This is the best team: from Ctrip to Home Inns, Hanting I

Chapter 26 Appendix 2 Reference Answers to Application Questions

Reference Answers to Applied Questions in Appendix II of Chapter 26 (1)
[-]. Is he an ideal partner? This is the first time a gangster started a business, but he withdrew from the entrepreneurial team due to disagreements in the cooperation with his entrepreneurial partners.

One day, the gangster met a netizen on the Internet. This netizen was in his 40s and had just returned from a foreign country.Since he was not in a good mood and needed to find someone to talk about his distress, the gangster chatted with him.Chatting, chatting, actually found more and more common language.So the gangster expressed his thoughts to the returnees.

Gangster: I want to get a fake notebook, what do you think?
Returnees: Good!We can partner, I have a platform.

Gangster: Do you have a platform?
Returnees: Hehe!I am the chief consultant of the Beijing University Entrepreneurship Alliance. I can use the platform of the Beijing University Entrepreneurship Association to promote copycat books in universities.At the same time, we can also OEM and make our own brand.

Use this platform to find agents. If the promotion of Beijing universities is successful, we will replicate this model to major cities across the country.

Gangster: Can you control this platform?
Sea Turtle: Absolutely. We can also conduct affiliate marketing on our own brand notebooks, charge advertising fees, and so on.

According to the above chat records, if you were a gangster, would you cooperate with him?Please explain the specific reasons!

Reference answer:
Two issues are involved here: first, to choose the right entrepreneurial partner; second, to choose the right entrepreneurial project.

Let’s talk about how to find a business partner first.There is a saying that in entrepreneurship, the most dangerous thing is not the project, but the partner.Don't be afraid of opponents like wolves, but teammates like pigs.Therefore, choosing the right person is a prerequisite for doing the right thing.

There are several ways to know entrepreneurial partners: first, it is developed from the way of interpersonal relationship.For example, kinship, geographical relationship, occasional relationship, etc.; second, it is formed through the way of role positioning.This kind of relationship generally occurs in unit organizations; third, they walk together because they share common values.This relationship is helpful to the stability of the team; fourth, the task-oriented approach.This situation also occurs in companies or collectives.

Let’s take a look back at the acquaintances of gangsters and returnees, and it’s not difficult to find that they are business partners developed due to occasional relationships.Of course, because of their common sense of value, the more they talked, the more speculative they became.But when choosing a partner, there are three principles that must be considered.They are complementary skills, common goals, and mutual responsibility.Therefore, the division of labor between gangsters and returnees can only be like this: gangsters are responsible for product development, and returnees are responsible for marketing; as for gangsters are responsible for market expansion, returnees are responsible for product development. promote.

Now that the division of labor has been decided, we are analyzing whether their promotion method is executable according to their dialogue.Returnees said that copycat notebooks can be produced by OEM and promoted in colleges and universities.Then find an agent and promote it to the whole country.At the same time, do related marketing on the cottage notebook, charge advertising fees, etc.

The latter sentence is a bit outrageous. It can be seen from it that the returnees' minds are not only focused on promoting counterfeit notebooks, so they did not have a common goal from the beginning.

In addition, we are talking about the prospect of copycat notebooks.Why are copycat notebooks so concerned by the industry?This is obviously related to market demand. The popularization of the Internet has driven the consumption of PCs. Many students and home users also want to use notebooks to study and surf the Internet, but the performance requirements are not high.Therefore, the netbook naturally fulfills the needs of these users.It is understood that before Intel launched the Atom processor, the market's most optimistic expectation was that the global sales volume of "netbooks" would be 500 million units, but the reality far exceeded Intel's forecast.

However, the actual situation is this: there are many users who come to inquire about counterfeit notebooks, but not so many actually buy them.Because users are happy and afraid of counterfeit notebooks, even though some counterfeit notebooks promise a one-year after-sales warranty.In this case, Intel immediately launched a cheaper CPU to squeeze out the 200 yuan profit of the copycat.

