Chapter 526
Thinking about it now, he understood that that kind of emotion is called resentment.

Seeing that he didn't remember anything, she didn't tell the truth, pretended that nothing happened, didn't question him, and didn't even beat or scold him.

What kind of mood did she use to talk to herself calmly?
"She resented you in her heart, but she was more worried that you would be persecuted by the Ouyang family, so she chose not to say anything." Lin Xiaoming's voice rang in his ears, "You have forgotten everything and lived at ease, but you don't know why she was hunted down. There is nowhere to escape, and I dare not go back to the palace. I only dare to watch you quietly a few times. In this way, even if the Ouyang family suspects that you are the father of the child, there is no evidence. After all, you are a relative of the emperor. They need to confirm it .”

"The child...'s father?" Ye Mang's eyes were full of shock.

"The Ouyang family sent her cousin, Ouyang Bingyan, to investigate. That woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She suspects you and me, but Ouyang Bingyan seems to have a good impression of me. Xiaomei and I are righteous brothers and sisters. It's been a while, so she suspected you, and went back to report to the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family took the ice silkworm Gu and asked her to give it to Xiaomei to plant it on you, but she didn't do it. As for why it is planted on her now, I will tell you. I don't know anymore." Lin Xiaoming said, squinting at Ye Mang, "Yan'er is your and her child, who is now being raised by Xiaoyu, and crowned as the little son Dongfang Yuyan, the orphan of King Qi."

"Yan'er, that child in the imperial sister's palace..." Ye Mang's pupils trembled, "It's him..."

"It's him, the orphan of the King of Qi, all made up by Xiaoyu. That child has not yet been recorded in the royal genealogy." Lin Xiaoming said, and snorted coldly, "Xiaomei has suffered so much for you, Xiaoyu will help you Raising Yan'er is to guard against Ouyang's family, and at the same time protect you, who is so relaxed as you, and forget everything."

Although he knew that he could not be blamed for this matter, but he just wanted to say a few words about him.

One is the woman he treats as his younger sister, and the other is the woman he fell in love with, so he naturally helped them complain about Ye Mang.

Ye Mang remained silent for a long time, but suddenly he stood up, "Please trouble King Ming to take care of Xiaomei for me first."

After saying that, he rushed out of the door.

Lin Xiaoming looked at his back and shook his head.

It's not too late to make up for it now.

Ye Mang ran all the way, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Who on earth sealed his memory!He knew that that person was not Hua Weihan, so who the hell...

It turned out that he didn't know that he was living a carefree life, but the people around him were all worrying about him.

And his sister...

He always listened to her scolding himself and picking on his own faults all day long, so he always liked to argue with her. The two of them never said a few good things about each other, and most of the time they were arguing, although this is also a way of getting along , but he didn't know that she was so kind to him.

She doesn't have a child herself, but she wants to help him raise the child first, recalling the day when he heard about Yan'er's illness, when he came to Yongling Palace, he saw her in a state of desperation, and all the palace servants were in a hurry.

Forgetting is not an excuse to avoid mistakes.

He ran all the way to Yongling Palace, before reaching the house he was familiar with, he raised his hand and gently knocked on the door.

"Who?" A voice came from inside, as if just waking up, a little lazy.

"Sister Huang, are you there? Come out and I have something to say to you."

"..." The people inside didn't answer. He stood outside the door, but heard a rustling sound, as if the people inside were getting dressed.

He waited patiently.

Unexpectedly, another familiar voice came from the house...

"Didn't you say that you are very tired and still have the strength to go out?"

"Give me the clothes! He's waiting outside."

"Let him talk directly, or come back tomorrow, or talk to Cherish first."

"You don't need to worry about it, Gu Yunhuang, return my clothes to me."


"No, right? I'll wear yours to go out. Fuck, don't go too far, you should give me a dress to let me go out!"

The corner of Ye Mang's lips twitched as he stood outside the door. What's going on here...?
The content of the conversation between the two is unavoidable.

"Gu Yunhuang, if you don't let go, I'm going to strike." Jinyu reprimanded a little angrily, and there was a strong threat in her words.

"If you still have the strength, then you can fight." Gu Yunhuang's tone was still leisurely, and then he chuckled, "Okay, I won't tease you, I just wanted you to rest more For a while, but seeing how energetic you are now... that's all, I'll help you wear it."

I help you wear...

Ye Mang's eyebrows twitched slightly. If he still doesn't know what's going on inside, he's really a fool.

He seems to come, some not at the right time.

But he naturally didn't expect these two people to be so blatant before they got married. Jinyu's status is different from before. Although she has a high status, she is a woman after all. It doesn't look like someone who is bound by etiquette, and he is soon relieved.

Suddenly, I was a little envious of the relationship between the two of them. After so many things, they still stay together after being apart and reuniting for several times.

But what about him and Xiaomei?
He never asked her how she felt about him. She might like him, but after such a thing happened, can she not hate him?
If she wakes up and sees him, what kind of reaction will she have?

I still remember that day when she stood under the pear tree in front of Yongning Palace, looked at him and smiled lightly and said, "You can live well without me." At that time, he just wondered why she said that suddenly, but now that I think about it , the bottom of his heart seemed to be stabbed with a knife, and then the black-clothed assassin who assassinated Ye Weiliang, he was sure that it was her, not only because of her figure, but also because besides her, who else would treat him Leave that look.

Sadness, loss, resentment and hatred.

He now knows what she meant by that sentence, so she misunderstood, she thought he liked Ye Weiliang.

Why is she like that?Even if he was the one who was wrong, she shouldn't hurt others, after all, they were innocent people, but after thinking about it, he didn't remember anything at that time, even if she told him about the stone cave, he Will you believe it?It may be difficult to believe in things that are not in one's memory...

He was a little confused, how should he deal with this matter?
"Squeak..." Just as he was thinking about it, the door was opened from the inside.

"What's the matter?" A familiar voice came into the eardrums, he raised his eyes, Jinyu had already stepped out of it, looking at his appearance, there was a little doubt in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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