji would not be credible talking about fate all day long.

Ah Yu touched the edges and corners of the tombstone, her black eyes flickered: "If there is, I would like to implore Granny Meng to give grandpa a good reincarnation."

"Hundred causes must have fruit." Ye Jiu said lightly, "If he didn't do anything harmful to nature in this life, his next life will definitely be a good reincarnation."

Saying that, Ye Jiu looked at the sky: "Let's go, we've changed back, it's getting dark."

Ah Yu looked at the girl beside her and pursed her lips.

He reached out and touched the girl's slender hand. Ye Jiu understood and held him immediately.

"Before I go back, I need to get you some clothes, by the way!" Ye Jiu suddenly remembered something, "Your name is Ayu?"

(End of this chapter)

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