Therefore, this is still an irregular market. When Zong Qinghou was producing Wahaha children's nutrient solution 214, this is the best team, he once said: "Before this market is regulated, hurry up and make money. After getting the money, I ran out early.” This sentence is also very suitable for the entrepreneurial projects of the gangsters.

To sum up, this is not a long-term market, and gangsters and returnees are not the best partners.

2007. If it were you, who would you choose? At the end of [-], when the securities market was very hot, a director of a securities company in Shenzhen approached the author and asked if he could help them with a written test question for an interview.Specific requirements are as follows:
(1) The object of the interview is the account manager.High school literacy level can understand the test questions.

(2) This interview question can test the investment awareness of the interviewees, and allow respondents with different investment awareness to have different opinions.

In the evening, the author sent the test questions and answers to the director's mailbox, the content is as follows:

Exam questions A person entered a store with 100 yuan and bought a product worth 25 yuan (cost 20 yuan).The shopkeeper couldn't find it, so he took the 100 yuan to the next door to change it.

Half an hour later, the neighbor came over with the banknote just now and said it was fake money.The shopkeeper had to give the neighbor a real 100 yuan.

Question: How much money did the shopkeeper lose?Please give specific reasons.

The answer is A. 195 yuan.

B. 95 yuan.

C. 100 yuan.

On the second day, the director returned more than 70 test papers in the first round of interviews with the newly recruited account manager, but the answers were varied, even more than the reference answers provided by the author.What 225 yuan, 205 yuan, 200 yuan, 195 yuan, 100 yuan and 95 yuan, etc., and some candidates even said that it is as much as you think.

Because the author did not attach the reasons for the three types of reference answers, and there were so many answers, the director was finally confused.

If you were the director, what do you think is the validity and reliability of this test item?If you agree with the 215 questions in the reference answers to the applied questions in Appendix II, which type of answer would you choose?Please tell me your reasons.

Reference answer:
This question has restrictions: the high school education level can understand the meaning of the question, and the test is about investment awareness.Therefore, this topic deliberately designed the two knowledge points of "counterfeit banknotes" and "cost".

If the answer chosen by the respondent is type A, for example, 225 yuan, 200 yuan, 195 yuan, etc., it means that he was fooled by the transfer of counterfeit banknotes. 100 or even 200 yuan.In addition, some candidates may think so: for such a question, the larger the answer, the closer to the standard answer.Therefore, there is a result of 300 yuan.In fact, the investigation of the "counterfeit banknote" incident is whether the account manager's thinking is still clear during the process of multiple transfers of assets.

In addition, this question adds the condition of a cost of 20 yuan. Here, it is to test whether the account manager of a securities company has an awareness of opportunity cost in the process of advising customers on investment.Therefore, the answer to this question that candidates are expected to answer is still 100 yuan.The reason is: 100-(25-20)+(25-20)=100 (yuan).

Of course, from a mathematical point of view, the standard answer must be 95 yuan.However, in most interview questions, the questions asked by HR managers are basically to test thinking ability, not computing ability.Therefore, if you encounter this kind of question again in the future, it is best to answer it from a philosophical perspective first, and less from a mathematical perspective.

2009. Can you enter the cactus beverage market On the afternoon of January 1, 19, Zhang Chao, a former colleague, flew from Hainan to Shenzhen and asked me to discuss something.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, we met in Huaqiang Beishangdao Café.

"Zhang Chao, we haven't seen each other for 6 years. You should be doing well now, right?" I said directly.

"Hey! Old leader, to be honest, I'm doing so well. I'm currently opening a beverage factory in Hainan with a few friends, specializing in the production of bottled cactus beverages."

"Cactus drink? This is a new product!" I was a little surprised.

"Yes, I want to take a path that others dare not take. As you know, there are Robust and Nongfu Spring in the mineral water market; Uni-President and Master Kong in the tea beverage market; Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the carbonated water beverage market; Wanglaoji in the herbal tea beverage market , Guangdong herbal tea; functional drinks include Red Bull, Li Health Care...the cactus drink market has no well-known brands yet.”

