nothing to play practice

Chapter 262 Diarrhea

Chapter 262 Diarrhea

In other words, in fact, Zhong Yuan is quite confident in the medicine in his hand. After all, there is no poison in those medicinal materials, and he also refined it strictly according to the method in the jade slip. Even if it is useless, it should be harmless. Otherwise, Zhong Yuan wouldn't have come out to harm others.The reason why he came out to sell medicines was Zhong Yuan's sudden whim, wanting to give others an adventure like in the novel, but now that Goshawk said so, Zhong Yuan really couldn't refuse.

"Okay! This medicine is only sold for one pill, 100 yuan is the same price, which one of you wants it!" Zhong Yuan collected two pills, took one and raised it!As for the 100 yuan, everyone consciously ignored it. Let alone 100 yuan, add [-] to the end, and everyone present can take it out without frowning!
Hearing that Zhong Yuan only sold one pill, everyone fell silent, and Goshawk couldn't talk right now, although Zhong Yuan still had this marrow washing pill in his hand, it might be possible to get it again in the future, After all, what you get is your own, so now the one that Zhong Yuan took out for experimentation is very precious!
"Brother Goshawk, hurry up and pick someone!" Everyone naturally knew Goshawk's thoughts, but this opinion was put forward by Goshawk, and now Zhong Yuan only sells one, although everyone thought in their hearts, they couldn't really come forward to buy this one. Can you buy the elixir?

"Which one of you brought the money?" Goshawk nodded joyfully, turned around and asked a few juniors, although the 100 yuan that Zhong Yuan said was a joke, but since he said it, it was just a joke. Xisui Dan also has to spend 100 yuan!

"Grandfather! I, I brought it!" Goshawk's juniors glanced at each other, all with regret on their faces. Everyone doesn't need money for food and lodging here. It's done, what money do I bring? It was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy whose nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he said weakly to Goshawk!
"If you don't dare to take it out, what are you fussing about!" Goshawk looked at the other two juniors bitterly. These little bastards didn't bring any money when they went out. Could it be that they still want to pay for them?Goshawk completely forgot that he is also a master without money, he just needs to move his mouth if he wants something, besides, people like Goshawk still need money for consumption in the spirit world?

When Goshawk yelled, the young man ran over in a few steps in fright, took out 100 yuan and handed it to Goshawk. The joy on his face seemed like he had picked up a treasure, and he had no sense of trying medicine at all!

"Senior! Hehe!" Goshawk took the money and smiled at Zhong Yuan, the meaning was self-evident!
Zhong Yuan didn't bother, he paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other, took the 100 yuan from Goshawk's hand, and handed over the marrow washing pill, and looked at the young man with some pity, he probably didn't know yet In two days, I will help them refine the normal marrow washing pill, right?

The fact is exactly the opposite of what Zhong Yuan thought, these disciples present are all good seedlings of Huang Ye and the others, and they know more or less about the Xisui Pill, and when the Xisui Pill is practiced, naturally there will be a share of the people present, But I can't stand what Zhong Yuan said earlier that this marrow washing pill may be better than ordinary washing marrow pills!If the effect is really as good as Zhong Yuan said, if the starting point of the body is higher, the future achievements will naturally be much higher than others. For practitioners like them, even a little improvement is very precious.

"Thank you, senior! I've been living on dogs for so many years!" Seeing the boy in a daze as he took the pill, Goshawk couldn't help kicking it. Too bad, it seems that we can't patronize them to practice in the future!

"Wow, woof, woof!!!" The little guy showed his figure from beside Zhong Yuan, and yelled at the goshawk with an unhappy expression on his face!

"Um! Little guy, I didn't mean you!" Goshawk was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized that this little guy is just a dog. No wonder the little guy was upset when he said that just now!
"Thank you, thank you senior!" After being kicked by the goshawk, the young man hurriedly thanked Zhong Yuan excitedly!

"Senior, is there any point in taking this medicine?" Seeing Zhong Yuan waving his hand, Goshawk asked again!

"It's nothing special, just eat it, it's just... uh!" Zhong Yuan just said halfway, when he saw the disciple throw the pill into his mouth anxiously, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it !

"Cang Lei, you little bastard, who told you to eat it here!" Once Goshawk noticed that Zhong Yuan's eyes were wrong, he turned around and saw the young man named Cang Lei eating the marrow-washing pill. , I even have the heart to slap me twice!
"Grandfather, I, I heard from my seniors that I can eat it directly, so...!" Cang Lei was crying in his heart, and I didn't mean it. Who asked so many people around to watch, the pressure is too great!

"What's the taste, is there any reaction?" Zhong Yuan didn't care at all, since he wasn't the one who took the medicine anyway, he asked Cang Lei whose face started to turn red after taking the medicine!

