Chapter 500

Chen Qiqi, who had already put on her make-up, sat in a seat, but glanced at Xia Ling from a distance, without saying a word.

"Tangdou, you stay here for a while, I'm going to change clothes."

"Little Fairy Qiao, just wait here with Tangdou. I'm going to change clothes, so don't let anyone bully you two. If anyone dares to bully you two, you two must not be cowardly, and bully you ruthlessly." Go back. I, Xia Ling, cannot be bullied."

Worried that someone would cause trouble if she was not around, Xia Ling gave a few instructions before going to the changing room.

As soon as Xia Ling left, Chen Qiqi got up from his seat and came to Tangdou and the little assistant with a smile on his face.

As soon as he saw Chen Qiqi, Tangdou immediately became alert.

What is this bad woman trying to do?
"What are you doing here? Are you so free? Don't you need to prepare for filming?"

Three consecutive questions.

"You ask so many questions at once, how can I answer them?"

"It doesn't matter if you can answer it or not, I'll ask first and then I'll answer. Just answer me one by one. Don't think of any bad ideas!"

Before the little assistant could speak, Tangdou directly hit Chen Qiqi with a series of words.

With Tangdou's attitude, Chen Qiqi just smiled and was not angry.

It's a far cry from yesterday's easily angry, mindless self.

It's not like her!
It's only been one night, why did she change so much?

Yesterday, she just said a word for brother Ling, and she bullied her to the point where she didn't want to. Today she spoke to her so impolitely, but she wasn't angry at all! ! !

Not at all!
Unscientific!This is not scientific at all!

It was rare for Tangdou to be shrewd at this moment, and noticed something was wrong with Chen Qiqi.

"I'm not a vicious person. There is no grievance or enmity between me and you. I will naturally treat you like a friend. I will naturally answer seriously the questions my friend asks."

The corner of Chen Qiqi's mouth was drawn into a smile, looking very kind.

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, held Tangdou's little hand, and patted it gently.

"I came here to apologize to you. It was my fault yesterday. I shouldn't have bullied you and lost my temper with you..."

"I'm sorry! I know I was wrong, and I hope you can forgive me."


"It's fine if you don't want to forgive me. After all, it's my fault. It must be hard for you to be bullied by me suddenly as a punching bag. If I'm like you, I'm afraid I won't be able to let it go for a while. "

"However, don't worry. Whether you forgive me or not, I will gladly accept it. If you can forgive me, I will be your friend. If you can't...that's okay, I will continue to fight for your forgiveness!"

Chen Qiqi explained the reason very seriously.

During the period, Tangdou wanted to speak out several times, but she interrupted her.

Is she out of her mind?

Why did she suddenly realize her mistake?He also apologized to her so sincerely and seriously!

Is this sincere or is he planning some bigger bad idea?
Tangdou narrowed his eyes, and slowly took a few steps back.

He didn't make a sound, just stared at Chen Qiqi.

"You, don't you believe what I say?"

"I...I know that I only dared to bully you yesterday, and treated you fiercely. Today I suddenly realized my mistake and apologized to you. You should be worried..."

"But I will use my actions to prove that I am sincere."

"I really realized my mistake. I shouldn't play the young lady's temper and bully others..."

As if seeing Tangdou's wavering heart, Chen Qiqi's eyes flashed brightly.

What sister Xinyao said was really good.

As long as she lowers her figure appropriately to apologize and pretend to be sincere.

It will be easier to shake their hearts.

As long as this heart is wavering, there will be much fewer voices condemning her.

Her Chen family will not be too passive and resisted by too many people.

As long as there is no accident in her Chen family, then her status is still honorable, and those lowly people are not allowed to bully and abuse at will.

After this burst of limelight, she will clean up in private and clean up the person who took the lead in ruining her reputation and exposing her!

"No need. You know you're wrong, and that's fine."

"I accept your apology. If there is nothing else to do, I will go shopping around, and you should prepare for filming."

Tangdou pursed her lips and thought about it several times.

She still couldn't figure out Chen Qiqi's intentions, let alone whether she acted out of sincerity or wanted to deal with them further.

Before everything is clear, Tangdou can't say much.

After saying a few words, he wanted to leave.

This human mind is a bit difficult to guess, and her brain is a bit insufficient.

The best plan is to walk away, let Brother Ling fight her for [-] rounds after Brother Ling changes clothes and comes out.

However, Chen Qiqi did not intend to let her leave so easily.

She would lower her figure and apologize today, it was all to save her own reputation.

Netizens are now criticizing her more and more, and it is also getting louder.

The stock of her company has also been affected by this, and the decline has been severe.

If it wasn't for the emergency, Dad even got angry with her because of this incident and slapped her.

This is the first time she has been beaten by her father since she grew up.

Dad has always loved her so much that he was even reluctant to scold her.

This time, she was denounced by many netizens because she was coquettish and deceitful. She wanted to reduce the popularity and block the information, but was stopped by others, unable to reduce the popularity and block the news.

It was only then that the voices denouncing her on the Internet became louder and louder, which implicated her father's company.

In a rage, Dad slapped her across the face!

She will always remember this slap, and she will never forget who caused her to be slapped by her father.

Chen Qiqi tightly clenched the hand beside his body, a trace of hatred flashed across his eyes.

Just for a moment, no one noticed.

"Can't you forgive me yet? That's why you want to avoid me..."

"But it's okay, I will prove to you that I really want to apologize to you. But, can I get to know you? My name is Chen Qiqi, how about you?"

Chen Qiqi looked around while talking.

"Oh my god, is this really Chen Qiqi? That arrogant and domineering lady of the Chen family who takes pleasure in bullying others all day long, Chen Qiqi? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Chen Qiqi actually apologized?! I can actually see her apologizing to others in my lifetime! Could it be that she was dropped by someone?!"

"From this point of view, I feel that she is not hopeless. After all, she is still young, and she is doted on by her parents. It is impossible for her to bully others. However, she also realized her mistake. Make amends for the mistakes I made. I think it's good..."

(End of this chapter)

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