nothing to play practice

Chapter 285 Quantity

Chapter 285 Quantity
No one in the entire spirit world is as depressed as Liu Aiguo at the moment. As soon as those people left, Liu Aiguo hurriedly reflected on what happened here. Will the higher-ups not know what happened here?
Liu Aiguo can assure you that not only does the higher-ups know, but maybe even this matter is the result of the higher-ups' connivance. They just want to know the bottom line of the spiritual world. Compared with the entire spiritual world, the little bit of land that Liu Aiguo owns is beneficial. There are really too few, and now Liu Aiguo has a good relationship with the spirit world, even if someone comes to make trouble, isn't there still Liu Aiguo who is there to make a fool of himself?Even if other departments fell out with the spirit world, Liu Aiguo's benefits would be indispensable, and there was actually no loss in calculation.

But is everyone an idiot?Even if Zhong Yuan didn't know about this matter, why didn't Cheng Longxiang say that those old foxes couldn't figure it out?Liu Aiguo doesn't think he has much face in the spirit world, and he has a good relationship with the spirit world now, but Liu Aiguo knows clearly that Zhong Yuan has left the brand of a country behind him. It will not be easy for the relationship to return to the way it was before. It seems that even the people above lost their composure once the marrow washing pill came out!
In fact, it is similar to what Liu Aiguo thought. At the moment, those high-level officials are regretting it. They really want one side to play a red face and the other to play a bad face, so as to see if they can share some benefits from the spirit world. As for those 'attacks' The people who entered foreign submarines were just an introduction from the beginning to the end. These high-level officials never thought about what to do with them, but they didn't count them. People in the spirit world are so bold, so many countries The people who went to 'understand' what happened together, were all overturned at the gate of the spirit world, what is this?

These high-level leaders are a bit too smart to get off the tiger. Now it seems that the spirit world must not afford to lose. The existence of the spirit world can be said to be of great benefit to the country, but now the situation seems to be a bit powerless. Well, the incident caused by the roar of the tiger has gone out of control. There must be no problem in this regard in our own country, but what about the other countries?The ambassador to the country is beaten like that, even if the spirit world is not punished, the person concerned must apologize or something, right?But is that possible?
As for trying to get people from other countries to compromise, it was never even thought about. Those countries have already seen the idea of ​​attacking the spirit world for a long time. It is rare that they would give up if they seized such an opportunity!

Sure enough, in less than a day, those countries that were beaten in the spirit world sent delegations to rush over the next day. There are many things that cannot be concealed. The situation of the matter, ordinary people naturally don't care about the consequences of the matter, they are all amazed at the power and inconceivability of the tiger's roar, it can ignore the bullets, what kind of existence is that?
Several countries have never been so united in the country, united to ask the person in charge of the spiritual world to come out and give an explanation. Of course, no one dares to go to the spiritual world to say this. Protests are all directed at the top of the country. Who is called So the spiritual world belongs to your country?

What Liu Aiguo was most worried about happened. In the face of interests and general direction, everything can be discarded, let alone a spiritual world. Liu Aiguo doesn't even know what the delegations of those countries have said, and what has been reached with the country. Agreement, anyway, the progress of the matter has exceeded Liu Aiguo's imagination. In just over 10 hours, Liu Aiguo received an order. Liu Aiguo and his soldiers all quit the spirit world, and the rest of the matter will be taken over by the local troops. If it was caught, the person who ordered the giant tiger to hurt people that day must also come out and take responsibility!

Liu Aiguo laughed when he heard this order, catch those little girls?Should Zhong Yuan come out and take charge?Liu Aiguo didn't even know how those high-level officials who were fully aware of Zhong Yuan and Miao Miao's existence would issue such an order. Liu Aiguo only knew that Zhong Yuan had disappeared since he heard his voice yesterday. It is also clear that after Zhong Yuan knows about this situation, what will happen may be beyond people's imagination!
After receiving the order, Liu Aiguo hesitated for the first time. Liu Aiguo knew the consequences of falling out with the spirit world. After thinking for a long time, Liu Aiguo finally ordered all the soldiers under him to return to the barracks. No orders were allowed to leave. The barracks is half a step away, and we are going to withdraw from the spirit world at this moment. If the spirit world can be preserved, it will be a question of whether we can come in again next time. The best choice is to stay in the spirit world and don't care about anything. I think Zhong Yuan should Can you understand your difficulties?Liu Aiguo made a phone call with his superiors and expressed his thoughts. Liu Aiguo, who thought he was going to explain for a long time, did not expect the superiors to simply agree!