"The idea is very good, but I really want to know where your product is positioned? That is, what is the appeal of this product for customers?"

"The product is very good. It has a unique taste and a delicate fragrance. It has health care functions such as beautifying, invigorating the stomach, clearing inflammation, lowering blood sugar and blood fat. If the promotion is in place, this product will definitely have a broad market prospect."

"That's right! What I'm talking about is also the question of marketing: why do consumers drink this bottle of beverage? You should know that this is a brand-new product. Although there are similar products on the market, there is no company yet. Really build this market." I said solemnly.

Reference Answer 217 of Applied Questions in Appendix II "So, I came to you! If you want, please join our team, and you will be the marketing director."

"Are you willing to spend money on advertising?"

"Our boss is worth more than [-] million yuan, and he is also very confident in this product. He is a native of Hainan and has contracted thousands of acres of land to grow cactus in Hainan."

…Based on the conversation above, do you think there is any prospect for this market?If so, how should we shape the selling point of this product?

Reference answer:
In fact, there have been people doing it in this market, but it is a pity that they have not done it.Many manufacturers have introduced Mexican "Mibangta" edible cactus and developed it into functional drinks.Their promotional material reads:

The beverage uses cactus juice as a raw material, and retains trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, calcium and flavonoids contained in the cactus.Since the calcium content in fresh cactus slices is more than three times that of fresh milk, the nutritional value and health care functions of cactus drinks are not only comparable to ordinary fruit and vegetable juice drinks, but also much better than fresh milk in terms of calcium supplementation. times.

This text is the selling point of cactus drink.However, is this selling point aimed at a blank spot in the market?It's really worth exploring.According to expert research, cacti have many functions.Cactus juice can promote metabolism, improve human immunity, and has curative effects on gastritis, colitis, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gallstones and urinary stones.However, among so many functions, which function should we choose to promote?Must the product be positioned as a functional drink?At present, some manufacturers believe that cacti also have the function of preventing radiation.Faced with these various appeal points, we understand the real reason why the cactus drink has not been made, that is, there are too many appeal points, and customers are at a loss as to who to trust.

Looking back, when Jiaduobao Group launched green tea beverages, Jiaduobao used "tea extraction" as its selling point. After investing tens of millions in advertising, the sales volume was only 2000 million. In desperation, it had to clean up the mess.Later, Jiaduobao began to get involved in the herbal tea market. It rented a brand "Wanglaoji" from Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group and began to produce herbal tea. This time they invited a professional consulting company to help them plan. It is positioned on the concept of clearing heat and reducing fire, because in this case, the target group will be narrowed, after all, beverages are popular products.The market appeal of Wanglaoji should be set on the basis of "if you are afraid of getting angry, please drink Wanglaoji".In this way, a preventive drink was born, and Wanglaoji has become popular since then. In 218, its sales volume was RMB 2008 billion, far surpassing Coca-Cola and becoming the leader in the beverage industry.

Drawing on Wanglaoji's successful experience, let's discuss the market positioning of cactus, which is also the appeal point of the product.

It may not be very appropriate to position cactus as having the function of preventing gastritis, stones and high blood pressure.Because many customers don't have this effect at all in their minds, and they can't accept it for a while.Even with a lot of advertising bombardment, consumers recognize the concept, but the market is still small.Therefore, we must start with the familiar aspects of consumers. For example, everyone knows that cactus has the characteristics of drought resistance and strong vitality.

Why start from this point?Because this is the fuse that detonates the market.We can imagine: why can cacti survive in such a harsh environment?It is because it contains a substance called cactusin A, which can balance metabolism and maintain the healthy growth of cactus.

At the same time, this substance is also very helpful to the human body, can improve the internal environment of the human body, and play a role in balancing body fluids.In this way, the appeal point of cactus drink is there.The effect of preventing increased cholesterol, increased blood pressure, etc. is also derived.

