nothing to play practice

Chapter 429 Puppet

Chapter 429 Puppet

Zixiaohe doesn't know if it's been a long time since he talked to anyone. Although he was afraid of Zhong Yuan's ability and didn't dare to approach him, the continuous words kept coming out of Zixiaohe's mouth, and he just talked Well, what they were talking about was all nonsense, but fortunately Zhong Yuan had nothing to do, he just listened to the story, and patiently listened to the mother-in-law Zixiaohe for more than ten minutes!

Although I don't know if the words of Zixiaohe trapped in the bat puppet are true or not, but judging from the known information, this Zixiaohe is really a tragic child!
Zixiaohe, the name sounds very powerful, but if you really want to rank Zixiaohe among the spirit beasts, at best, you can rank it at an upper-middle level, because most of the Zixiaohe is full of scars. Purple, and its flying ability is extremely strong, and its speed is extremely fast. It flies in the sky for at least 10 months a year, so it got the name of Zixiao!

Zixiao Crane is a solitary spirit beast. Except when courting a mate and giving birth, it is rare for two Zixiao Cranes to stay together. Even when the young cranes learn to fly and can find food by themselves, they will leave their parents and start to be independent. Life, to put it bluntly, from then until the end of life, very few Zixiao Cranes can see their parents again, and because of these reasons, the number of Zixiao Cranes has always been very small!
This Zixiao Crane whose soul has been caused is a young crane that has just left its parents not long ago. Encountering that members of the Xue clan were conducting ancestor worship activities, they closed the formation covering the entire oasis. Only then did Zi Xiaohe discover that there is something strange about this place. Surprisingly, a vermilion fruit tree grew, and all the dark purple vermilion fruits on the tree were all deeply tempting Zixiaohe!
What pleased Zixiaohe the most was that all the people in the oasis gathered in the square in the oasis, each of them was carrying out the ancestor worship activities with serious faces. It descended from the sky, landed on the vermilion fruit tree smoothly and swallowed a vermilion fruit. This Zixiao Crane should be content with it, it’s okay to leave after swallowing a vermilion fruit. After all, there are very few defensive circles in this oasis. When it is closed, it is a chance for Zixiaohe to come across it.However, Zixiaohe naively thought that no one would find him, so he was not satisfied after swallowing one, and opened his mouth to swallow a vermilion fruit next to him!

Zixiaohe annoyed people this time, and I don't know who couldn't stand it anymore, and even released a burst of cold air, freezing Zixiaohe into an ice sculpture and falling to the ground and breaking into pieces, the poor Zixiaohe didn't have time Flying all over the land of Shenzhou, I will bury my life in this oasis!

In fact, the Zixiao Crane came at the wrong time. It just happened to meet someone offering sacrifices to their ancestors, but they still wanted to take advantage of it, so they were wiped out there. Extinct here, no matter how you say it is a rare spirit beast, it is also a rare spirit pet in captivity!
If you die, you can die. Although Zixiaohe is sad and angry, he can see it. This is a world where the weak eat the strong. Who wants to take advantage of others and steal their fruits?

But Zixiaohe's tragedy didn't end there. The already dead Zixiaohe's soul was imprisoned by someone, and the person who imprisoned it was the owner of this house—Xueqian!
Why did Xueqian imprison it?Zixiaohe later became clear about this point. Xueqian has only eaten one Zhu Guo since she was a child. This Zixiaohe is so good, two of them came in one breath. Can Miss Xueqian be convinced? !

Coincidentally, Miss Xue has an unusual liking for puppetry. Miss Xue will study anything related to puppetry. Unfortunately, the Xue family is originally a hidden family, and the clan members will not do it until the strength of the clan meets the requirements. She is allowed to take a step out of the oasis, so the materials are naturally limited. They are all brought back by the brothers and sisters of the same clan when they go out, and they are also bestowed by the elders of the clan!

It is precisely because of this that the puppets made by Miss Xue are all soulless puppets, which can only be manipulated with their own consciousness. There are some spirit beasts in the oasis, but let alone extracting living souls is a taboo, Xue Although Qian is the beloved granddaughter of the second elder of the Xue family, she will not spoil the rare spirit beasts in the clan for a little girl like her!

However, Miss Xue is so lucky, there is such a Zixiaohe foolishly sent to the door, Miss Xue who collected the soul of the Zixiaohe with a secret method naturally cannot let go of this soul that stole the vermilion fruit !

It just so happens that Miss Xue is short of such a puppet with a complete soul and body. Although there is only one, it is much better than none. Miss Xue has made a lot of flying puppets, but those beautiful ones are naturally not the turn of this puppet. The purple Xiaohe who eats vermilion fruit, and finally chose Zixiaohe's current bat body. I have to say that Miss Xue's craftsmanship is still very good. After making these puppets, Miss Xue personally tested them. Naturally, there would be no problems. It didn't take long for Zixiaohe to learn to control this body. Before he could thank Xueqian, Zixiaohe's miserable life began!

