Chapter 409

Severe pain instantly swept through the whole body.

Cold sweat was constantly breaking out on his forehead.

Cai Jinghong couldn't sit still on the rocking chair and fell to the ground.

Rolling back and forth on the ground.



Besides, I still use high heels to step on it, so it's no wonder it doesn't hurt.

Cai Jinghong gritted his teeth, and grabbed "Bi Xinyao"'s feet tremblingly.

He raised his eyes, ignoring the shock when he saw the face of "Bi Xinyao", and kept begging for mercy.

"I was wrong! I was really wrong! Please... forgive me, call 120 for me..."

Although Cai Jinghong is a writer, he seems to be a gentleman.

In fact, he didn't know how much he watched behind his back.

Obsessed with many beautiful female stars.

Bi Xinyao was also a female celebrity he once had a crush on at home.


"I know I was wrong. Your attitude of admitting your mistake is also very sincere, so I didn't intend to kill you, I just punished you a little bit."

"What? Are you not satisfied with my punishment?"

Being grabbed by Cai Jinghong, "Bi Xinyao" frowned.

He kicked Cai Jinghong away in disgust.

That expression of disgust, as if Cai Jinghong was a terrible virus.

He squatted down and looked directly at Cai Jinghong.

Every word that came out of his mouth echoed very clearly in Cai Jinghong's ears.

It also made Cai Jinghong despair.

Cai Jinghong gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

No matter how painful it is, it is better than death.

He has saved a lot of money over the years.

He hasn't spent that money yet, and he hasn't spent it for fun, so he doesn't want to die so early.

“Satisfied satisfied!”

"This is the punishment I should accept..."

Having said that, Cai Jinghong still felt unwilling and resentful in his heart.

It's just that he transferred his resentment and resentment to Xia Ling.

His current ghostly appearance is all caused by me, brother Ling.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be approached by a monster like Shadow.

If he hadn't been approached by the shadow monster, he wouldn't have thought about cooperating with the shadow.

If there is no cooperation, he will not lose the masculine function!

All of this was caused by me, Brother Ling!
He will never let him go, he will ruin his reputation!

"Since you are satisfied, that's good."

Regarding the resentment in Cai Jinghong's heart, Shadow only pretended not to know.

Standing up unhurriedly like a normal person.

"No matter what happens, you just watch what's going on online. You don't have to do anything. Understand?"

The stronger Cai Jinghong's resentment toward Xia Ling, the happier Shadow is.

After all, these are the energies that can make him stronger.

He didn't take any action to relieve Cai Jinghong's pain, and continued to make Cai Jinghong suffer from unbearable pain.

Since he stepped on it, he stepped on it.

Don't let him continue to hurt, help him stop the pain
Shadow thought so.

Just as if nothing happened just now, the topic was brought back to the current situation.

Ask Cai Jinghong not to act recklessly.


Being punished by Shadow, Cai Jinghong is now even more timid.

What the shadow says, he should do.

(End of this chapter)

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