"Back to the seniors, I didn't taste the taste, I just felt a faint fragrance, and my body seemed to become hot all of a sudden, um, and this stomach... stomach...!" Young man, you ran towards the looming cabin in the woods in the distance like a gust of wind, and you didn't even have time to say hello to the goshawks!Zhong Yuan knew that the place was a toilet.

"You little bastard, you're going to die!" Goshawk looked angry, this little bastard is too rude, no matter how urgent things are, there is always time to say hello, right?Of course, Goshawk wasn't really angry, the rumble of Cang Lei's stomach just now couldn't hide it from them, but they didn't expect the medicine to take effect too quickly, so they took the time to say a word, and they started doing it used!
The people who experimented with the drug ran away, and Zhong Yuan chatted with one of Huang Ye and the others in front of the cabin without saying a word. Bored enough to watch a big man have diarrhea, so I can only wait as boredly as Goshawk and the others!

"Cang Meng! Cang Ya! You two go and see that kid! You won't have so much time to fall into the latrine, right?" After waiting for half an hour, there was no sign of Cang Lei. A disciple ordered.

The speed of the two disciples was quite fast, and they ran back in less than 2 minutes. Seeing the suppressed smiles on their faces, Goshawk felt relieved, no matter what the two boys were laughing at, Don't explain that Cang Lei is fine for the time being!

"Grandpa, Cang Lei seems to have really fallen into a latrine, his whole body is smelly, his body is so dark that he doesn't know what's stained on his face, and he's still squatting in it right now!" A disciple endured With a smile, he honestly told the situation!
"Brother Goshawk is really lucky!" He glanced at Goshawk with some envy, why didn't he say congratulations, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run, Huang Ye and the others entered the congenital, when they were refining their tendons and washing their marrow. It's not that bad, but why don't you say the dirt all over their bodies? They all saw it, so they knew that the boy named Cang Lei made a fortune this time!
"Hehe! Brother He was joking, it's good luck for that little bastard, Cang Ya go get a few bottles of distilled water for that kid to drink, don't get dehydrated!" Goshawk also had a smile all over his face, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it for the time being. Hastily gave a command to a junior!
"Cangmeng, go get some clean clothes, wait for that kid to finish his work later, wash it up and bring it here!" After a pause, Goshawk said to another disciple!
Zhong Yuan and the others waited for a long time. After more than an hour, Goshawk couldn't help asking people to watch it twice, but the guy was still squatting inside. If he hadn't sent a few bottles of infusion Go in and give that kid a drink, I guess it's been a long time to climb down!

"After such a long time, there won't be any problems, right?" Sang Nu couldn't help asking!
"It's just diarrhea. I don't think there will be a problem. Taking the Xisui Pill will definitely have such a process, but this kid's diarrhea seems to be a little longer!" Huang Ye on the one side shook his head, there will be people watching over there, and he has diarrhea It's a joke if it can kill people!

"Hey! Senior, here comes what you want!" Zhong Yuan was already dozing off boredly, still secretly celebrating. Fortunately, his medicine was not sold, otherwise an ordinary person would have diarrhea. It is estimated that there must be a problem in this way!And even if there is no problem, if you want Zhong Yuan to watch over other people's diarrhea, it is enough for Zhong Yuan to take care of him there!
"What?" Zhong Yuan stood up from his chair, stretched his waist, and looked in the direction of Lin Zi. Those soldiers under Liu Aiguo were carrying some things in a box by two!

"Hehe, we collected some of the gold that the senior asked for, and we will send it over later!" Huang Ye smiled and said to Zhong Yuan, although Zhong Yuan was not in a hurry, but Huang Ye and the others took Zhong Yuan It's so cheap, so you can't procrastinate in doing things!

"Seniors, this is sent by the chief!" Walking in front of Huang Ye and the others, a soldier saluted Huang Ye and the others, put down the box in his hand and said to them!

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Huang Ye nodded and thanked the soldiers!
Zhong Yuan had already walked over to open a box, and before the soldier even had time to say the password on the box, the neatly stacked gold bars in the box appeared in front of everyone, Zhong Yuan picked up one and stamped it. Looking at the gold bars with 3 nines, they are probably much purer than the ones I picked up from the sea!
The 6 boxes of gold bars weighed over a thousand catties, Zhong Yuan thought about it in his heart, counted the purity and so on, and compared it with the gold used by the bracelet in his hand, the 6 boxes of gold sent this time were at least Use more than half of it, it may not be enough!

With a wave of his hand, Zhong Yuan collected two boxes and left four boxes in place.The eyeballs of Huang Ye and his younger disciples almost popped out. Although they have heard a lot about Zhong Yuan, and even the elders of these masters are called Senior Zhong Yuan, these disciples have never seen him before. With Zhong Yuan's ability, these disciples were shocked when they saw the two boxes disappear in front of everyone, but no one would be so stupid as to think that Zhong Yuan was doing magic tricks!

(End of this chapter)

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