Chapter 4 Dream Team A Reverie Team (4)
The gap between ideal and reality is too great.Wang Zhenghua suddenly realized that entrepreneurial determination is not enough, and sufficient professional knowledge must be mastered.So, he began to look for professional books on travel.However, due to the lack of information dissemination at that time, Wang Zhenghua searched bookstores and libraries throughout Shanghai but could not find a suitable guide book.Later, he found out that a teacher from Hangzhou University who had returned from studying in Europe compiled a book on tourism and printed it as a teaching material. He sent people to Hangzhou University to find the book "World Tourism and Its Philosophy".When he saw that "with the development of China's social economy, more and more people will choose to travel at their own expense. What is ignored by the state-owned tourism giants is the mainstream of the future market. Why not make a move here?" At that time, Wang Zhenghua was enlightened, suddenly enlightened, and he was determined to put all his energy on the individual customer market.

Sure enough, as more and more people began to pursue personalized travel at that time, the market share of individual tourists became larger and larger.As a result, Chunqiu Travel Agency, which found the right way, immediately achieved amazing results. In the second year, the turnover soared to 64 yuan, and in the third year it reached more than 120 million yuan.When several state-owned tourism giants came to their senses, Wang Zhenghua had already led Chunqiu to run ahead, and the banner of Chunqiu had been planted all over Shanghai.

02 No chance to meet face to face

In 1994, Wang Zhenghua was 50 years old. It was also in this year that Chunqiu became the top travel agency in the country.How to continue to maintain the leading edge of Spring and Autumn?

Based on years of experience, Wang Zhenghua decided to weave the net in two hands.

Single-handedly build a computer network system.When other peers still use manual operation, Wang Zhenghua decided to invest 2000 million and take the lead in using computer for network operation.This big move did not bring obvious benefits to the company at the time.Later, when competing with competitors for the market, I discovered the power of information management.Once, Chunqiu Travel Agency opened several new stores in the urban area of ​​Shanghai. As a result, it was jointly surrounded by seven travel agencies headed by CYTS. CYTS adopted the competitive strategy of McDonald’s following KFC and opened a store near the new Chunqiu store.However, in the end, more than half of the stores of CYTS were closed, while almost all the stores of Spring and Autumn survived.

The other hand uses the already common agency model in foreign countries to attract small and medium-sized travel agencies to join through a generous commission system.In each tourism product, Wang Zhenghua only takes 10% of the profit, and the remaining 90% goes to the agent.

In addition, vertical management is adopted in the management mechanism.At that time, the practice of domestic travel agencies was horizontal management, that is, tour guides mastered various resources in the travel chain.This is very bad. I still remember that in 1992, under the leadership of the department manager, more than ten employees of Spring International Travel Agency in East China collectively changed jobs. As a result, all business resources in East China were lost.So Wang Zhenghua decided to adopt vertical management and set up independent functional departments such as tour guides, procurement, tourist routes and supervision.

After a series of reforms, at the beginning of 1999, Spring Travel Network formed a large network of "more than 50 stores in Shanghai, more than 30 branches across the country, and thousands of agents across the country", and continued to "network" scattered from all over the country. customer resources.

Just when Wang Zhenghua's fortune was prospering, Ji Qi appeared.

Ji Qi first expressed his admiration to Wang Zhenghua and wanted to learn from Wang Zhenghua, and then talked about the prospect of the Internet.

After going around for a long time, Wang Zhenghua finally understood Ji Qi's real intention.

Wang Zhenghua said: "You want to invite me to partner with you to open a travel website?"

"Yes, I am very much looking forward to Mr. Wang's joining." Ji Qi looked at Wang Zhenghua expectantly.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in the Internet at all." Wang Zhenghua said flatly, and he rejected Ji Qi's invitation straight away.Of course, at this time, Wang Zhenghua never dreamed that the young man in front of him would make Ctrip a listed company.Ji Qi also never imagined that Wang Zhenghua, who was not interested in the Internet, would later open an airline company.

In addition to Wang Zhenghua introduced above, Ji Qi and Liang Jianzhang also contacted the management of many travel companies.However, no one is interested in this newly established small company, let alone give up everything they already have for it.

By chance, Ji Qi heard that Fan Min, the general manager of Shanghai Continental Hotel, also graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, had worked as a travel agency, and had also studied in Switzerland.When Ji Qi heard it, isn't this the person we are looking for?

Ji Qi seems to have seen the dawn of hope, so can Ji Qi persuade Fan Min to join the Ctrip team?Read on!

Section [-] Manager Fan Min

01 Bitter and Happy Years
At this time, Fan Min, although not as fierce as Wang Zhenghua, was doing well and had a good life.

