Poison man is hard to tame

Chapter 204 Why, You Feel Painful

Chapter 204 Why, You Feel Painful (2)
She wanted to see how far he had messed with his hands.

But Huang Yin didn't resist this time, just watched her movement with cold eyes, and let her tear off the layer of white gauze on her hand, revealing her scorched skin that was swollen and blood red.

As he expected, the person on the opposite side got angry, and his voice was sullen and cold, "Please explain to me what's going on."

It is not hard to hear the heartache inside.

"I accidentally got burned by the fire." He wanted to pull his hand back, but he didn't know that the person holding his hand was too tight, and he gave up after trying two or three times but couldn't pull it back. "Why does His Highness Six have such a big opinion?"

This indifferent and alienated tone made Jinyu very angry.

Even if his tone was a little bit angry, she didn't want to hear such a tone and such words.

It really echoed her previous words, "Out of the dungeon, you and I will be strangers."

Huangyin has done it, but she hasn't been able to do it yet.

"I can't figure out how there are people like you in the world." She sneered bitterly in her heart, "The heart can be so hard, and I really admire your ability to bear it."

Burning your hands into such a state can still be so meaningless, as if the flesh on your body is not your own.

In his memory, his hands were very beautiful, with slender knuckles as white as jade, but now they are...

I don't know how long it will take to heal, and whether it will leave scars after it is healed. If he minds, it will be uncomfortable every time he thinks about it.

She never thought that he would treat herself in this way. This time he didn't torment her or others but tormented herself. She couldn't ignore it. The harsh words she said before seemed to be completely forgotten at this moment. .

She almost gritted her teeth when she said he admired his resilience.

Huang Yin's lips twitched slightly when she heard the words, "Why, do you feel distressed?"

This tone sounded even more chilling, but Jinyu was not angry this time. In retrospect, Huangyin has always been a very awkward person. Many times what he behaved was quite different from what he thought in his heart. For example, at this moment, she felt He probably wanted to admit to himself that if she was as quarrelsome as he was, then they really might never get back.

"Yes, I feel distressed." Jinyu looked at him firmly, and answered very simply, "I dare to admit that I feel distressed, do you dare to admit that you are angry when you say these things to me now? Do you dare to say that you are angry with me? The affection has disappeared and there is nothing left? If you dare to say it, I will never pester you again. I, Dongfang Jinyu, am not a shameless person, as long as you say a word, I will leave immediately. "

Her straightforward and decisive attitude made Huang Yin's eyes stunned for a moment.

It's really neat, as long as he says a word, she will leave?

He didn't turn his head to look at her, but he spoke, and the words that came out were, "bandage me."

When these words came out, Jinyu was a little speechless.

He didn't answer her question directly and only said these four words. He was clearly reluctant to let her go but didn't know how to persuade her to stay. He was really a twisted guy.

Knowing that Huangyin was still angry, Jinyu didn't say anything, grabbed his hand, glanced at the messy gauze, it should be unusable, glanced around, and saw a man on the opposite chair. Bundled gauze, just wanted to walk over but heard Huang Yin say: "I don't want this kind of gauze."

"What?" Jinyu turned to look at him, a little confused.

However, Huangyin only said two words lightly: "White."

White... Jinyu was silent for a moment.

Why didn't I hear him say that I hate this color before, but now she is too lazy to bother with him, she still walked over and took the bundle of gauze, "The gauze for dressing is only white, there are no other colors, and the wound cannot breathe without gauze, so you will be fine." Just a moment."

Huangyin stopped talking, Jinyu thought he had no objection, picked up his hand, looked at the shocking burn on the top with a throbbing pain in his heart, cut off the gauze around the wound on his hand and carefully bandaged it During this time, neither of them said a word, Huang Yin looked at the person who lowered her head to bandage herself, he couldn't see her expression, but could see her slightly trembling eyelashes.

"It's ugly, isn't it?" he said suddenly, his voice soft and flat.

Jinyu paused, then heard him say: "These wounds."

"No." Knotting the gauze and finishing the bandage, Jinyu looked up at Huangyin's calm face, suddenly feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, she raised her hand to caress his face, and touched every inch of skin with her fingertips As smooth as silk, she wanted to break the dull atmosphere between the two, and said with a smile, "Little Huangying is the most beautiful, no one can compare to it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a little startled on the delicate face of the opposite person, and when he realized it, he snorted coldly and turned his head away.

This reaction was extremely funny, Jinyu said: "Why? Don't believe me, what I said is true. I always thought that I was the only person in this world who was handsome, unrestrained and suave. , since I met A Yin, I feel that these words should be given to you."

"..." These words really ruined the current atmosphere and eased his originally very bad mood. At least her current attitude clearly indicated that she had given in first.

Seeing that he was silent, Jinyu thought that what she said was still ridiculous, so she wanted to say something more, when she heard footsteps coming from the door, and then someone knocked on the door, "Your Highness, the banquet at the Imperial Garden is about to start , Your Highness still not going there?"

After calculating the time, it was indeed almost time for the banquet.

He raised his eyes to look at Huang Yin, but the servant turned his eyes elsewhere, with a displeased look on his face, as if he was saying, if you want to go, just go and see what I do.

Grinding her teeth, Jinyu asked, "Is Princess Anning still in the Imperial Garden?"

The palace man on the other side of the door said: "It's still there."

"Bring Princess Anning back to Yongling Palace, I can't leave her alone at the lotus feast. In addition, I told my father that I was unwell and came back first. The task has been completed since the mandarin ducks and lotus have been sent. I'm not going." Considering that the dead princess who left Wei'an there might find trouble, besides, she also wanted Wei'an to clearly see the injuries Ye Mang and Huangyin suffered.

She really didn't know what to eat to make up for the burn.

The human outside the door said yes and then backed away, she raised her eyes to look at Huang Yin, "I won't go to the lotus banquet, how about staying here with you?"

Huang Yin's eyelash feathers trembled like a jade fan, "I'm hungry."

"I'll ask the kitchen to cook you something to eat." Jinyu got up and walked out of the room, called the palace servants to give instructions, and then returned to the room.

"Don't eat irritating food these few days, such as spicy food, but fortunately you don't like spicy food, and it's best not to drink alcohol, especially the Nanguo pear brew in your house is forbidden."

(End of this chapter)

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