Whenever Xueqian comes out with a new work, Xueqian will control her newly made puppet to let Zixiaohe experiment a bit, even though the bat body does not feel pain at all!But the soul shock caused by those puppets attacking the bat's body still made Zixiaohe very uncomfortable. Zixiaohe also tried to escape, but unfortunately the bat's body was tampered with by Xueqian. No matter where Zixiaohe ran, he would be found. Back, then again endless experimentation!

Xueqian has limited things, so naturally she won't let Zixiaohe waste the puppet's energy!So when it is not needed, Zixiaohe will be put into a deep sleep by the formation on the puppet, in order to reduce the energy expenditure of the puppet, which is why Zixiaohe reacts like that when he wakes up!As for why Zixiaohe woke up as soon as the cabinet door was opened, no one knew!

"So you don't know why the members of the Xue clan moved out of this oasis?" Zi Xiaohe felt miserable, but Zhong Yuan didn't think it was strange. There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no love. The hatred for no reason can be blamed on Zi Xiaohe himself for being too greedy, knowing that those Zhu Guoyous belonged to the owner and yet dared to make up his mind!
"Moved away? The Xue clan moved away? That's right...! The Xue clan is originally a clan of shepherds, and they never stay in one place for more than a hundred years!" Hearing the news of the Xue clan's departure, Zi Xiaohe didn't hesitate. Not as excited as Zhong Yuan imagined, and his tone became confused!

"There is still this kind of clan! Well, I am quite satisfied with your answer. I didn't think of letting you go. Now you can go wherever you want, but don't be too arrogant, or you will be demolished sooner or later. Let's play!" The Xue clan mentioned by Zi Xiaohe is quite similar to the current nomads, but the former stayed longer!

"Really? The real person is really willing to let me go?" I thought that Zixiaohe had already given up hope for his future life. As a soul body, In the eyes of the monks, he is so popular, but it is seen that unless he is strong, there is no possibility of escape. Now the real person in front of him actually let him go because he was satisfied with his answer!

"Would you like to go away! While I'm in a good mood, don't wait for me to regret it!" Shrugging, Zhong Yuan didn't discriminate against spirit bodies, and Zhong Yuan was in a really good mood at this time, and he got dozens of puppets outside at once, It's no big deal to throw away one, otherwise, with the spirit stones in the bat's body, Zhong Yuan has no intention of letting Zixiaohe go away!
"Go, go, go! I'm leaving now, thank you for your kindness! Thank you for your kindness!" Such a good opportunity, how could Zixiaohe not leave, screaming excitedly, and flew out of the wooden cabinet and flew out of the wooden house Go out, the speed of the bat puppet is very fast, it flew out of the wooden house in the blink of an eye and flew into the mid-air of the oasis, the bat did not leave directly as Zhong Yuan imagined, but flew to the highest attic, surrounded After flying around the red fruit tree a few times, it flew out of the oasis!
Zhong Yuan kept watching with his thoughts until the bat flew out of the range of the oasis formation, then he breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew his thoughts. Since the Zixiao Crane can safely fly out of the formation, Zhong Yuan and Xiao It would be easy for Yan Yuan to go out!

"Master! Why did you let that monster go away!" Seeing her master standing there in a daze, Xiao Yanyuan quickly stretched out her hand and shook it gently!

"Look at that Zixiaohe is so pitiful, let's just leave, it's no big deal!" Shaking his head, Zhong Yuan withdrew his thoughts, he was just a puppet, even if he did bad things, he couldn't make a fortune, Zhong Yuan said at the same time Looking at the wooden cabinet, leaving Zhong Yuan speechless, the wooden cabinet was empty, except for the bat puppet!

"Master, that Zixiaohe is dead but can move around by wearing that puppet, can't Miss Osmunda do it too!" A child's mind is flexible, but what Yan Yuan can think of, how could Zhong Yuan not be able to think of it? With the appearance of that purple crane, it was obvious that he couldn't leave that puppet at all. Before knowing whether other puppets also had this characteristic, Zhong Yuan would not casually let Kaluo enter these puppets!
"It's definitely possible, but I don't know if there are any side effects. Let's see after the research is clear!" Zhong Yuan nodded affirmatively!Close the wooden cabinet, turn around and walk towards the low table next to the pink bed!There were some jasper bamboo slips on the low table, Zhong Yuan also said that he forgot to find some records about those puppets from those bamboo slips!
"Great, if it works, Miss Osmunda can come out during the day!" If it wasn't for holding a blood fox in one hand and a night pearl in the other, Yan Yuan would jump up happily and clap her hands a few times , it has to be said that children's adaptability is very strong!Since such a series of things happened, this little girl can still be happy!

(End of this chapter)

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