Fan Min was born in 1965. In 1983, he was admitted to Shanghai Jiaotong University majoring in Industrial Management Engineering. Four years later, he directly studied for a master's degree in management at the school without the entrance examination, and among the more than 4 fresh graduates this year, only two were directly exempted from the entrance examination for graduate school.In this way, Fan Min lived on the campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University for 1000 years.

Looking back now, during his hard study, Fan Min encountered an era of very scarce material, and people's thirst for knowledge and culture was very strong.

Fan Min vaguely remembered the days when he queued up to buy "Les Miserables" at the Xinhua Bookstore.It was really tragic. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the bookstore hadn't opened yet, and there was already a long queue at the door.

Fan Min vaguely remembered the scene after a roommate's Hong Kong relative sent him a tape recorder.In the dormitory, the tape recorder was "working" almost 24 hours a day. The tape recorder was the most extravagant "household appliance" back then, and the students in other dormitories were so envious that their noses bleed.

Fan Min still remembers that on the campus in the 20s, every time experts and scholars came to the school to give speeches, the auditorium was always full of seats.I am also one of them.

26 This is the best team. Perhaps it has been influenced by the times.Fan Min’s life motto is a sentence in Mr. Zhu Guangqian’s "Talking about Beauty": "Be an honest person, speak the truth, and do honest things." Fan Min’s impression on the students is also down-to-earth, mature and stable.Many years later, Fan Min's classmates recalled that Fan Min was the chairman of the school's student union, and he was very leadership.

However, this calm chairman of the student union also has an "extraordinary" side, that is, in his senior year of college, Fan Min once established the Jiaotong University Onlly Student Technology Development Company with several classmates, and he himself served as the company's vice president. The main business is to do project consultation and make plans for enterprises and cities in other places.

Unfortunately, the company initiated by Fan Min ended without a problem. The dramatic thing is that Ang Li's name remained and became the name of another famous company.Although the first venture ended in failure, it has already exercised Fan Min's practical ability.

02 State-owned enterprise career
In 1990, Fan Min graduated from graduate school.What kind of job are you looking for?At this time, Fan Min used to have many choices.For example, working in government departments, working in financial institutions and so on.But in the end, Fan Min chose the tourism industry, which seemed to have no social status at that time.

Why did you choose tourism?Because in the early 20s, the tourism industry was very popular. When the Hilton Hotel in Shanghai recruited service personnel, there was a spectacular scene of many college graduates enthusiastically applying for the exam.In addition, there is another more important reason, which is that Fan Min has always believed: "The more talents there are, the easier it is to stand out. There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys can be called kings."

The unit where Fan Min works is Shanghai Xinya Group Company.

Entering Xinya Group, Fan Min's advantages are indeed obvious.At that time, there were fewer graduate students than pandas now, and they were scarce talents. Xinya Group only recruited two graduate students.From the very beginning, Fan Min was the focus of training.

In New Asia Group, an old state-owned enterprise, Fan Min's first job was in the planning department of Shanghai New Asia International Travel Agency, where he was responsible for the planning and coordination of travel agencies.The usual work is to send and receive faxes, arrange travel teams, contact suppliers, etc.But after practicing here for a period of time, in December 1990, Fan Min was promoted to the office of Xinya Group as an assistant.

After staying in this position for a year and a half, Fan Min suddenly talked to the leader one day, saying that he wanted to be transferred to Hailun Hotel to work.Hailun Hotel is a subsidiary unit of Xinya Group Company, which was just established.

Zhao Huan, the director of the office, said: "Xiao Fan, you are crazy, isn't the headquarters very good? Why go there, not to mention the conditions there are not as good as the headquarters."

"Director Zhao, I'm not very familiar with the work in the office, and the boss of the company is not very satisfied. Although the conditions there are worse, I still want to go." Fan Min said.

"However, if you go there, you may not be able to become a leader. You may start as a grassroots employee." Zhao Huan still wanted this high-achieving student from Shanghai Jiaotong University to reconsider his decision just now.

Fan Min still chose to work at Hailun Hotel.

On February 1993, 2, Hailun Hotel officially opened on Nanjing East Road, Shanghai.The badge on Fan Min's chest reads: Intern Management Student.

Fan Min thought it didn't matter.He believes that only when the seeds disappear in the soil can they gain value.No seed will ever germinate in the air.Compared with the office of the group, it is better to display one's talents here.

Sure enough, those who sow with tears will surely reap with a smile. Four years later, Fan Min's ability was recognized by his superiors, and he was sent to the Lausanne Hotel Management School in Switzerland for further study.In the state-run units, such an arrangement meant that he was prepared to be promoted.

The Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau organized the study at the Hotel Management School in Lausanne, Switzerland. A total of more than 20 people were selected in the city, and the study time was one year.During this year's training, Fan Min had a deeper understanding of service.

The first class made Fan Min feel very different.The first lesson was etiquette, which was taught by a French teacher.The professor especially emphasized that the tourism service industry is a hospitality industry, practitioners must master many ways of hospitality and must pay attention to many details.For example, how to walk the stairs and which side to walk from are all particular.

In addition, there was another incident that had a great influence on Fan Min.At that time, they were writing promotional letters for the school and sending them to domestic educational institutions.After finishing writing, they handed over a large pile of letters to the class teacher. They didn't hear a "thank you", but they were severely criticized.The head teacher said, "You are all managers from the hotel. You should do things professionally, but this is very unprofessional. The letters should be neatly placed in the basket, with the front facing up and the corners aligned, so that the post office staff can take them back. After that, you don’t need to sort it out, you can directly postmark it.”

This incident made Fan Min truly understand: for the service industry, details determine success or failure.If the service provider can make customers feel your intentions in every inconspicuous detail, it will be different.There is a saying that goes like this: You are successful because you are different.

03 Ctrip New Home
After returning from Switzerland, Fan Min was promoted to be the deputy general manager of Shanghai New Asia Group Hotel Management Company.Since then, his official career has been prosperous, and he has been successively appointed as the general manager of Shanghai Travel Agency and Continental Hotel.By 1999, Fan Min had worked in the tourism industry for 10 years.

In the 20s, it was quite good to be able to get the position of general manager in a state-owned enterprise. With a house, a car, and a dedicated driver, such a life should be satisfactory, and there is no need to think about it.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.One day, a few people came unexpectedly, trying to break his peace and change the trajectory of his life.

These people are Ji Qi, Liang Jianzhang and Shen Nanpeng.

Because after the three people determined that they needed a business partner who was familiar with the tourism industry, they kept looking for a suitable candidate, and finally found Fan Min.

One day in 1999, 34-year-old Fan Min was invited by a friend to the Lulu restaurant in Shanghai.There, there were already three people waiting for his arrival. They were Shen Nanpeng, then an executive of Deutsche Bank, Liang Jianzhang, consulting director of Oracle China, and Ji Qi, who had founded many high-tech companies.

During the first conversation, Fan Min's expression did not change.

After returning, Liang Jianzhang and Shen Nanpeng said, let's find a few more suitable candidates.Because it is impossible for many people to dig out Fan Min, who is the general manager of a state-owned enterprise, has a housing unit, and has a dedicated driver.

However, Ji Qi thinks: Fan Min is his alumni, so he can't even invite him, and it's even more difficult for others.

In the following time, Ji Qi displayed his perseverance in sales, and often went to the Continental Hotel, No. 200 Xizang Middle Road, Shanghai, to talk to Fan Min about his dreams and the future.

How strange!Every time Ji Qi went to look for Fan Min, Fan Min asked Ji Qi to wait outside the office, even if he had time, he had to wait.These are nothing to Ji Qi. He thinks that the leaders of state-owned enterprises are like this, which is very normal.However, after a few more visits, things got better.At first it took 10 minutes to wait, and then the time gradually shortened to 5 minutes.

The last time, Ji Qi said directly to Fan Min: "Alumni, have you considered it?"

Fan Min said: "Okay! I decided to take a gamble. In fact, life is like a gamble. You can't gamble, but you must gamble."

Maybe it was Ji Qi's spirit of visiting the thatched cottage that moved Fan Min, and maybe it was the "big cake" painted by Ji Qi that moved Fan Min first.In short, after countless times of hard work, the passion in Fan Min's heart was finally awakened, and he agreed to start a business together.

In this way, all the people needed by the Ctrip team have been found, so what is their next step?Please see Chapter 2 "Entrepreneurial Financing".

The members of Ctrip's 4-member group have already appeared on the stage.However, can these four people form the Roman legion and be invincible in the mall?It is necessary for us to use human resources management tools to make a preliminary assessment and identification of the members of this team.

3. Factors for Entrepreneur Growth According to the theory of talent success, the growth of entrepreneurs is related to three factors.

First, the environment.Needless to say this factor, in the 20s, the entrepreneurial atmosphere in Shanghai was very good.However, what is specifically stated here is that this factor is very important. Pan Shiyi once said that if there were no good times, he would still be a farmer in the countryside of Tianshui, Gansu.

Second, study.Including school higher education (degree) and social transformation education (experience).They all have this factor.The difference is that Liang Jianzhang and Shen Nanpeng belong to the sea turtles, while Ji Qi and Fan Min belong to the soil"

Summary turtle.

(End of this chapter)

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