National male god V587

Chapter 153 The Boy in the Corner

Chapter 153 The Boy in the Corner
As an outsider, she doesn't know much about other people's family affairs.

As a teacher, she can't investigate other people's family affairs in private without the permission of the students.

They are from the same family, and neither of their parents have spoken, so it is natural for her, the teacher, not to intervene.

As long as it doesn't affect your studies, you can say anything.

But since she transferred to Xiangrui, her attitude towards Xia You was more direct.

If you don't like it, just hit it off!
She reminded her intentionally or unintentionally.

Anyone who is not stupid can know that this is a private matter in her family.

Xia You is a child of the Xia family, but not necessarily a relative.

It can be cousins ​​or cousins ​​or illegitimate daughters...

No matter which one it is, it is possible to compete with Xia Ling's two brothers for family property.

In order to fight for the family property, what can't be done?
It is possible to kill someone, not to mention simply discrediting the opponent's image at school and changing the opponent's grades.

Li Wenyun's family is a scholarly family, and there is no competition for family property yet.

However, she has heard of the various means used by other commercial families to compete for property.

Arranging her in the cram school for a group of students who had given up treatment was just to see her ability.

Xia Ling curled her lips into a smile.

He said hello and left the office.

Don't you just want to see her true strength?

Then take a look.

Anyway, ever since she didn't intend to stop Xia You's tricks from being exposed so quickly, she decided to be a dark horse during the college entrance examination, shocking the whole country!
Since she was discovered by her homeroom teacher, she didn't hide it.

In about two months, there are still several large-scale exams.

It is good for her to score less than 350 points in the test every time, and not more than 350 points.

Otherwise, she would not be able to help the group of children with scores below 300 to score [-] or [-] in the college entrance examination.

It's just that the group of children will get higher scores every time they take the test.

Within a few seconds, Xia Ling had planned everything.

Go back to your seat, rest your chin, and sleep.


After school in the afternoon, Xia Luo took Xia Ling to the snack street outside the school gate to have dinner, and repeatedly told Xia Ling to be careful when going home at night, then turned and left.

Xia Luo left, Xia Ling did not leave in a hurry, but sat in the store, turning her head slightly to a small corner at an angle of 45 degrees diagonally behind her.

I saw a boy as thin as a bamboo sitting in a small corner.

The school uniforms on the boys are already worn out.

In some places, several small holes have been broken.

There are four sets of school uniforms in Xiangrui Middle School, two sets of summer clothes and two sets of winter clothes.

After changing the headmaster, we are only required to wear school uniforms when the national flag is raised on Monday, and we can wear our own clothes at other times.

The average person chooses to wear their own clothes rather than a school uniform.

But the boy in the corner had several holes in his school uniform and didn't throw it away, but continued to wear it.

When I came to this restaurant to eat, I only ordered one cabbage and one white rice.

There is also a reason why Xia Ling turned her attention to this boy.

During Xia Ling's five years abroad, in order to survive, she had to be vigilant all the time.

Back in China, the habit of maintaining vigilance at this time has not been changed.

The boy sitting in the corner has been following her and Charlotte since they left the classroom.

At first, Xia Ling just thought it was just going along the way, and didn't take it to heart.

But at the back, the boy followed her out of the school gate and followed her to this shop in the snack street.

(End of this chapter)

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