Elves start from eggs

Chapter 329 Inadequacies and new developments!

Chapter 329 Inadequacies and new developments!

After the Hackron incident was resolved, Ye Tian began to make arrangements for the development of the four Pokémon.

After experiencing the irregular secret realm, Ye Tian realized his own shortcomings, and also let Ye Tian clearly discover that there is still a lot of room for improvement of the four Pokémon.

First up is Harkron.

In this irregular secret realm experience, Hackron showed his ability to control the weather, which will be of great help to the subsequent battles.

In terms of skills, Hackron has learned the powerful new skill of thunder.

However, in terms of skill limitations, Ye Tian has some headaches.

In this world, there are limited skills, resulting in a limited number of Pokémon's memory skills.

However, the polygonal beast can acquire sixteen skills, which gave Ye Tian a new inspiration.

Now that there are lessons learned, can Hackron also surpass his own limitations and learn more skills?

You know, this will definitely be a very powerful improvement for Hackron!
This concept is definitely not just a thought of Ye Tian, ​​but must be put into action.

Ye Tian is a three-star researcher at any rate, and is qualified to go to the headquarters of the Pokémon research community to check information.

Regarding this point, Ye Tian decided to find time to go to the headquarters of the Pokémon research community to see how deeply the research community has studied the limitations of skills.

In addition to skills, Hackron has improved a lot in terms of level and actual combat.

It does not have the characteristics of intimidation, but it has the potential to "become a big brother", so when fighting, it will always put pressure on the opponent from time to time.

If this pressure is developed for it, will it be an invisible threat?
In this regard, Ye Tian is also ready to explore it.

This is followed by an overview of polygons.

Ye Tian frantically typed the defect of the polygon this time on the laptop.

That's right!It's a defect!

After the battle with Jin Ling, Ye Tian discovered a fatal flaw of the polygonal beast.

In terms of close combat, polygonal beasts are extremely bad at it!

Even though the polygonal beast can use head hammer, iron tail and other melee combat skills, it is really weak in melee combat.

If this shortcoming is not corrected in time, it will be very detrimental to the future development of Polygon.

The difference between Ye Tian's polygonal beast and other polygonal beasts lies in its shape, size and color characteristics.The biggest difference is that this polygonal beast was born out of data errors and accidents.

This also enables the polygonal beast to evolve and degenerate freely.

Regarding this point, Ye Tian has never used it in actual combat.

But there is one thing Ye Tian is very clear about, that is, after the polygonal beast evolves, its strength will be greatly improved.

The evolution of Pokémon has always been a subject that the Pokémon research community has been working hard on.

Why do Pokémon evolve?Why can't some Pokémon evolve?Why can some Pokémon evolve twice?What is the point of this?

Regarding these issues, the Pokémon research community has always been quite a headache.

In this regard, Ye Tian's understanding is that the evolution of Pokémon is that after the Pokémon grows to a certain level, its own energy storage reaches the highest value it needs, and when it breaks through the critical point, it will emit light to consume these excess energy. Energy, and use it to reach a higher level, which is the stage after evolution.

After evolution, Pokémon's energy, energy storage, health, combat effectiveness, etc. will be greatly improved.

As for why some Pokémon can evolve and some Pokémon cannot, Ye Tian can't explain it either.

But one thing we can know is that after evolution, Pokémon will definitely increase greatly in race value and overall strength.

This time the battle with Jin Ling was a draw, but if the polygonal beast evolves into the polygonal beast Z form, there is a high probability that it will win.

But in the battle, the polygonal beast cannot evolve at will, and needs to absorb the upgrade patches and suspicious patches in the electronic space to evolve.

Either it evolves at the beginning of the battle, or it doesn't.

But if the polygonal beast can store the patches needed for this evolution, can it also evolve at will during the battle?
Ye Tian still needs to correct this conjecture.

In addition, Ye Tian also discovered that the polygonal beast's grasp of superpowers seems to be getting deeper and deeper.

In the irregular secret realm, Ye Tian saw Hupa and the ability to liberate Hupa.

He is very interested in several super power skills, and the polygonal beast may also have a try.

Furthermore, the carp king, after experiencing the irregular secret realm, the carp king breaks through himself and acquires the jumping skill!
This can be said to be the thing that surprised Ye Tian the most.

The carp king who can learn the jumping skills by himself, even if you search the whole continent, is probably the only one carp king?

In this regard, Ye Tian was pleasantly surprised, and also had some new views on this carp king.

Since you can even learn the jumping skill, why don't you evolve it?Are you playing me on purpose?

Finally, there is Cordora.

The newly tamed Pokémon Cocodora evolved into Cocodora.

After the evolution, Ke Dora's temper became a little irritable, and she would be disobedient occasionally. This was what troubled Ye Tian the most.

Kodora's attributes are steel and rock, and her characteristic is a hard head.

Ye Tian felt that Kodora's skills still needed to be developed.

Once Ye Tian conceived the conjecture of armed domineering after Hacklong learned Iron Tail.

Develop iron tail skills to make yourself as hard as iron armor.

Isn't this the current situation of Kodora in front of you?The steel-type Kodora itself is an iron-armored Pokémon, and its own hardness is quite remarkable.

If the conjecture of armed domineering continues to be implemented, will Kodora, who is already extremely defensive, also be upgraded to another level?

This is all Ye Tian's summary and new conjectures about this irregular secret realm.

After summarizing all the information, Ye Tian began to implement it.

Ye Tian came to the Jincheng Pokémon Association.

For the fourth Pokémon Kodora, he first went to the association to register.

Immediately afterwards, he approached Chairman Lukas again to discuss important matters.

When Chairman Lukaz heard that Ye Tian was looking for him, he immediately rushed to meet him.

"Ye Tian... Long time no see!" President Lukaz was very excited to see Ye Tian.

After the other four people from Jincheng Mingri came back, he met them one by one.

Only Ye Tian, ​​because the polygonal beast's injury hadn't healed at that time, so he went home directly after returning from the irregular secret realm, which meant that President Lukasz hadn't met Ye Tian yet.

"Hahaha... President, don't come here without any problems." Ye Tian greeted President Lukas first.

"Ye Tian, ​​congratulations, this time you have experienced in the irregular secret realm, it is quite outstanding! I believe that your wonderful performance will be recognized by the Pokémon Association." President Lukas said sincerely to Ye Tian .

……(To be continued)

(End of this chapter)

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