Chapter 314

It's a pity that his natural enemy is her family's jelly beans.

He didn't know that Tangdou had bound her as the host, and it was really not easy to hurt her.

"I said, how can you look so cute?"

"I don't know who is so lucky to have such a lovely daughter like you. You are cute, kind-hearted, and shy easily. I want to take you home and raise you."

After Xia Ling quickly found the products she needed in the mall, she began to talk to Huang Qingyu, teasing him, trying to prevent Huang Qingyu from being confused by Shadow's words, unable to get out of her strong selfishness .

While talking, he still smiled warmly at Huang Qingyu, but focused most of his attention on his surroundings.

The shadow is invisible, and she has no way of knowing exactly where the shadow is, but she can roughly guess its general location.

Always ready to take the call.

Cute, kind-hearted, I want to take it home and raise it...

Hearing Xia Ling's provocative words of not losing money, Huang Qingyu's face turned even redder.

At this moment, Xia Ling's words filled his mind.

As for what Shadow said, she forgot everything about it.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and the male god is the biggest!
Fighting for money and power is worse than fighting for male gods!

What are money and power?
Is it important to have a handsome brother?A male god teases her and praises her for being important?
No!None of them can compare to her male god!

Shadow watched in amazement that Huang Qingyu was about to break through the shackles of selfishness suddenly.

The surrounding dark atmosphere became more and more intense.

Usually, Shadow is very picky, and he has always ignored others' selfishness that is not enough for him to stuff his teeth.

But now, in order to get rid of Xia Ling, don't let her say anything in front of Huang Qingyu, disturb her mind, and make him unable to control Huang Qingyu.

Shadow is not picky at all right now.

In an instant, the selfish greed and violentness in the hearts of the students and residents on the campus and around the campus were gathered.

It made his own strength stronger in a short period of time, but it was also very dangerous.

Some people's selfish greed is not strong, and it is easy to cause backlash against him.

He has been backlashed once, if he is backlashed again, it will be much more difficult to recover.

But no matter what, it will be backlashed, so it's better to fight.

Anyway, his current host Xia You's selfish desires are relatively strong, and then he will use some methods to eat Xia You's consciousness.

When he has collected a certain amount of selfish desires, he can freely possess the body of a living person without resorting to a host.

This is the horror of the Diablo system.

The male god system cannot possess a living person, it can only possess a dead object, and then come back to life.

"Brother Ling, be careful!"

"The dark aura on the Dark System has become stronger. The stronger the dark aura on his body, the more selfish desires he has collected and the stronger his abilities!"

It's not good for Tangdou to scream secretly, is this dark system going crazy?

So desperately trying to get rid of Brother Ling!

"Little Jelly Bean, don't worry."

"Is your brother Ling such a weak person?"

"You just obediently watch your brother Ling and how I can get him back to his original shape."

Tangdou was nervous, but Xia Ling looked relaxed, as if the matter was unimportant.

No matter how much selfish desires are sucked, they are no match for her.

Because as long as she persuaded Huang Qingyu, she would escape from his control.

(End of this chapter)

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