Chapter 21
Liang Jianzhang practiced his internal skills hard

01 Leadership Rotation
In the first half of 2000, Ji Qi and Liang Jianzhang served as co-CEOs for half a year. After the second half of the year, Ji Qi became the president, and Liang Jianzhang served as the CEO.

This job adjustment is quite democratic, and Wu Hai has personally experienced this process.

In March 2000, after Wu Hai joined the Ctrip team, Liang Jianzhang was still CTO.Once, during a chat, Wu Hai said: Ctrip's system is not very reasonable.

Liang Jianzhang said: Come here!Then, Liang Jianzhang gave Wu Hai a lot of information.In Wu Hai's eyes, Liang Jianzhang is a typical technical person.

Later, the two often exchanged their views on travel websites together, and Wu Hai increasingly realized that Liang Jianzhang was by no means a simple technician. He was very serious in his work, and at the same time, he had a strong learning ability, although he had never worked in the hotel reservation industry. However, from his professional perspective, he can discover problems that ordinary people in this industry cannot see.

In this way, Liang Jianzhang's professional technology and strategic thinking conquered Wu Hai. Later, the board of directors asked Wu Hai for his opinion on whether Liang Jianzhang or Ji Qi was more suitable to be the CEO of Ctrip. Wu Hai voted for Liang Jianzhang without hesitation.

Wu Hai said: Ji Qi is a person with great entrepreneurial drive and pioneering spirit. Without Ji Qi, the other three may not have dared to start this company.However, Ji Qi is a rough leader in management, and many things will not be considered in detail. With Ctrip already on the right track and making steady progress, Liang Jianzhang will lead Ctrip to go further.

Ji Qi also admitted this point. In a speech, he said: My historical mission is to start a business, raise funds, and acquire. After these tasks are completed, I will hand over the power. He understands modern enterprise management, and his management ability is much stronger than mine.I am an excellent entrepreneur, but not a very good manager. I am impatient in doing things. If you tell me the result, I will not be interested in this matter.

After Liang Jianzhang became CEO, he really lived up to expectations. He knows how to authorize and trust.

Wu Hai has a deep understanding.Every afternoon, Liang Jianzhang would come to his seat with a backpack on his back and ask, "What's the matter?"

Wu Hai said: "Hehe, not yet!"

"I'm leaving if I have nothing to do!" After speaking, Liang Jianzhang walked out of Ctrip's office.

Liang Jianzhang trusts his colleagues so much, so he is a CEO who never works overtime.Why not work overtime?Liang Jianzhang explained: "After a company matures, the most important job of a CEO is not how many things he does, but how many things he does right."

Liang Jianzhang has indeed done many things right, the first of which is service technology.

In an interview with a reporter from the "China Economic Times", Liang Jianzhang said: "Ctrip's profit model can be summed up in one word as 'paying the price difference', that is, eating the difference between the air ticket and the room price. Ctrip has been working hard to build its core competitiveness. Ctrip's core competitiveness has only four points:
The first is scale.Ctrip already has advanced network resources and the largest call center in the industry, and has implemented a large-scale centralized processing method; followed by technology.After the scale is large, it is necessary to independently develop application software such as customer relationship management system, call queuing system, order processing system, and electronic map query system. Only these technologies can support large-scale reservations; the third is the process.With scale and technology, Ctrip decided to break the traditional small workshop model, optimize the process design of the entire operation process through systematization and process, and conduct assembly line operations through reasonable division of labor to minimize the probability of errors and make each step Professional and efficient, so that the entire service quality can be optimized; the last is the concept.Ctrip attaches great importance to strengthening the service concept of service personnel, and regularly conducts relevant training for employees, because there are only [-]% satisfactory services, but no [-]% satisfactory products. "

02 Leading technology

Some people may wonder why Ctrip has been the industry leader for so many years. The competition in this industry is so fierce and there are so many imitators, followers and challengers. Far behind?

