Chapter 110
Continue to bite and refuse to admit it. When the traffic police came, he and his wife would deduct points and have to pay a fine. According to the fact that he and his wife hit and injured the old man, he refused to admit it, and even bit him back...

I'm afraid I'll be detained for a few days, maybe ten days or so.

Bite your lips and clenched your fists.

After weighing it again, the husband and wife can be regarded as letting go.

Admitted that they bumped into the old man, not the old man.

"I admit that I ran into the old man with my car, and I will pay for the medical expenses."

After all, he reluctantly took out his wallet from the car, and took out three or four hundred yuan from the wallet.

"Hey! Three or four hundred should be enough for you to go to the hospital for the doctor to see and prescribe some medicine. I still have urgent matters, so you can go to the hospital by yourself."

Really, I don't know if today's cooperation can be negotiated, so I spent three or four hundred yuan on an old man.

I don't know what kind of bad luck I hit.

Seeing that the clothes this old man is wearing are famous brands, why do you have to argue with a poor man like him about the medical expenses of several hundred yuan!

Wouldn't everything be fine if one person gave way?
What is going on now!

It not only wastes the time for passers-by to go home for lunch, but also delays his husband and wife discussing cooperation with the big boss. Fortunately, his husband and wife are prepared and leave the company an hour earlier.

Go now, there is still time.

It's just that the time is a bit short, and his wife and daughter-in-law can't properly touch up their makeup, and he can't tidy up his suit properly, so as to leave a good impression on the big boss.

"My God, what kind of superb couples are these? I bumped into someone myself, without any apology, and bit the old man back with such peace of mind."

"This handsome guy is really nice, handsome, and so smart. If it weren't for his good observation skills, he is also smart. I think I really wronged the old man today, and helped these two best by mistake!"

After the husband and wife admitted that they bumped into someone, not someone else, they looked at each other for a long time with all kinds of people who must have been deliberately bumped into by the old man.

Afterwards, they scolded and disgusted the couple.

What Xia Ling heard coming and going was that this couple is really superb. They have no shame at all when they bumped into the old man, and they used them, who don't know why, to accuse the old man of touching porcelain...

All in all, they were scolding the couple, without any reflection on their inappropriate actions not long ago.

Who insisted that it was the old man who touched the porcelain from the beginning without knowing the circumstances, so that he gave the couple a chance to bite the old man back!

After she uttered her series of conjectures, who didn't know how to use her brain to think about it, so she made a random conclusion, like a weed on the wall, vacillating.Just one or two sentences from them, and any conclusion they make can give others a conclusion.

Old people touching porcelain have happened many times, so this time it must be old people touching porcelain!

Who knew that it was not the old man but the owner of the car who knocked down the old man and tried to use the old man to escape, and only knew how to scold the owner for his character problems, but didn't care about the old man and apologize to the old man!

What's wrong with everyone now?
A chill suddenly rose in Xia Ling's heart.

Do you feel chilled by the indifference of people in the current world, or you just randomly label others without knowing the facts, and once you put that label on, it is difficult to escape the chilling.

Xia Ling couldn't figure it out for a while.

It can only be turned into a silent sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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