Chapter 385

A series of smears, framing, questioning...

It will all follow.

If you can't solve these ensuing problems, then don't even think about becoming a national male god.

In the process of completing their own missions, tasks, and chasing their dreams, everyone must learn to grow themselves.

Because in the process of chasing dreams and fulfilling responsibilities, we will encounter many things.

Among these things, some I have encountered before and know how to deal with them, and some have never encountered them and I don't know how to deal with them.

Maybe someone will help me, but this does not mean that someone will help me, and I don't need to learn how to deal with these unexpected events that I have never encountered before.

If you want to become a national male god, you must grow up and learn to find a way to solve it yourself.

Find evidence yourself or ask a friend for help.

All of these are fine, but he won't remind her or help her.

Xia Ling has a high IQ of 222, and she is good enough.

He believed that even if Xia Ling found out a day or two later, in the end she could easily solve the current situation that was not good for her.

It was after comprehensive consideration that Leng Mo didn't wake Xia Ling up.

As for Shen Ling, as the eldest lady of a jewelry family, naturally she rarely has free time.

These days, he has been dragging Xia Ling around to play and go shopping, so he has accumulated a lot of work.

All these need her to complete.

Shen Ling is an only child, so the family business will naturally be handed over to her in the future.

In order for her to learn how to manage and adapt to the family business as soon as possible, Shen Ling's parents had already handed over some family affairs to her when she was fifteen or sixteen years old.

Until now, she had to manage more and more affairs, which became more and more important, and the difficulty gradually increased.

After having fun, Shen Ling sat on the big soft bed after taking a shower, holding a laptop.

I'm on a video call with my assistant in France, dealing with the many affairs that have accumulated these days.

I don't have the energy and time to check Weibo.

Yes, that's right.

Ever since Shen Ling got acquainted with Xia Ling, a native of China, she began to learn all kinds of knowledge about China.

Even Chinese people's favorite daily vibrato and Weibo are also learned.

Whenever she is free, Shen Ling also uses Douyin and Weibo.

Take a look at what happened in Huaguo, what costume dramas happened, and so on.

However, after playing like crazy for a few days, she is currently busy with work and did not check Weibo.

She doesn't know anything about the various things about the navy on the Internet who are slandering Xia Ling.

After knowing it, it was already early the next morning.

Xia Ling didn't know that she had been smeared on the Internet, and now many netizens who didn't know were instigated by trolls, and some stupid fans of female stars who participated in variety shows went to her Weibo to abuse her in various ways .

Father Xia, Xia Luo, and Mu Chen, who had been following Xia Ling's Weibo all the time, saw it that night.

Frowning, he called Xia Ling who was sleeping like a pig.

But I couldn't get through, and the phone was turned off.

Unable to get through to Xia Ling's mobile phone, Xia's father and the others dared to make their own decisions.

They all knew Xia Ling's temperament.

Although she was lazy, Xia Ling would not save face for those who came here specifically to find work.

(End of this chapter)

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