Looking back now, the reason is that Ctrip's technology is very strong.It can be said that Ctrip's technology was the leader in the industry back then. A person in the industry once commented on Ctrip: "It has always been imitated, and has never been surpassed."

However, it is difficult to describe Ctrip's continuous pursuit of perfection in service technology. Ms. Sun Maohua, vice president of Ctrip, has witnessed the development of Ctrip's call center.

In July 1995, after graduating from Shanghai Jiaotong University with a major in hotel management, Sun Maohua has been working in the hotel industry, first as a front desk clerk, then as a department manager, managing the switchboard, the reservation department and the front desk.

In February 2000, after seeing Ctrip's recruitment notice on the Internet, she applied for Ctrip as soon as she submitted her resume.At that time, when Ctrip needed a large number of talents, the Human Resources Department of Ctrip arranged for Sun Maohua to be in charge of the management of the reservation center.

At the beginning, the reservation department only had two hotlines and three employees, and their work was very idle.Later, with the development of the company and the increase in business volume, the reservation department expanded to 3 telephones and a dozen operators.At this time, the problem also came out, how to improve the work efficiency of employees?How can service levels be guaranteed?However, for Sun Maohua, there is no concept of a call center at all, he just knows how to answer the phone and place an order.

Soon after, Ctrip began to build a board-style 24-seat call center. At the same time, there were departmental rules and regulations that were gradually established with the help of numbers.At this time, with the help of some English version of call center management books and work practice, Sun Maohua finally understood the concept of call center and queuing theory, the meaning and calculation method of service level (Service Level), and how to forecast and analyze the call volume. Personnel arrangements, etc., no longer need to be overwhelmed by the failure of individual calls, and can also pay attention to and improve the performance of the call center more rationally and scientifically.

Later, after August 2000, Ctrip’s call center developed rapidly. From a hotel reservation department with 8 seats and dozens of employees at the beginning, it has grown to 24 seats in the five major departments of hotels, air tickets, vacations, customer service and business travel. , a call center team of nearly 2400 people.Perhaps the scale will be larger in the future, and there will be more personnel.

Since Ctrip is developing so fast and fiercely, their technology is absolutely top-notch.Now, let's discuss in detail the e-commerce application system launched by Ctrip at that time.

The first is E-TEL (Reservation Service Line).This system is the integration of call center and online reservation system.Of course, this is not a simple traditional telephone shopping, nor is it a simple patchwork of telephone shopping and the Internet, but a fusion of them using modern technology.

The process goes like this.When a customer calls in, the first thing he hears is the navigation language: Hello, welcome to!Please press 1 for hotel services, 2 for domestic air tickets, 3 for international air tickets, 4 for vacation travel, 5 for customer service, and # to listen again.

Just when the customer heard the sweet voice of the navigation lady, the system has identified the incoming call. If the customer is a long-term partner of the company, the call will be automatically transferred to the key customer seat, and a special person will answer it.If it is just entering the house or an unfamiliar call, the call will be automatically transferred to the question and answer recording system.The customer enters the corresponding reservation according to the prompt of the navigation language.Ctrip's reservation system has a very detailed division of labor. Some are responsible for hotel reservations, while others are responsible for air ticket reservations.Moreover, the agent responsible for booking air tickets may not necessarily know how to book hotels.Because there is a hotel reservation operating system for booking hotels, there is also a corresponding operating system for booking air tickets.

Next is CTMS (Business Travel Management System), which is the first business travel management system in my country.

On July 2000, 7, Ctrip held the "25 Business Travel Management Seminar" at the Kunlun Hotel in Beijing.There are more than 2000 well-known domestic and foreign companies attending this conference, and they are all grassroots managers of the travel management department.At the meeting, participants from had a constructive discussion on how to effectively strengthen travel management and control costs.

Liang Jianzhang said: At present, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and effective cost control has a great effect on improving the competitiveness of enterprises. Expenses are managed but not yet managed comprehensively as an important part of the company's business activities.The reason is that the travel system cannot guarantee the efficiency of employee travel and whether the system can be implemented. At the same time, it cannot provide various management reports to allow decision makers to understand the status of travel management in a timely manner, so that decision makers can understand the use of various resources, and can Discover more effective travel management solutions.