Didn't the top management in the country know about Zhong Yuan and Miao Miao's situation?No!Not only do you know it, but you know it very clearly, but sometimes things can’t be done as you want, just like this time, what the spirit world does is good for the country, but in the eyes of foreigners Even if he committed public anger, under the pressure of so many countries, the high-level officials had no choice but to compromise. The high-level officials who had already known from Liu Aiguo that Zhong Yuan seemed to have some back-ups left a hand and did not let Liu Aiguo participate in this incident. Get out of the matter, otherwise Liu Aiguo himself is in the spirit world, if something happens to him, wouldn't it be done now?Catch Miaomiao them?Let Zhong Yuan come out and take charge of this matter?The higher-ups didn't even think about it, the people they sent out had been ordered a long time ago, this time it was just a matter of routine, as if they were going on a trip, and if they walked around the spirit world, even if they saw people, they had to pretend they didn't see them Now, whoever likes to arrest will be arrested, as for whether Zhong Yuan can understand their difficulties, that is not the most important thing!Can this thing explain it?Doing so can be regarded as delaying time!
The country's high-level officials obviously underestimated Zhong Yuan's stinginess and intelligence. On the surface, they thought they were selling Zhong Yuan's face, and they were helping Zhong Yuan!However, Zhong Yuan, who has a good memory, clearly remembered who was the one who took the lead in causing trouble, and who was the one who ran towards the spirit world once or twice. This kind of normal probing method has long been considered hostile by Zhong Yuan!
Zhong Yuan is very tired right now, it is true that he is very tired, Zhong Yuan has not experienced such a feeling for a long time, even if he fell from the sky last time, he still has such a feeling, if it is not for the gemstone on his neck Keeping his mind clear all the time, Zhong Yuan guessed that he would be too tired to fall asleep on the 'big rock' beside him, right?

The "big rock" next to Zhong Yuan is indeed quite big. It is nearly 2000 meters wide and 7 meters at the narrowest point. It is a huge rock. Zhong Yuan likes to watch science fiction movies. , I like things like 'Meteorite Catastrophe' very much. When I thought of throwing stones before, Zhong Yuan thought of this kind of meteorite. How can collecting a few satellites have such weight?

So Zhong Yuan didn't think about going to the moon to see any plans. He covered his body with a mental power shield, scattered his mental power, chose a direction, and flew out at full speed. Zhong Yuan didn't know how fast he was now, but Zhong Yuan I clearly remember that it only took me more than an hour to pass the moon. It is not uncommon to see the meteorite clock flying all the way down, but it is too far from the appearance in my mind!
After flying in one direction continuously for several hours, Zhong Yuan felt a little guilty. It’s no joke to get lost in this vast space. Zhong Yuan didn’t want to be a floating corpse in space. Zhong Yuan can also replenish his body's energy at any time. Zhong Yuan has been out of the way for a long time. He bites the bullet and turns his head to use the moon as the coordinate from time to time. Zhong Yuan finally found the stone beside him in the empty space!

It can be regarded as luck, the direction of this meteorite is not the same as the route of Zhong Yuan, the route between the two is completely forked, Zhong Yuan is going to fly fast, or slow, most of the time will follow this huge meteorite Missed it, there is no comparison, Zhong Yuan does not know how fast the meteorite is moving, Zhong Yuan only knows that this meteorite does not have a power system, but even so, Zhong Yuan uses his thoughts to stop this meteorite immediately It couldn't even be done, but at least it could slow down the speed of the meteorite, which gave Zhong Yuan hope!

There are still some broken rocks around the meteorite. Zhong Yuan did not approach the meteorite, but stayed far away. Slowly using his thoughts to reduce the speed of the meteorite, as the speed of the meteorite was slowly reduced, the flying behind the meteorite Those small meteorites bumped into the meteorite, even if Zhong Yuan couldn't hear the sound, he could feel the vibration of the meteorite!

After spending more than 10 minutes, Zhong Yuan finally made the meteorite come to a complete stop, leaving only some relatively small rubble moving away in the original direction. When the meteorite stopped, Zhong Yuan realized that it was just like that. In a short time, I seldom used more than half of my mental power, and even unknowingly used more than half of it, even my head was a little dizzy!

Knowing that it would take some time for him to come out, Zhong Yuan was also somewhat worried. Fortunately, it didn't take much effort to slowly control the meteorite to move towards the earth. Even after the speed of the meteorite increased, Zhong Yuan didn't need to use his Zhong Yuan quickly regained his mental power by taking advantage of this gap, and Zhong Yuan didn't forget that he had to slow down the speed of the meteorite for a while!Although the current mental strength is probably enough, but Zhong Yuan doesn't want to be so tired that he can't get up in a while!

With less mental strength, Zhong Yuan's sleepiness naturally came. After enduring it for a long time, Zhong Yuan finally remembered that the speed of the meteorite was not as fast as his previous speed. He didn't know how much it took to fly here. There must be two or three hours of rest. Just in case, Zhong Yuan also took out his mobile phone and set up an alarm clock. He was afraid that he would really oversleep. If this stone really hit the earth, it would be terrible. Just play Dafabet!

Having prepared everything, Zhong Yuan, who was sleeping deeply on the meteorite, had no idea how much panic the meteorite he brought had brought to the people on Earth!
(End of this chapter)

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