Chapter 311

Xia Ling turned her head and smiled gently at Huang Qingyu.

When Cheng Jiaming explained everything to her, Cheng Jiaming also told her the girl's name at the same time.

And after she knew the girl's name, she also went to investigate the girl's family.

What she had inadvertently said to the girl before, unexpectedly spoke to the depths of the girl's heart inadvertently.

So after having a certain understanding of why the dark system can control people, and a certain understanding of girls, Xia Ling is not surprised that the girl will suddenly stop her when she sees her this time.

On the contrary, if the girl saw her and didn't want to stop her, then it was beyond her expectation.

In Xia Ling's view, Huang Qingyu is a kind-hearted and lovely girl.

Even if there are many unfair and unsatisfactory things to her in life, she believes that with her kindness, she will make a correct and just choice.

Instead of helping the evildoers and being used by some evil forces.


Seeing the gentle smile on Xia Ling's face, Huang Qingyu shook his head.

The guilt towards Xia Ling grew deeper in my heart.

This is such a good boy, but because of her wrong thoughts for a while, he was misunderstood and abused by those students in the school who were jealous of him and didn't know the truth.

All the words that were divorced from reality were heard by her ears.

Every time she heard a sentence, she felt more guilty in her heart.

These days, she has been questioning herself in her heart, is she really right?

In order to get the so-called power, so that I can no longer be treated unfairly, I help an unknown person do bad things to others.

Although it was only a small matter, judging from the current situation, if it was not handled properly, it could ruin his whole life.

Huang Qingyu is kind, and it is precisely because she has kindness in her heart that she feels guilty about it.

Thinking of confessing everything to Xia Ling.

But when he wanted to say it, he couldn't say a word.

There is tension, but more is another factor.

Her mouth seemed to be blocked by something, it was obviously a matter of a few words, but she couldn't say anything.

Heart began to ache.

Then, a familiar mechanical voice sounded in Huang Qingyu's mind.

Do you want to continue to be treated unfairly?

Are you willing that people who are not as good as you take your place because of money and power?
you are not willing!

You are not reconciled!

Shadow's words kept echoing in Huang Qingyu's mind.

The last time Cheng Jiaming suddenly thought about it, breaking the layer of kindness and sincerity in his heart that was covered up by selfishness.

So much so that it caused a great backlash against the shadow.

Shadow began to pay attention to Huang Qingyu.

In Huang Qingyu's heart, it is also because he has an obsession with certain things, a kind of selfishness, that he can easily control him and do things for him.

But once the obsession in Huang Qingyu's heart is gone, and the so-called justice in her heart defeats evil, then he will be backlashed again.

This is something that Shadow will never allow to happen.

If he is backlashed again, he will need more energy to recover.

Then Xia You's useless thing, he had to speed up to squeeze out her dark energy.

Watching two people try their best to fight for their bodies and survive.

 Chapter four~
  Chapter 305 Unblocking~

  Didn't change much~
(End of this chapter)

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