1. Investing 20 million yuan, how many shares should it take? A friend from Chaozhou, after 500 years of hard work in Shenzhen, finally opened eight hotels.The current situation is that the investment of each hotel is about 30 million, seven of them are already profitable, with a monthly income of 5 million yuan, and the other one has been in a state of loss since it opened for a year, and it is about [-] yuan a month. ten thousand yuan.

After seeing the rapid development of the chain hotel industry in recent years, this friend began to have an idea.He asked a management consulting company to help him come up with a unified name, and spent 15 yuan to get a VI manual.

Not long after, a venture capitalist took a fancy to it and said that he was willing to invest 1 million yuan, accounting for 70% of the shares.

Q: Is this share ratio reasonable?If not, how much do you think it should be?
Reference answer:
This involves the issue of venture capital's valuation of the companies it invests in.How much is this company worth?The first is to look at the company's financial statements.If it is a listed company, this report is relatively accurate; if it is not listed, the financial management may be confused, and it must be restored.

According to the summary of Dr. Schlitt in the United States, there are 7 kinds of financial deceptions, including prematurely recording income or recording questionable income, recording falsified income, forwarding current expenses or Backward transfer, transfer of present income to the future, transfer of future expenses to the present as extraordinary expenses, etc.

After we restore the assets of this company, we can use the following methods to value it.

The first type: value basis, that is, the company's book net assets and liquidation assets.Although this method is very objective, companies that are ready to accept venture capital investment certainly disagree.Therefore, the following methods must be considered.

The second type: multiplier valuation.The most common ones are the replacement cost method and the price-earnings ratio (P/E) valuation method, but the most commonly used is the price-earnings ratio (P/E) valuation method.This method is to find a reference value first, and then multiply it by a number, which is the value of this enterprise.

For example, a company in the same industry has already gone public.Taking its price-earnings ratio as a benchmark, the net profit of the invested company is still 10 times that of the listed company, so the value of the invested company is 10 times that of the company.However, this method has a disadvantage. What if there are no listed companies among the peers?This relies on empirically estimated price-earnings ratios to replace the average price-earnings ratio of listed companies in the same industry.

In addition to the above two methods, there are discounted cash flow method and venture capital valuation method.However, these methods can only serve as a reference. In real life, there is also the VAM agreement law.

Let's go back and look at the above question, and it's not hard to find out.Chaozhou people have already invested 4000 million RMB (500×8=4000), ignoring the profit for the time being. If the venture capital invested 1 million RMB, the venture capital accounted for 71% (1/1.4), which is 70% ([-]/[-]) than the shares he wanted ([-] %) a little bit more.Therefore, this is absolutely unreasonable. After all, venture capital is not a shareholder.

To illustrate this point, you can refer to Ctrip’s financing experience at that time.Ctrip’s start-up capital is 100 million yuan. The first financing is 50 US dollars. The investor IDG only holds 20% of the shares. The second financing is 450 million US dollars. The investor Softbank and other five investment banks account for less than 30% of the shares. Three times of financing of 800 million US dollars, the investor Carlyle accounted for 30% of the shares.From this example, it can be seen that there can be several rounds of corporate financing. The more latecomers, the more money will be invested, and the proportion will be smaller.

To sum up, if Chaozhou people want to absorb the 1 million yuan private equity fund, if the shareholding ratio is 20%-30%, it is acceptable.If it is too high, it is not good for the growth of the company. After all, this is the first time to introduce venture capital funds.

1985. What kind of products are the main products? Zhang Jun, a native of Chaozhou, came to Shenzhen in 2009 and has been running a department store selling daily necessities.After years of hard work, he has opened the eighth supermarket chain in the customs, and in [-] he is planning to enter the market outside the customs.

Zhang Jun knows very well that the operation of supermarkets relies on fast moving consumer goods.Because of this type of product, the demand is large, the purchase frequency is high, and the purchase is easy.Especially beverage series products account for a large proportion of the store's turnover.

