The ghost business girl of rebirth

Chapter 110: Always Encounter

Chapter 110: Always Encounter (1)
Meng Yiguang put down Masako Kuwahara neatly, and the vague fluctuations of probing abilities disappeared as she lost consciousness. Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and asked, "Yiguang, what should I do with this person?" ?”

Meng Yiguang squatted down, turned Masako Kuwahara's face to look at her, but saw that she was still in a coma and still looked gloomy, and immediately lost interest.She worshiped under Xie Qinghuan's sect, besides learning martial arts, she also learned a little about facial features, although it was only superficial, it was quite useful.

This person is obviously still very young, but his body is full of stagnation, obviously he is not an open-minded person.He also possesses spiritual powers, even if he doesn't face Lu Huiming head-on, the person who covets his choice can be regarded as a challenge to him, and his strength is very impressive.

Such a person is neither an enemy nor a friend, and even Meng Yiguang, who has never had any scruples, inevitably felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

If Meng Yiguang faced Masako Kuwahara alone, in this situation, she would definitely try to kill Masako Kuwahara.But since Lu Huiming is here, and the Ninth Office is an organization that specializes in managing supernatural beings, I will leave this hot potato to him.

"She is also a supernatural being, so let Lu Huiming decide how to deal with it," Meng Yiguang said flatly.

After she said this, Li Ran naturally had no objection.In the past two days, she has been in touch with Lu Huiming. As an alternate member of the Ninth Office, she knows the established attitude of the Ninth Office on certain matters: The control of supernatural beings is stricter.

This is an era full of opportunities and chances, and there are not a few people who achieve great things.Those who do great things must have excellent vision, extraordinary courage, firm will, extraordinary perseverance, and the proportion of talent is not much.Such a person possesses superior spiritual power and is not easy to be taken advantage of by those with spiritual abilities.

But besides these people, there are more ordinary people with mediocre willpower. They will worry about all kinds of trivial things for their studies, work and life, and their spiritual world is full of flaws.Once such a person encounters an unrighteous psychic supernatural being, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The Nine Branches have existed for a long time, and they have also learned a painful lesson. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and their thoughts change accordingly. The Nine Branches will never allow a person with spiritual abilities to become a free and wild existence.

Freedom also comes with a crisis.

Li Ran glanced at Masako Kuwahara, and thought to himself: This person is not bad, I don't know how the road will arrange it.

Meng Yiguang looked at Li Ran and asked, "I'm going to visit Lu Huiming. Are you waiting here or come with me?"

"Let's go together." Li Ran said without hesitation, rather than waiting here alone in fear, it is better to fight side by side.She stretched out her foot tentatively, but the barrier did not stop her from going out, "By the way, how many people did you bring?"

"Just one." Meng Yiguang replied, bent over and picked up Kuwahara Masako, threw her over his shoulder, and said calmly, "Let's go."

This action is very handsome and powerful, but unfortunately no one appreciates it.Li Ran was busy helping her forehead: "My sister, you dare to come with someone alone. I should praise you for your courage, or your courage, or your courage!"
"What are you thinking, keep up!" Meng Yiguang walked a few steps, and found that Li Ran hadn't followed, so he turned around and shouted.

"Here we come!" Li Ran replied, trotting to keep up, the handsome and unrestrained villain in his head kicked away the cowardly and crying villain: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) I want to go back to stay in the barrier - she just stepped After coming out, the enchantment slowly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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