Chapter 508 Engagement event
Brother Xiaolong is also a person with official status now, and Chu Tianfang helped him apply for a replacement ID card and household registration.

His name is Long Zaiye, he is 15 years old, and has a Chinese nationality. At a young age, he already owns 5.00% of the shares of the Putney Petroleum Company, which will become world-famous in the near future... There must be no problem in finding a wife.

Finding a wife is a big deal!It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important thing in a person's life, right?
A sociologist abroad once did a cruel test.He gathered a hundred people and posed them an unavoidable virtual reality problem.

If you had to choose among your family and friends, who would you end up with?Friends and loved ones, loved ones left behind.Grandparents, or parents?Most people choose their parents.

So parents and children?Almost all of them chose children.Is the last option a child or a partner? 90.00% of the five or more people chose husband and wife.

Because the only one who can really accompany you through your life is your partner.

Han Chong has found someone who can accompany him for the rest of his life, Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai is her nickname, and her real name is Wang Xinyi.Originally, everyone called her Xiaoyi, but after shouting and shouting, she always felt that she was suspected of taking advantage of her, so she was called Xiaoai again later.

She is only 23 years old this year and just graduated from university, but Han Chong is already 28 years old. There are too few disciples in this generation of the Han family, and he is the only one, so the elders think that he must get married, so hurry up and pass on the family line of our Han family. what!
Sir, let's talk about seven or eight big fat boys.

Xiao Ai disagrees?What kind of family is she?Which faction?Who is her master?Are her parents martial arts high or low?Why do we need to go to her house to fight?

The forced little love has no choice but to agree to get engaged first...

The Han family is an aristocratic family. Although it has declined in recent years, as the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so it can still stand up.For such a big event as an engagement, it is natural to invite guests from all over the world, friends from all walks of life.

Needless to say, Ruan Xiaomeng and others in Haicheng, Xiang Ze and his brothers who are far away in the shabby room must also be invited, and they must all come.

The shabby room is a place where two people met and fell in love, isn't it?
Xiang Ze is Han Chong's brother, Xiao Ai's eldest, he is considered both in-law's family and maiden's family, how could he not be present at the engagement banquet?
But here comes the question, Xiang Ze and the others are still live broadcasting, how do they go to the engagement banquet?
Now the number of people in the live broadcast room of the humble room is more than ten million every day, and the attention is too high, so if you ask the program team for leave, I'm afraid they will not agree.

"Boss, shall we go to Han Chong's engagement banquet?" Dayong finally changed the subject.

"I must go, but if I don't say hello to Chu Tianfa, it's not good to just go there." Mr. Xiang Ze also had to worry about Chu Tianfang's face.

"I'll go too!" Brother Xiaolong doesn't care about anyone's face, anyway, I must join in this excitement!

"Hehe, what, I want to go too, I don't know if it's okay?" Gou Laosan whispered softly.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo!" said that there is still my bear.

"Go and go, Yu Xiaoyu, take care of Jia Ang." How could Dayong be missing on such an important occasion.

"Ah? Are you really all going?" Yu Xiaoyu was taken aback: "Am I the only one left?"

"Sister Xiaoyu, you can go too." Brother Xiaolong felt that it would not be appropriate to leave Yu Xiaoyu alone.

"Hmm..." Yu Xiaoyu can stay alone, she is not afraid, but it feels boring.

"Then you should come with us too, otherwise I won't worry if you stay here as a girl." Xiang Ze said.

"Okay, but how do we go? It will take three days at the most to go back and forth, and we may not be able to catch the flight, plus delays... We have to go for a week, what about the live broadcast? And we What do we do with so many things? What if someone steals them."

Yu Xiaoyu's worry is not superfluous, we can't just leave an empty house and everyone run away, right?Then this should be regarded as quitting voluntarily, I'm afraid it will not be easy to come back.

Although Xiang Ze and you have a good friendship with Chu Tianfang, there was no one in the live broadcast for a week, and Chu Tianfang couldn't explain it to the audience.

Yu Xiaoyu now regards the shabby room as her own home, so how can there be so many things that no one can look at?Even if you are lucky and no one comes to steal it, you will feel distressed if you are misfortune by a wild beast!

"It's easy, just ask that Peach Blossom Fairy to watch it for a few days?" This kind of small problem is not a problem for Dayong.

As for the live broadcast?Dayong also has a solution. In other words, there is no problem that he can't solve. Everyone just look at me and it's over!
"Old Chu, I have something to inform you! We have to go far away, where are we going? Zhongzhou, to attend the engagement banquet of my elder brother Han Chong... I'm not kidding you, all of us are going, including Big stupid, help arrange a special plane to pick you up!"

Dayong's simple and rude tone almost scared Chu Tianfang who was far away in Haicheng!
I rely on you, what do you want to do?Mass escape?There are only a few of you in the shabby room, why don't I broadcast live when they are all gone?
"Aren't you trying to kill me? What if you all left the live broadcast? It's not like you don't know how high the ratings are in your shabby room now...Brother, why did I offend you and you want to treat me like this!"

"Hey, why don't you find a few substitutes to deal with it for a few days?" Dayong suggested.

"Let's pull it down, who the hell can replace you? Last time Xiang Ze's double was almost exposed! We must not take any more risks. How many eyes are staring at our show now, we can't appear again It’s a mistake.” Chu Tianfang was almost worried to death, what’s the matter?

"Anyway, we must go back, how about this, let me give you an idea, see if it works..." Dayong had already made up his mind.

"It's a good thing you can figure it out! That's the only way..." Chu Tian let out a sigh.

"It's done!" Dayong put down the phone, triumphantly.What else can you say?He could only look up at him with admiration.

"Let's get ready, we'll start shooting right away!" Dayong announced enthusiastically.

The news of Han Chong's engagement also alarmed countless fans in the shabby room. Among them, there are many people with good hands and eyes. After inquiring about the location of Han Chong's engagement from various sources, they quietly joined hands and flocked here!

By the way, who wouldn't want to witness Han Chong and Xiao Ai's demeanor with their own eyes?

Everyone can think of it with their noses, Ruan Xiaomeng, Xu Feng, Nangong Muyun, Li Xuanqiu, Fat Brother... these legends in the shabby room will definitely come!

Being able to see them in person is the happiest thing in the world for fans!If you're lucky enough to get an autograph or take a photo with them...what the hell do you want in this life?
Han Chong's hometown Xingyimen is located in a county-level city in the Northeast, called Zhongzhou City.

The population is only a few hundred thousand people, and it is neither a tourist attraction nor any places of interest, but within a few days suddenly tens of thousands of tourists came, and almost all the hotels and inns were fully occupied!
The local authorities concerned were very confused.

No one informed us that the Winter Olympics will be held in Zhongzhou, and there are no large-scale commercial activities, so where do so many people come from?

What are they doing!

(End of this chapter)

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