Adorable baby sells mother, do you want a black-bellied dad?

Chapter 13 What was she and her first encounter?

Chapter 13 What was she and her first encounter

As night fell, the night scene of the imperial capital was bustling.

At this time, Jiang Weiyi and Jiang Dudu followed Long Qianlan to the door of a hot pot restaurant.

Jiang Weiyi put all his luggage on the low-key sports car driven by Long Qianlan, and got out of the car with Jiang Dudu.

The hotpot restaurant standing in front of it brings up the only memory of Long Qianlan and Jiang...
At that time, Jiang Weiyi and Long Qianlan were still students, still in junior high school.

Jiang Weiyi was introverted at that time, and he was not willing to have too much contact with others. In class, he could basically be ignored by others as an invisible person.

She never participated in the activities in the class, and she was always beaten passively when she had conflicts with others. She was also stupid at that time.

There are more and more people who love to bully her, some put a bucket of water on the door when she enters the classroom before class, so as to splash her all over when she enters the door, and some like to throw garbage big and small It's all stuffed in her drawer.

She went to an aristocratic school, and the children who attended classes there were either unprovoked young masters or arrogant and unreasonable daughters.

Although she came from aristocratic family, she did not say hello to the school because of her parents. Otherwise, she would announce her identity, and her personality was also reserved. She would treat her parents as an imperial decree, and she would be disobedient there, so that Later she...

She has good grades, her name can always be seen on the school list, she is also pretty, although she is not as well dressed as those expensive children, but she won the school beauty champion of the three worlds in junior high school.

How could the arrogant young lady of your family be willing to lose to her, she would naturally want to help her.

One day after school, it was Jiang Weiwei's turn to be on duty. She left a little late. It was winter and it was getting dark quickly. She didn't know it was dark until Jiang Weiwei finished cleaning the classroom.

It was strange that the corridor was not lit up that day, and the breeze was blowing, and the strange sound of blowing came from everywhere in the corner.

She was very timid at first, and the lights in the corridor were not cool at that time, the wind blew over and almost made goose bumps all over her body.

Forcing himself to calm down, he carried his schoolbag and walked towards the stairs.The stairway is at the end of the corridor, and the left turn at the end of the corridor happens to be in the direction of the men's and women's toilets.

There was no one in the school when he came back from school. At that time, the corridor lights were not on, and the only dim light in the toilet gave Jiang only a little sense of security, but that was only a little bit.

Taking a deep breath, I suddenly felt a little funny.There are no ghosts in this world, and there are others who pretend to be ghosts.

After all, it was under such a situation, and the little courage that was finally mustered up in my heart was wiped out under the swaying light of the toilet.

My calves are trembling. I think back to the ghost stories I overheard from my classmates during get out of class and after class. Usually in the dead of night, when I walk around the toilet, ghosts of tragic death will float out of the toilet. Kill me!
Right scene, right time, and right...her?!

I couldn't help thinking about those ghost stories during the day, and the more I thought about it, the more terrifying I became, and the more I thought about it, the more frightened I was, and I walked faster and faster, basically rolling down the stairs without looking at the place.

(End of this chapter)

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