Liang Jianzhang continued: The business travel management system launched by Ctrip this time provides a set of practical solutions for corporate customers to achieve travel cost control and management.Surveys on business travel by some foreign authoritative organizations show that travel and related expenses are the second largest controllable cost after wages. Some large foreign-funded enterprises, such as IBM, Motorola, Siemens, Ericcson, ABB etc. Their annual business travel expenses average more than 1 million RMB, and the travel management system can effectively control the business travel expenses of enterprises, which will play a vital role in improving the competitiveness of enterprises.Managers can use this system to analyze various data, such as: analysis of average borrowing and average usage; analysis of hotel utilization rate and the purchasing power of the enterprise itself; cost analysis of a certain department, and analysis of the composition of company and department travel expenses Wait.

It can be seen from the above that CTMS is a set of software tailored for enterprises. Ctrip promotes this set of software to enterprises to enhance the loyalty of enterprise customers and expand the B2B market share.

At that time, Ctrip invested about half of its technical staff to develop this software.Liang Jianzhang believes that through preemptive development, you can preemptively occupy the B2B market.However, once an enterprise adopts it, it will be reluctant to give up easily due to the high switching cost, and switch to other similar systems.

If the business travel management system is convenient for customers, then the reservation service system is convenient for Ctrip itself.

Some people may also ask: Is Ctrip's reservation system perfect?What if the hotel side plays Ctrip and says that the customer did not stay in the hotel?What if the customer lied, booked the hotel, and ran the order without checking in?
Let's take a look at the hotel reservation process of for the hotel reservation project.

The first step is to log in first, and enter the user name and password of the agent on the home page. (Each operator has a fixed ID) After a call comes in, the operator first asks the identity of the guest, domestic or foreign.Then ask the guest the city to book, the date of check-in and check-out, and the guest's requirements for the hotel's star rating, price or geographical location.If the guest has a designated hotel, just directly input the name of the hotel.

The second step is to click "Query" to enter the "Hotel Query Result" interface.This window shows the names of specially recommended hotels and city conventions and exhibitions, etc.

The third step is to "close" or "minimize" the pop-up window and enter the booking interface to query and recommend hotels for guests.First click "Area/Map Search" on the left side of the page, select the region where the hotel is located, and search; you can also enter a place name in "Search Place Name", connect to the map, and conduct a more detailed search.After clicking the hotel name, it will display the hotel introduction, address, telephone number, price and other detailed information of this hotel. However, the price on this page generally shows the price paid by the front desk today. If you want to know the price of this hotel within a week, you can click price for one week.

Step [-]: After the guest approves the hotel, choose the room type you need, and tell the guest whether the price includes breakfast.Then, confirm the check-in and check-out dates with the guests again.

Step 152: Click "Start Reservation" to enter the hotel reservation form filling interface, and enter guest information in turn.In the contact column, fill in the real name of the contact person (guest), mobile phone or landline phone.Then tactfully tell the guest that because the room is tight, the guest is required to provide a credit card guarantee.Including the accurate cardholder's last name, credit card number, cardholder's ID number and whether the cardholder himself is staying.

Step [-]: After verifying the reservation form of the guest, send the order to the hotel and confirm the room with the hotel.

In this booking process, there are two most important points: what should the guest do if he does not arrive at the hotel after booking the hotel?Therefore, credit card guarantee is more secure than disqualifying the reservation if you do not arrive at the store before 18:00.In addition, after the guest arrives at the hotel and provides a valid voucher, but fails to book a room, what should I do?Wang Shengli had encountered this problem a long time ago. At that time, the reservation system was not fully connected with the hotel, so he had to help by phone and fax. Later, the fax was controlled by computer, and the fax could be sent directly to the hotel after confirmation by the foreman.Moreover, Wang Shengli also established an early warning system. Once there are only two rooms left in the hotel, the alarm will start.

