Chapter 506 517 Hurrying
Feng Lie still didn't persuade Wangyou, so he could only let her rest early.

The next day was the day when Feng Lie ordered troops to set off, and the biting cold wind was blowing.

Naturally, Wangyou couldn't go with him, Fenglie's hidden guards had already brought Wangyou outside the city and waited on Fenglie's only way.

Followed quietly, Wangyou's identity is Feng Lie's personal bodyguard, she is not tall, and her body is relatively petite, she looks like a little book boy.

But the preparations that should be made, Wangyou still didn't let go, he made a concoction that was similar to the skin color and applied it on his face and hands, the skin color looked similar to that of a normal man.

Be careful and you can deceive the world.

Around dawn, the army came, and Wangyou and the others followed carefully until noon, when the army stopped to prepare lunch, Wangyou and the others also stopped.

According to the agreement, several people waited for Feng Lie's cronies to pick them up.

In addition to Wangyou, there are two hidden guards to protect Wangyou, and there are only three people in the party.

The cronies came just to pick up Wangyou.

Along the way, Wangyou lowered his head, followed behind the man, keeping his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, not asking too many questions.

The two arrived at Feng Lie's camp smoothly, and Feng Lie clapped his hands to make the man retreat.

"See the prince for the little one."

She is in charge of taking care of Feng Lie's diet and daily life, so whatever role she assumes, she naturally has to fulfill her responsibilities.

Feng Lie was amused by Wangyou's mischievous appearance, in order not to reveal his identity, Feng Lie called Wangyou Xiaoyou.

"Get up and sit down."

Although the biggest official here is Feng Lie, but there may be many other people's eyeliner, the two of them are still very careful.

Feng Lie had already had someone prepare meals for the two of them, which was done by his confidants, and the two of them happily ate in the tent.

The first meal on the first day of the new year was held in such a simple environment...

But both father and daughter are very happy, and there is nothing more enjoyable than being together with loved ones.

For a temporary rest, only Feng Lie simply set up a tent, and everyone else ate in the open air. After eating, the army did not delay, and quickly reorganized and set off.

Wangyou was taken down by that confidant, and first got mixed up in the Huotou army.

The people around the prince brought them, even though Wangyou was smaller, no one said anything, on the contrary, they took good care of her.

It took a month to travel like this, and the Blue Water Country was in the north of Fengqing Country, and even though it was February when we reached the border, the cold weather did not diminish at all.

On the night when the army first arrived, the enemy attacked, and the enemy wanted to be caught off guard.

Feng Lie is a person who has experience in leading troops to fight, although he is busy, he is not chaotic.

"Xiaoyou, you stay at home."

"My lord, let Xiaoyou go with you, Xiaoyou can do her part."

The battle ahead is urgent, so Wangyou can stay and sleep.

"Be obedient and wait."

Feng Lie turned around and left, leaving Wangyou's cronies watching him along the way.

That person obeyed Feng Lie's words and did his duty. He also felt sorry for Feng Lie for so many years, and he was also happy that Feng Lie finally found his daughter.

Knowing that Wangyou was worried about the strong wind, he insisted on following along, following the big army all the way, he saw the hardships Wangyou suffered, and felt very distressed, so he persuaded softly: "Xiaoyou, go back to sleep With the presence of the prince, the enemy army will surely flee."

"Brother Jinbao, take me there. I really study military art, and I also learn kung fu. I can help you."

(End of this chapter)

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