nothing to play practice

Chapter 383 Dehydration

Chapter 383 Dehydration
Professor Liu and his entourage set up a camp about a kilometer away from the Emerald Oasis. This place is not too far from the oasis. Even if Old Liu and the others went to the oasis to fetch water, it would be easy for them. Dozens of people and those camels have drinking water. It's so easy to pick, not to mention that those people have to waste a little more, and if they want to take a bath, it will be even more difficult for Lao Liu and the others. Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhong Yuan. It was because Zhong Yuan was woken up at that time, and in a bad mood, he casually said that he did not allow the archaeological team to enter the oasis, which increased the employment price of Old Liu and the others a lot!

Zhong Yuan's renovation plan for Maomao's Jinxiangyu Nest ended in failure, or he simply didn't start, holding the Jinxiangyu Nest Zhong Yuan was in a daze for several hours, turning over countless carving patterns in his head , but there is none that can make Zhong Yuan very satisfied. Mao Mao's nest is a good thing, Zhong Yuan doesn't want to make a random pattern, and then carve it out, although Mao Mao's nest has been hollowed out There are quite a few, but even the outer parts are of good quality!You can't just smelt it with flames if you regret it later, right?If it continues like that, Mao Mao's nest will definitely shrink!

There are more people outside the oasis, which has no effect on Zhong Yuan's life, except that he can't fly around in the sky openly, but Zhong Yuan spends most of his time in the oasis, and only goes out for a stroll when he is bored. Most of the time, he was still distracted. Traveling is Zhong Yuan's goal, but Zhong Yuan would be more satisfied if he could learn something good during this time!
When he was free, Zhong Yuan also liked to lie on the hammock and watch Professor Liu and the others work. Zhong Yuan also had to admire the advanced level of technology. The nearby deserts have been searched. Although it is not as accurate as Zhong Yuan's mental power, and it is not so comprehensive, it also allowed Professor Liu and the others to determine several locations!

Everything in this world is interdependent, not to mention those instruments that Zhong Yuan can't understand, even Zhong Yuan's mind power has many places that he can't discover, isn't the tomb of Jin Jia a good example?This situation also made Zhong Yuan very helpless, even if he had the power to find real good things, it was not easy, luck and strength were really indispensable!

Today is the third day that the archaeological team camped on the edge of the Emerald Oasis. As usual, Lao Liu and his three guides each carried two buckets and walked towards the pond, but the expressions of the three were not very good today. If Zhong Yuan hadn't heard the two prosecutors say that they would withdraw their charges after going back, Zhong Yuan would have wondered whether the three of them were worried about going to jail after going back!

"Mr. Zhong, you are here!" Seeing Zhong Yuan put Mao Mao on his lap, sitting on the hammock and looking at them, the three of them quickly bent slightly and greeted Zhong Yuan!
Although Zhong Yuan was still as enthusiastic towards them as usual, the three of them were not stupid. After carefully recalling the experience of getting along with Zhong Yuan, they naturally sensed Zhong Yuan's mystery. Appearing has nothing to do with Ding and Zhong Yuan. Lao Liu and the others know that there are many things that they cannot know. As long as they know that Zhong Yuan has no malice towards them, it is always right to respect Zhong Yuan. Those vicious policemen were beaten by Zhong Yuan, but Zhong Yuan was fine?

"The sun is too big, it's too hot outside, I don't want to go out for a walk!" Zhong Yuan stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky, Zhong Yuan is not afraid of the heat, but it doesn't mean that Zhong Yuan likes to go out for a walk on a hot day!
"No, today, it's only been a few months. Although it doesn't seem to be very hot, but the dehydration is too fast. If Professor Liu is not a good person and gives us a salary increase, we all want to go back!" The old man Liu nodded, they are better, they are just guides, no one can impose any work on them, it is just because Zhong Yuan does not allow other people to enter the oasis, so the task of fetching water belongs to them, but Lao Liu and the others are right But there is no complaint at all. If it weren't for this, how could their wages rise to several hundred yuan a day?Moreover, Lao Liu and the others are not that kind of lazy people, they will help Professor Liu and the others when they have nothing to do.

The first two days were fine, but something went wrong in the past two days. It seems that at noon today, after only two hours of work, four people fainted. Old Liu and the others knew that these archaeological team members often worked outside. , the body is much stronger than ordinary people, and the weather is hotter than this. I have worked in the wild, and there has never been such a situation. The doctor who came with the team checked and found that all four were dehydrated, dehydrated?Hearing this situation, Lao Liu and the others were speechless. Because of the pond, the archaeological team has never been short of water. Even the water they got over there dug a deep pit and put it in. I'm afraid that the weather is too hot and the water will be heated!
"Another salary increase? Not bad, you know, I used to work on construction sites, and my monthly salary was more than [-] yuan, which is not like you!" Zhong Yuan was telling the truth. When he first came out to work, Isn't it just a salary of more than [-] yuan a month? Unlike Lao Liu and the others, after a few days of drinking water and helping with work from time to time, it can be his previous month's salary!

