Chapter 404

They thought they were already rich enough, but they didn't expect this fan called Brother Ling to be even richer.

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

People have used the world to reward them, what else can they say.

Do you use the world to reward you back?

One or two worlds can still afford to reward them.

But judging from the current situation, one or two world rewards cannot be dealt with.

Such arrogant provocation by Mu Chen made Cai Jinghong's resentment even deeper.

This is why my brother Ling is so lucky to have so many fans with just one book.

Also circled several local tyrant fans.

What a cruel and ruthless little fool, big sister Xicheng, who has loved you for 1 years...

Both of these are the top three active people on the list.

When I asked Brother Ling to put the book on the shelf, I slapped the queen of the movie online and came to several worlds for rewards.

He was so sour at the time.

just now……

They have already figured out a way to create such a blockbuster of plagiarism with several other great gods, but instead of turning fans into blacks, those rich fans have become more determined to favor and call me Brother Ling.

This book fan named Mu is even worse. He has dozens of world rewards, and he and those great gods are loyal book fans with world rewards.

Cai Jinghong was in a hurry.

Plagiarism and bribery have shaken the administrators of several book fan groups who call me Brother Ling, and arranged for Shui Jun and some book fan fans of great authors to enter the group to brainwash his book fans who still firmly believe in him.

The book called Brother Ling is plagiarized, we should unite and boycott it!
Cai Jinghong used all the bad moves that could be thought of.

It's a pity that those imagined consequences didn't happen, instead they all deviated from his original preset track.

Cai Jinghong panicked.

This fan named Mu is so embarrassing, maybe some famous hacker is invited to investigate in private.

If this investigation turns up something...

The investigation revealed that this incident was created by him and others...

The more he thought about it, the more flustered Cai Jinghong became.

The writers who were mobilized by him to denounce Xia Ling were not clear, but he was very clear.

Xia Ling did not plagiarize.

It was the mysterious man who said he could help him!
The mysterious man used some method to change Xia Ling's article, replacing it with the description in other authors' books.

There is no slight change in time, when Xia Ling released it, that is the time.

Only then did the plagiarism comparison chart come out.

So far, no one has been able to find anything wrong.

That's why Cai Jinghong dared to use those great gods more boldly to lure them to organize their fans to find work in Xia Ling's book review section.

Those great gods are more or less bitter about Xia Ling's good statistics.

They have been writing more or less for several years, and their websites have changed several times.

When I came to Fengyun website, it was hard for me to get from the small god and the middle god to the current position of the great god.

The sadness and suffering in it are only clear in their hearts.

Everyone wants to become a god with a book, but how easy is it to become a god with a book?
You are interested in writing, and the plot is not bad, but if it does not meet the taste of the public and has no exposure, then it is of no use at all.

Still can't become a god, and can only vacillate between Xiaopujie, Xiaoshen, and Zhongshen.

Unfortunately, Xia Ling was one of the few who became gods in one book.

(End of this chapter)

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