Of course, the best thing is the system docking, which greatly reduces the time and labor costs required to confirm the order, and at the same time improves the booking efficiency. This topic will be explained in detail later.

03 First-class service

If Ctrip's booking process is technically impeccable, then Ctrip's requirements for service quality are even more refined.The following text is Ctrip's service language training materials.

1. Precautions when answering the phone When answering the phone, the headset should be placed slightly below the lips, about one centimeter away from the lips; do a smile service, so that users can hear your smile and feel your enthusiasm.

2. Opening words Hello!pleased to serve you!

3. No sound (1) It is likely that the customer did not realize that the call has been connected during the waiting process. You should keep smiling and say: "Hi! This is ×××× Customer Service Center, your call has been connected ,What can I help you?"

(2) At an interval of about 3 seconds, continue to prompt the customer: "Hello! Your call is connected, can you hear my voice?"

(3) If you still can't hear the customer's response, it is likely that there is a problem with the phone, and tell the customer patiently: "Sorry! Your phone is silent, please change another phone and call again. Thank you for calling, goodbye!"

Pause for 2 seconds, then hang up.

4. Low sound (1) You should immediately adjust the volume of the telephone to an appropriate level.If the volume of the phone has been turned up to the maximum and still cannot be heard clearly, remind the customer with a smile: "Sorry, I can't hear your voice clearly, please speak louder, please?"

(2) If you still can't hear clearly, repeat it again, and keep the tone soft and euphemistic when repeating.

(3) If you really cannot hear clearly, you can ask the customer for understanding: "Sorry, the phone is too quiet, please try another phone, please? Thank you for your call, goodbye!" Pause for 2 seconds, then hang up.

(4) When the customer complains that your voice is too low, you can pull the headset closer to your mouth and increase the volume slightly to confirm that the customer can hear clearly, and then say: "Is there anything I can do for you?" If it is loud enough and the customer still cannot hear clearly, you can ask the customer to change another phone and dial again, instead of increasing the volume, it will affect the work of other colleagues.Response: "I'm sorry, the volume here has been turned up to the maximum, if you still can't hear clearly, could you please change another phone and dial again?"

(5) When customers use hands-free, some customers are used to using hands-free calls. If you can't hear clearly, you can tell the customer softly and tactfully: "I'm sorry, I can't hear your voice clearly. Could you please pick up the microphone? "

5. When you do not hear clearly or do not understand the user's words (1) When you do not hear the customer's speech clearly, if you do not hear a few words clearly, you can confirm with the customer: "Do you mean...?" or "You It means..., right?" If you didn't catch it at all, you should ask the client in a questioning tone: "I'm sorry, can you repeat that, please? Thank you!"

(2) When the customer does not understand your words, you must immediately find out the reason why the customer does not understand. If it is because too many technical terms are used, you should explain it in plain language: "Sorry, maybe I explained I’m not very clear, please allow me to say it again?” If technical terms are not used, it is likely that the customer does not understand due to technical issues, and if necessary, patiently explain to the customer in another way of expression.Don't let the customer feel that you don't bother to answer or ridicule their ignorance.If the customer has a wrong understanding of the business, you should correct the customer tactfully: "Sorry, I didn't explain clearly, what I mean is this..."

Do not forcefully use words such as "wrong" and "wrong".If the customer does not understand Mandarin and specifically requests to use a dialect, in this case, you can accept it in the dialect.

6. Points to note during the answering process (1) Respond in a timely manner during the process of listening to the user's narration. You can echo softly with "yes" and "yes" to indicate that you are listening, and don't let the user feel that he is talking to himself alone.

154 This is the best team (2) When the user pauses and waits, the CSR (customer service representative) can say appropriately: "Sir/Miss, please speak, I am listening."

(3) When the customer is worried that you do not understand, you can say: "I understand what you mean, please continue."

(End of this chapter)

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