Chapter 428

Pu Ruo paused, her face was not very good-looking.

No reply.

"Don't say it?"

"Isn't it fun not to say it just now?"

Shadow squinted at Pu Ruo lightly.

She didn't say it, he said it.

If she hadn't sworn before that she could deal with the two brothers of the Xia family, he would just have to obey her orders.

He might have dealt with Xia Ling a long time ago, so there would be no such thing as today.

Threatened his existence and delayed his real human form.


Xia Ling has become the new host of the male god system, and he only recently found out about it.

If she hadn't made so many tricks before, she wouldn't let him intervene in dealing with Xia Ling's two brothers.

He might have already noticed that the male god system had bound Xia Ling.

If he knew earlier, he could try his best to prevent the male god system from recovering.

Before the male god system had time to resume operation, he could solve it very easily.

Not only that, Xia Ling is also the same.

How could this situation happen now!
The more he thought about it, the deeper the shadow's dissatisfaction with Pu Ruo.

Looking at Pu Ruo who was too scared to speak, a very good idea suddenly flashed in Ying Ying's mind.

These few videos sent by Xia Ling originally suspected that Xia Ling had a male god system to help, but now he is very sure.

The world wants to secretly film him without being discovered by him.

Except for the guy from the male god system, there really was no one who could secretly photograph him.

Pu Ruo was silent for a few seconds, "Then... what should we do now?"

She is now integrated with Xia You's body.

In essence, there is no difference from the people on earth.

At this moment, if she doesn't hug Shadow's thigh tightly, then what awaits her will definitely be a prison.

Father Xia loves Xia Ling so much, in order to protect Xia Ling, he sent Xia Ling out of the country in a hurry.

Secretly, he also paid a high price to hire someone to protect Xia Ling, and always paid attention to Xia Ling's every move.

Now, it has taken a few years to make the forces stronger.

And Xia Ling also came back from abroad unscathed.

He has no worries.

This time, the truth that she secretly wanted to bring down the Xia Ling brothers was revealed.

With such a great opportunity, it is absolutely impossible for Father Xia not to take action against her and let her go easily.

Father Xia didn't know how much he wanted to put her in prison.

It's best not to let it out for the rest of your life, so that it won't threaten Xia Ling.

Just considering this point, Pu Ruo couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Previously, the things she did to Xia Ling were all because she had a shadow to help her in the dark, and she was confident.

But now...

Shadow had refused to obey her orders.

All her confidence was gone.

The rest is boundless fear.

She and Xia You have merged into one, and she will never go back to Taimu Planet.

And on the earth, there are laws and regulations of the earth, her current identity, her current power...

"How to do?"

"You can figure it out for yourself. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. After all, I have a way to get out, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Shadow sneered.

He has almost absorbed Pu Ruo's selfish distractions.

There is no problem in giving up on her now.

Since it won't harm him, he doesn't need to worry about it so much.

He is not the only pawn like her.

Both she and Cai Jinghong are useless now.

Someone he can let go of.

(End of this chapter)

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