"Mr. Zhong, you really know how to joke!" Brother Hei patted his head, thinking that Zhong Yuan was joking, more than 1000 yuan a month?Who would believe it? If nothing else, the two pigeon blood rubies they saw a while ago would be worth a lot of money, but Zhong Yuan didn't seem to care at all. How about a buck?

"Are you kidding? Hei Hei, don't you believe it. If it wasn't for the good luck and earning some money in the past two years, you might still be struggling in some corner now!" Zhong Yuan laughed, let alone Lao Liu and the others. It turns out that the achievements made in the past two years, many people will probably listen to it as a story!

"That's Mr. Zhong, you are very capable. Look at Lao Liu and us, we are not born to do big things!" Brother Hei was stunned. He thought Zhong Yuan was joking, but after Zhong Yuan said it again, he completely believed it. , the three of them are just three ordinary people, and they have no interest relationship with Zhong Yuan, Zhong Yuan can't make fun of them for such a trivial matter!

"Who can say for sure about this kind of thing! Don't they all say that this person grows old only when he is poor and rich, maybe someday you will be lucky!" Zhong Yuan shook his head, who is expected to do great things?Whoever said that Zhong Yuan was the material for great things in the past would probably make people laugh to death, but now Zhong Yuan has achieved a level that countless people can't match?
"By the way, what happened to your frowning faces just now?" It's Zhong Yuan's rest time now. Although Zhong Yuan doesn't gossip, he still has curiosity. If it was caused by the incident last time, No matter what Zhong Yuan said, he couldn't ignore it!
"It's nothing. I'm just worried that the weather is too poisonous. It's not summer yet. Professor Liu and his team have lost four of them. We won't know how hot it is until summer really comes!" While talking, Lao Liu and the others have already filled the bucket with water, but there is no rush now, there is still a lot of water over there, and I just don't want to wait until the water is empty before coming here to fetch water!
"Are you kidding me? Is this the weather that can make people dizzy? Four more at a time?" Zhong Yuan rolled his eyes. He could be dizzy in this weather, and with such a weak physique, he dared to come to the archaeological team to mess around. That's awesome!
"I really fainted four people. Let's talk about the water. We have never stopped it. Just drink it when you are thirsty. To be honest, the weather is not so hot that you can faint, but the four people over there really lie down. Inside the tent, there are three women and one man, hehe!" Brother Hei laughed when he fainted, obviously laughing at the man, and fell down to be with some women, not only Brother Hei but also the other two The guide also had a smile on his face!
"It should be because of my poor physique. When I was in college, I fainted many people just by standing in a military posture. These people should not exercise much at ordinary times!" It's because these people's physical fitness is poor, coupled with this kind of high-intensity work, it's normal to faint a few times!
"It should be. Professor Liu also said that the health of these people is not as good as others. Mr. Zhong, you see, we are going to go first, and give them the water!" Nodding, Lao Liu and the others are also Thinking so, seeing something moving in the woods in the distance, Lao Liu hurriedly offered to leave. The three of them knew very well that those desert wolves spent most of their time in the Populus euphratica forest except for going out to find food. Although it won't hurt them, it's still scary to see them!
"Succeed! Well, I have watermelon soaked in it, you can take it and eat it!" Nodding, Zhong Yuan bent down and fished a watermelon from the pond. That guy, Mao Mao, has eaten that watermelon since two days ago. Afterwards, I got into this. When the weather got hot, the little guy would pester Zhong Yuan. The day before yesterday, Zhong Yuan soaked a watermelon in the pond. Somehow, the little thing found it, and even ran into the pond to take the watermelon. Pushed to the shore, when Zhong Yuan remembered to eat watermelon, he realized that Mao Mao had already made a hole in the watermelon and ate a lot of it!

"This...! Thank you, Mr. Zhong. Let's forget about today. I already ate one of you yesterday. Look, we don't have time to spare today!" Swallowing quietly, Lao Liu shook his head and pointed One bucket on each side, this melon is a good thing in the desert, but when I take it back, dozens of people over there don’t share it. I’m sorry. Once divided, each person will have a thin slice. You can’t even taste the taste. It’s gone. , might as well let Zhong Yuan eat alone!

"Okay, I'll put the watermelon in this pond. You can come and take it whenever you want to eat it. Don't be polite to me!" Nodding, Zhong Yuan threw the watermelon into the pond with a bang. Zhong Yuan doesn't like to bet around with things!
At this moment, Zhong Yuan, who was out of shit luck, didn't know that another good thing would slowly fall into his hands again.

PS: Happy New Year! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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