However, the downside of selling products such as beverages is that the gross profit is too thin.Therefore, in order to save costs, Zhang Jun decided to create a "Weimei" brand himself, find a manufacturer to help him produce it, and use his own channels to sell it.

This series of beverages includes, then the next five categories of products.

1. Tea beverages: green tea, jasmine tea and iced black tea, etc.

2. Herbal teas: under fire tea and slimming tea, etc.

3. Soy milk: black soy milk, chocolate soy milk and coconut soy milk, etc.

4. Thick pulp: Maixiang thick pulp, corn pumpkin thick pulp and red bean thick pulp, etc.

5. Fruit juices: orange juice, grape juice, lemon juice, fruit and vegetable juice, etc.

Now, Zhang Jun intends to select one category from the above five categories of products to focus on promotion.If you were his friend, what kind of products would you recommend him to focus on?Please give specific reasons based on the current market demand.

Reference answer:
From a strategic point of view, the marketing strategy chosen by Zhang Jun is backward integration.That is to say, distributors have begun to extend to the upstream of the industrial chain, extending their business to the domain of their suppliers.

However, based on the current situation, it seems that Zhang Jun wants to use his own channel advantages to make his brand stronger and bigger without resorting to other promotion methods. This road may not work.The birth of a well-known brand depends on a lot of money to advertise vigorously.Zhang Jun neither has this ability nor does he want to do so. His purpose is not to "create momentum", but to "borrow momentum".That is to say, which type of product is easy to sell at present, and which type of product is OEM. In this way, when other manufacturers eat "chicken legs", he at least also eats "chicken offal" or drinks "chicken soup".So, among the five types of products mentioned above, which beverage will become the best-selling product in the near future?Let's analyze it carefully.

Let's start with the history of the drink.

In China, the earliest popular drinks should be carbonated drinks, especially Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the United States.Coca-Cola is especially good at telling stories. It is said that Coca-Cola was originally a cold medicine granule. Due to a mistake, the pharmacist accidentally turned the cold medicine into a drink.However, the formula of Coca-Cola has never been made public. It is hidden in the basement and locked by a lock with 13 keys. 13 people must be present at the same time to take out the secret formula.In this way, a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and Coca-Cola has been popular for more than 100 years with this story.

After the 20s, in the world of mineral water, I once remembered that a series of advertisements for Jingtian drinking water were flying all over the place, especially in the section of Dongmen Pedestrian Street in Shenzhen, where the poles of street lamps on both sides were covered with advertisements of Jingtian. , including Jingtian mineral water, Jingtian pure water, Jingtian space water, Jingtian ultra-pure water... only one Jingtian tap water is missing.Later, Taiwan's green tea followed closely into the mainland market. After several years of rampage, Master Kong and Uni-President both stood firm. Later, Jiaduobao Group also developed a green tea product, saying that they used low-temperature extraction technology to produce It is a real tea drink. As a result, Jiaduobao ended up being defeated by drinking and hating, and was forced to develop a new product-Wanglaoji went.This also confirms the saying that in the market, one mountain cannot contain two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.It can be said that for any beverage in the market, after intense competition, there are only one or two beverages left.

At this time, the juice market also started to start.Huiyuan Juice and Mr. Juice were often seen in the market back then.As for functional drinks, Red Bull has others, which should appear at about the same time, including drinks such as soy milk and milk.

After the launch of Huiyuan Juice, the market demand stimulated a large number of manufacturers to join this industry.Because carbonated beverages are restricted from being sold to children in the United States.As a result, Coca-Cola also began to launch the Minute Maid brand, and its first fruit juice product was orange juice.Subsequently, Pepsi also launched a series of fruity products.

Since the fruit juice of Juli Orange is for everyone to see, Juli Juice has left Huiyuan Juice, the leader in the juice market, far behind. In 2008, Coca-Cola almost acquired Huiyuan.By the way, fruit juice milk should also enter the field of vision of consumers at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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